Name of Children’s Home:Name of Manager completing this Report:
Signature of the Manager:
Report for the month’s of:
Date this report was submitted to Team Manager for Sign Off:
Date this report was submitted to Ofsted by the Team Manager for the home:
Progress On any Outstanding Identified Actions From The Last Reg’ 45 Report
Engaging with the wider system to ensure each child’s needs are met (Reg 5)
Quality and purpose of care (Reg 6)
The child’s views, wishes and feelings (Reg 7)
Education (Reg 8)
Enjoyment and achievement (Reg 9)
Health and well-being (Reg 10)
Positive relationships (Reg 11)
Protection of children (Reg 12)
Care planning (Reg 14)
Leadership and Management (Reg 13)
Manager’s Monitoring Record reviewing the focus on quality of the care provided by the home, the experiences of the children living there and the impact the care is having on outcomes and improvements for the children. Outline the actions taken and progress made for this period.
(see 3 x monthly holistic graphs (all young people) attached used to focus the manager in relation to the areas of concern for the manager to progress).
Identified areas that the manager has focused on for this three month period. / What information or data has been recorded by the home to provide an evidence base for the analysis. / Progress made or conclusion to address the identified area
Signed: …………………………………. Registered Children’s Home Manager
Date: …………………
Signed: …………………………………. Team Manager
Date: …………………