General Information for Members
Club Purpose
Have fun with horses while learning to ride safely and skilfully.
Develop good sportsmanship, citizenship and respect of both people and animals with our members
Sunbury Pony Club Inc. is part of the Pony Club Association of Victoria Inc. (P.C.A.V.), which comprises over 200 clubs that are allocated into geographical regions called "Zones". Sunbury Pony Club Inc. is part of the Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc.
Pony Club is an international youth organization that shares a common interest in horses.
We aim to: -
· Encourage young people to ride and to learn to enjoy all approved types of sport connected with horse riding.
· Provide instruction in horsemanship and riding and to instil in the members the proper care of their animals
· Promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship, citizenship and loyalty, thereby cultivating strength of character and self-discipline.
Attendance at Pony Club is attained by participating at club Rallies. At Sunbury Pony Club Inc. we hold a rally on the first Sunday of each month with the exception of January. Rallies are mostly run by our District Commissioner (D.C.)
District Commissioner (DC)
The DC is appointed each year by the club's Committee, and is responsible to the Committee, the Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. and the P.C.A.V.
The DC's role is to co-ordinate rally requirements with help from others including the Instructors. This includes activities, set-up, instructor recruitment and programs of instruction. Further, the DC is responsible for grading of all riders and their horses (combinations) in consultation with instructors if necessary.
Cancelled Rallies
No rally will be cancelled. Rain, hail or shine the rally will proceed so that attendance can be recorded. This is to allow riders to maintain their qualifying requirements for competition. If it is very wet or cold, riders should wear rainproof coats with uniform underneath. If the weather is extreme, the rally may be shortened or there will be unmounted activities in the clubrooms.
Rally Day
You should aim to arrive at the club-grounds in time to have your horse saddled and be ready for gear check at 9:30 am. Horses should not be ridden before an instructor or committee member has completed a check of the horse and saddlery. If members ride to rallies, they should dismount at the gate and await a gear check before mounting again.
Gear Check
At the gear check, the checker will: -
1. Check the safety of the saddlery, rider's helmet and boots
2. Check the cleanliness of the horse and saddlery for the horses comfort
3. Record attendance
The horse should be free of mud (especially under the saddle and the girth area, and where the bridle sits) and free of Bot eggs. The hooves should be trimmed but not necessarily shod, and can be painted with hoof oil (not hoof black). Mane and tail should be brushed. The saddlery should be clean (especially the bit) and well fitted, and the stitching on the stirrup leathers, bridle, reins and girth points should not be frayed. Stirrup irons should be the right size for the rider.
Gear Check missed or late to rally
Any rider who misses the 9.30 a.m. gear check may not be scored for presentation. However, a gear check is still required before riding. Late riders must present themselves to the D.C. before attending any activity. The need to inform the DC is a matter of, not only courtesy, but also importantly, safety and satisfaction of insurance requirements. Also, the attendance may be recorded if eligible. Permission will then be given to join an activity at a safe time. Riders are encouraged, as a matter of courtesy, to apologise to the instructor for being late
What do I wear?
The rider must be wearing as ASA approved helmet (Australian Standard 3838, ASTMF1163, EN1384) and elastic sided boots with smooth soles. The rest of the uniform can be purchased as your budget allows, but it is expected the rider will be wearing it within 2 - 3 months. Some second hand items are usually for sale in the clubrooms.
Rally Uniform
· Approved Safety Helmet
· Fully soled jodhpur boots
· White shirt
· Royal Blue tie
· Royal blue 'V' neck woollen jumper with a yellow sash. Beige, Fawn, or Banana Jodhpurs or Moleskins Medical Armband
· PCAV Member Badge
· Medical armband
· Pony Club saddlecloth with “SPC” on nearside rear (optional) or royal blue saddle blanket with “SPC”.
*Jumpers must be worn at the start of rally days and at competitions. If it is a hot day, the DC or event organiser will give permission for riders to remove their jumpers. Coats may be worn over the uniform for inclement weather. However, more stringent rules may apply at competitions such as no coats allowed and jumpers remain worn, unless permission is given to remove as advised by the competition chief steward.
No earrings may be worn, except sleepers which should be taped over.
Medical armbands must be worn during competition and Rally days.
What do I do when I arrive at pony club?
Before lining up at 9:30 am, riders should go to the notice board in the pony club rooms and check what group they are in, and what activity their group has first. There are four to five groups and each group does five activities for the day.
Riders then go back and bring their horses to line up for gear check near the same / similar colour flag as their group colour. The groups are based loosely on age and ability. Riders should hand their attendance card to the person performing gear check. The card will be signed by the Card Secretary during the day. (To get an attendance for the day and to have your card signed as 'present' riders need to attend all five activities; special permission can be given in some circumstances for fewer activities to be completed.)
The rally day program times are as follows: -
· 9:30 am Line up for gear check announcements by the DC & .
· 10:00 am 1st lesson
· 10:55 am 2nd lesson
· 11:50 am 3rd lesson
· 12:40 pm Lunch
· 1:30 pm 4th lesson
· 2:25 pm 5th lesson
· 3:15 pm End of Rally
While emphasis will be given to providing a solid foundation in the basic areas of flat work and jumping, the aims of Sunbury Pony Club Inc. are to provide broad experience, skill and enjoyment. Pony Club is not solely about instruction and certainly not about focussing on one area of riding. Consequently, all riders are expected to participate in all activities. Pony Club is not designed for riders who want to specialise in one or two equestrian disciplines alone.
