Project proposal
PWI reference number (for use by Processes and Innovation only) / Cost centre / Choose an item.
For new homegrown standards state title
For new adopted standards state number, year of publication and title of international standard
For revisions state document number and title (homegrowns and adoptions) and year published (adoptions)
A.1 Proposer details
Address (include post code) / Physical / Postal
Phone number / Land line / Cell
Fax number
E-mail address
Web address
A.2 Proposal details
Project type / Choose an item.
Proposal summary and scope (for revisions, clearly explain why the standard is being revised, i.e. what will be different in the revised standard, compared to the old standard) / Briefly summarise what is being requested.
Industry/sector (please refer to section 2.1 of the Project Prioritization Process Guideline for further details)
IPAP Cluster 1 / IPAP Cluster 2 / IPAP Cluster 3
Capital and transport equipment
Green and energy saving
Metal fabrication
Oil and gas / Automotive products and components
Business process servicing
Clothing, textiles, footwear and leather
Cultural industry and/or tourism
Forestry, paper, pulp and furniture
Medium and heavy commercial vehicles
Plastics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals / Advanced materials
Electrotechnical and ICT
If Other, please specify
Known patented items (See clause 11 of SANS 1-1:2009) / Choose an item. / Give full details if “yes” or separately attach full details.
If known, applicable legislation
If “yes”, provide details of legislation / Is/will this document be referenced in legislation? / Choose an item.
Proposed development track / Choose an item.
Development requirements / List additional development activities such as testing, industrial visits, training and meetings.
Describe in detail how the proposed standard will have a positive impact on the South African economy. / Will the proposed Standard have an overall positive impact on the community? For example, is there a health & safety issue that will be overcome should your proposal be successful? Or will the Standard create jobs in your area and, if so, how?
Net benefit is divided into:
1. Economic impact,
2. Social responsibility, and
3. Environmental.
Minimum criteria:
Proposals must show a positive net effect in at least 1 of the 3 categories while remaining neutral in the other two.
Applicants can refer to section 3.1 & Appendix B of the Project Prioritization Process Guideline for further details. / Explain in detail any potential positive and negative impacts and where possible, quantify the costs and benefits that the proposed Standard could have on the following, as relevant (see section 3.1 & Appendix B of the Project Prioritization Process Guideline for further information regarding the criteria):
Economic impact
Export importance
Positive / Negative
Export importance: / Growth:
Export importance:
Social responsibility
Public Health & Safety
Social & community impact
Consumer requirements
Positive / Negative
Public Health & Safety:
Social & community impact:
Consumer requirements: / Public Health & Safety:
Social & community impact:
Consumer requirements:
Environmental impact
Positive / Negative
Environmental impact: / Environmental impact:
Other impacts:
Positive / Negative
Identify the risks involved should the Standard not be approved
Date by which publication is considered to be necessary
How urgent is your application?
(Provide reasons)
A.4 Declaration
The information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge / Name:
Related Standard(s) covering a similar scope / List and include the scope of any known industrial, national, regional, other national or international standards.
Avoidance of duplication / State how the proposed Standard will differ in relation to the Standard(s) listed above.
National and/or provincial policies
A.6Stakeholder Support
Committees / Identify any national, international or foreign national technical committee(s) working in this field.
Liaison(s) / Identify any technical committee with which a liaison would be beneficial to the development of the document.
List of other interested parties that could participate in or be affected by the proposed Standard
A.7Additional information
AZ 96.22 2013/02/05 sabs pta
Project proposal
Supporting documentation / List and attach any information that supports this proposal.AZ 96.22 2013/02/05 sabs pta
Project proposal
SECTION B - RECOMMENDATIONB. Economic Impact and Industrial Policy Department’s recommendation
Proposal recommended or not
Yes / No
AZ 96.22 2013/02/05 sabs pta
Project proposal
Supporting documentationAZ 96.22 2013/02/05 sabs pta
Project proposal
If not, why, i.e. reason(s)?How to proceed if initial proposal is not successful
C. Request for allocation of document number and/or request for registration of project on SABSTAN
1. Lesego Ntwangwe
Reason for request / Choose an item.
Project type / Choose an item. / If "loose amendment/corrigendum", indicate type
Choose an item.
Product type / Choose an item. / If "Sector Technical Agreement", indicate type:
Choose an item. / If "Other", specify
Proposed title
(Main element – Sub-element – Part)
Proposed edition or consolidated edition number
If applicable, proposed amendment number
Existing standard or other deliverable
If applicable, the number, year, title and edition number of the existing SANSstandard or other deliverable
For revisions: Title to be changed? / Choose an item.
For Adoptions
Designation, number, year, title and edition of the source standard
International relatedness in terms of the relevant part of ISO/IECGuide 21
Loose amendment(s)/ corrigend(um)(a) included in source standard? / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
If yes, give number(s) and year(s)
(Not applicable to revisions)
Will replace an existing document / Choose an item. / If yes, state number(s), year(s), title(s) and edition number(s)
Cost Centre number / Choose an item.
SABS TC/SC number
Standards Writer
Electronic version to be supplied / Choose an item.
Signature Date
Allocated numbers
Document number (New) / NWI registered on SABStan
/ Signature
Standard(s) to be replaced have been flagged on SABStan Choose an item.
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Project proposal
Project origin / As a result of Choose an item. / Embed signed AZ96.14 or ratified minutes here.For minutes, state relevant pg and resolution No.
AZ 96.22 2013/02/05 sabs pta
Project proposal
Milestones / Target date for committee draft (CD) distribution:Target date for Draft SA Standard (DSS) distribution:
Target date for publication:
Results of P-members voting
To be completed in the case of a NWIP ballot. / Supporting / Not supporting / Abstaining / Not replying
Total / Total / Total / Total
Conclusion / No dissention was recorded during the ratification period (only applicable to NWIP presented at meeting).
At least 50% of [P-] members have responded (only applicable to ballot).
The proposal is supported by a simple majority of the P-members voting.
The proposal is not supported.
The chairman has ruled that the document be circulated directly as a draft South African standard (DSS) for public comment (only applicable to identical adoptions).
Additional comments
Manager’s recommendation to SAC / Name:
Having reviewed the content, I recommend the proposal be
Approved Abandoned
Reasons for abandonment are:
SAC Decision / Name:
The proposal is
Approved Abandoned Returned for lack of evidence
Reasons for abandonment are:
AZ 96.22 2013/02/05 sabs pta