For Immediate Release
October 30, 2014
New Training Program Helps Charge Nurses Lead Teams Through Change
LOUISVILLE, Ky.— A new training program by Catalyst Learning Company is addressing rapid changes in the healthcare industry and the impact on frontline nurse leaders. Specifically developed for this role, NCharge®is a series of courses focused on the ability of the charge nurse to improve profitability by effectively motivating and leading teams. The third course in the four-course series, “Leading Change in a Dynamic Climate,” was just released.
The goal of the latest course is to teach nurses how to lead and support team members as they navigate new processes and policies designed to improve patient care. If change is not managed within a team, progress and patient care can suffer while morale and profitability take a downturn. “Leading Change in a Dynamic Climate” is designed to reduce the severity of stress and the degree of diminished productivity.
“Even when change is beneficial, people are being asked to let go of something with which they are comfortable,” said Lynn Fischer, president of CLC. “We are helping charge nurses understand the team dynamics and emotions that impede progress so that they can successfully manage change.”
Research has shown that when change is introduced, frontline employees may feel betrayed and respond with frustration and resistance. Middle managers often feel pulled in different directions, struggling to focus on multiple priorities.The newest NCharge course trainsfirst level nurse leadersto understand the potential impact of change and communicate in a way that puts others at ease.
The NCharge curriculum is entirely evidence-based and was developed by nurses. Courses are led by an instructor using video vignettes, case studies and interactive classroom activities.In addition to “Leading Change in a Dynamic Climate,” healthcare organizations can purchase the following two courses: “Charge Nurse Fundamentals” and “Critical Thinking Skills for Charge Nurses.” A fourth course, “Supervisory Skills for Positive Outcomes,” will be released soon.
NCharge courses are accredited by the Tennessee Nurses Association (TNA) and meet all ANCC guidelines.
About Catalyst Learning Company
Catalyst Learning Company (CLC) is a leader in frontline healthcare workforce development. Nationally known for its work targeting the entry-level employee, our focus on all frontline employees has helped over 500 healthcare employers realize the full impact and contribution that frontline associates make to the success of the organization.For more information on Catalyst Learning Company please visit or call 502-584-7337.