Activities can include the following, with riders doing a minimum of four each rally: -
Ø Dressage
Ø Show Jumping (or grid)
Ø Cross Country
Ø Games and Novelties
Ø Team Riding
Ø Pony Care
Ø Theory
Ø Handy Mount
Ø Show Ring Craft
Ø Natural Horsemanship
Ø Guest Speaker e.g. farrier, horse dentist, saddle fitter
Can I buy lunch?
Food is available for purchase at the canteen in the clubrooms from 9am, or families can bring their own. All members are requested to place their lunch order during the morning to ensure that adequate food is available. It is requested that everyone come to the clubrooms at lunchtimes as there may be an address by the District Commissioner or President. Buying your lunch is also a way of supporting the club's fundraising efforts. A raffle is drawn each lunchbreak.
Are there public toilets?
The toilets are located next to the clubrooms, and beyond the “Off Leash” reserve.
Where do I tie my horse?
Members are permitted to tie their horses in the corrals.. You are also welcome to tie your horse to your float (provided it is attached to a car). Your horse should be tied up short enough that he cannot get a foot over the lead rope, and should be tied to a piece of hay band so if he does pull back strongly it will give way and release him. The tie up knot should be quick release.
Corrals and the area around your float must be cleaned of hay and manure before you leave and the club has a wheelbarrow and pooper scooper for this purpose. When full, the wheelbarrow is emptied onto the bins near the bullring, the electric pole near the clubrooms, or by the tree stump near the gate at the entrance to the cross country area..
What if I don't have a horse for one rally?
If your horse is lame or cannot be brought to the rally for some reason, the rider is still most welcome. The rider should wear full uniform and report to the DC who will direct them to follow their group around and assist the instructors.. The rider is eligible for an unmounted attendance.
Where do we park at rallies?
Cars and Floats must park to the left of the entrance gate, and should not be driven further onto the grounds unless specifically involved in the loading or unloading of horses, delivery of canteen supplies or as the towing vehicle for equipment set up. For your first rally, you can ask for assistance on where to park or simply 'line-up' next to another float.
Parents' role and responsibilities
A parent/guardian is expected to attend the rally with their child. If this is not possible, parents should appoint a guardian for the day (usually another parent) and notify the DC of this prior to the rally.
Parents/guardians will be asked to sign-in on arrival to ensuretheir insurance coverage for the day.
To help with the smooth running of the rally day, parents are rostered on to do a periodic 'tour of duty' helping set up and bring in equipment or help in the canteen. Please do your turn or swap with another parent for a more suitable day. Two parents or adult supporters per family need to be nominated for roster duty. We also have a list of jobs, which parents with appropriate skills may wish to nominate e.g., teaching a theory lesson, repairing equipment. The Sunbury Pony Club also holds working bees periodically, especially before competitions are run at the grounds. All help is appreciated, especially with the annual Hickstead in May, Combined Training day in August, and Gymkhana in November.
Parents and Instructors
Young riders may be led during lessons. Parents who lead children are encouraged to let the rider do as much as possible for themselves as they follow the instructor's requests, rather than just doing it for them (e.g. try and let the rider steer).
Parents are welcome to watch lessons but are asked to not call out instructions or advice to their children. If parents need to talk with their child, they should ask the instructor who would call the child out from the class.
The instructors at rallies are selected with care by the DC to teach riders the correct riding and horsemanship methods.
If you are not happy with an instructor / lesson content, please tell the DC, and the reasons for your complaint. Likewise, if you find an instructor is doing a great job, let these people know. The DC cannot be everywhere and your comments are valuable feedback for future rallies.
Kicking horses
If your child's horse kicks, you should tie a red ribbon in its tail to warn other riders to keep clear.
Committee Meetings
These monthly meetings are held the 2nd Wednesdays before the rally in various venues. All parents are welcome to attend. Consider nominating for the committee; it is a good way of knowing what is going on and having input into your child's sport.
The Committee is elected at the April Rally each year. The Office Holder positions are:
· President
· Vice-President
· Secretary
· Treasurer
In addition, there are up to 4 general committee members. Copies of the monthly minutes are available to all members.
The Club tables a newsletter on the day of the rally. This gives details of the rally, reports on competition results, coming competition dates, information from committee meetings, puzzles and games and more. Contributions are always welcome.
Club Photos
Each year the Club arranges a club photo for the clubroom wall and members have the chance to have individual photos taken. Information on which rally will be noted on the newsletter.
Club fees and insurance
The annual fee includes rally fees and PCAV insurance for the rider. The fees are due and payable on joining and then in May each year. Riders are unable to attend the July rally if they have not paid because they are not covered by insurance (the PCAV year runs from July 1 to June 30). Fees are set each year by the committee, with reduced rates for second and third members in the one family.
Efficiency certificates
Riders have the chance to study for certificates as they progress through pony club. The D certificate is a test of very basic horse knowledge and is usually sat by riders when they turn eight years. This is followed by D Star, C, C Star, K, B, A and H certificates.
An Award of Merit is the highest service award, presented when warranted to members who display good citizenship in their club and wider community.
Club awards
At the end of the year, the club holds a presentation night where awards are presented. Awards include:
Ø President’s Cup