1.Introduction:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1Description and Purpose:......

1.2Target Audience:......


2Design Considerations:......

2.1Developing Language:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2Programming Technologies:......

2.3Authoring tools:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4Technical limitation:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3Website Analysis:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1Need Analysis:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2Content Analysis:......

3.3Competitive Analysis:......

3.4Site layout of proposed site......

3.5Navigation:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4Design Description......

4.1Site Content:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.2Visual Design:...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

5Website standards...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6Acronyms and abbreviations...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

7Appendix- raw data...... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Introduction: This report explains about the content in website. It gives the information about development of the website, purpose and scope of the website, the targeted audience, authoring tools, developing language and programming technology and also it includes the technical limitations of the website.The name of my project is History of flight. The purpose of the project of History of flight is to refer the history of development of mechanical flights from earliest attempts in kites and gliders to power heavier than air, supersonic and space flights.

1.1 Description and purpose:The history of flight is the history of a dream:-human-kind’s dream to soar through the sky like a bird. The history of flight include the story of different ancient legend like (1783-present) 1783 - Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier- the First Hot Air Balloon, 1799 - 1850's - George Cayley, 1891 Otto Lilienthal, 1891 Samuel P. Langley, 1894 Octave Chanute and 1903 Orville and Wilbur Wright and the First Flight to develop the flight with their different publicized efforts todevelop an airplanecapable of carrying a person.Humankind was now able to fly! During the next century, many new airplanes and engines were developed to help transport people, luggage, cargo, military personnel and weapons. The 20th century's advances were all based on this first flight at Kitty Hawk by the American Brothers from Ohio.e.g. Qantas airlines.

1.2 Target audience: Flightsare vehicles which are able to flyby gaining support from the air, or in general, the atmosphere of a planet. The target audience of the site is especially for the self dependent person.There is no limitation for any kinds of gender to view the content of this website (male and female). This website also targeted to the educated to simply educated individuals .But the web access of sites depends on the interest, keen to know the information and their historic development but the site is more likely to access for all the ages group than the children, some of them are exception. The website can easily view by anyone who are keen know the development of flight from kites, gliders to this stage.

1.3 Scope: The main scope of history of flight includes the different aviation areas. Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft and aviation areas includes like civil aviation, general aviation and military aviation. The development of flight took different failed attempt i.e. the earlier attempts of Wright brothers for the first pre flight experiment were not successful because the plans for early airplanes required pilots to shift their bodies to control the plane. The brothers decided that it would be better to control a plane by moving its wings. The Wright’s first device failed to fly as a kite because it was unable to develop sufficient lift (upward force).But they tried lot and finally 1903 would become a year for the history books. That year the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, would fly the first powered, controlled, heavier-than-air airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903.The history of development of flight finally succeeded starting from hot air balloons, kites and gliders etc.

2. Design considerations:

Design consideration is one of the most important aspects of the web design and development. In order to making this website there will be different types of methods and technologies used under W3C standard for the web design.

2.1 Development language: Markup languages are designed for the processing, definition and presentation of text. A well-known markup language in widespread use today to develop the website is HTML and CSS style sheet. The advantages of using HTMLin the website because of following features:

  • to describe the syntax and structure of the HTML language
  • to describe the semantics of HTML elementsand their attributes
  • to be clear and unambiguous
  • to be as concise and readable as possible

The CSS also have advantages like small file size, consistency, accessibility, fast loading pages and avoid clutter etc.. HTML consists of a series of short codes typed into a text file by the site author these are the tags.HTML consist of different references such as HTML by alphabet,function,attributes etc.

2.2. Programming technologies:

There are many programming technologies, but considering the W3C standards there are two best recognized technologies, client side technology and server side technology. Main a most used language of client side group is JavaScript. Code written in JavaScript is often included in a basic HTML code and it’s executed at the client explorer. Client-side scripting can be very useful. The major advantage is that each web browser uses its own resources to execute the code found on the web page. This eases the burden on the server and client side technology and faster as compare to server side technology, where as server side runs on the server side such as PHP, ASP.net, java server pages Client side programming would make the client activities on the web life form validation more responsive.

2.3. Authoring tools:

There are many available tools to use such as Dreamweaver, front page, edit plus and fusion which allows to write much faster and more precisely. In this project most commonly used editor will be Dreamweaver because of following advantages:

  • Syntax High Lighting.
  • Easily draw the tables.
  • We have design mode as well as code mode so you can easily edit wherever you want.
  • We need not know strong html (for e.g.: if you draw a table in design mode it can automatically write a code in code mode).
  • Minimal time take compare to notepad.
  • Main thing is reference for many languages such as java script, Asp, Php.

2.4. Technical limitations:

Some of the major technical factors which tend to limit the user during the interaction are as follows:

  • Screen resolution: The best screen display resolution for web pages is a screen size that gives the largest screen, not the widestScreen. A more useful factor is the width to height ratio, since a wider screen may in fact be worse in this respect than a smaller one. My opinion is that web pages should normally be designed at a fixed width of 1024x768 PX. These are some of the reasons:
  • A fluid-width page often crashes if expanded up to a larger screen resolution.
  • A text-based site has no problems here - but a wide-screen text site is a visual affront. Best to keep it at the original size.

• Browser compatibility: It will be compatible with the latest web browsers i.e. internet explorer 9 because it consist the features like: Security ,Faster rendering engines, Better compliance to web standards ,Better usability, New nifty features and Easier to use interface

•Connection speed: In case of dialup connection, speed is likely to be around 56 kbps but the recommended speed is at least 96kbps.

3. Website analysis

3.1 Need analysis:

Need analysis is the important step for planning the website. Nowadays most of the people are rely on the internet to do everything in daily life, financial purpose, shopping, to get any information or connect with other people. This site will be important for the public who have interest in the development of flight from ancient period. Some people have great concern about theflight and know different information regarding the flight in different centuries. So to be updated with the flight newsin different period of time this website plays a vital role. The main goal of the website will be to deliver right message, information, and news to the target users who are interested in history of flight.

Website is the one of the most effective interface to provide the information and reach to the maximum number of the target audiences. This website contains all the information about the history of flight. The website is gather the important information about history of flight and distributes to the users. Users can get the information about the History and background of the flight.

Goals and objectives:

  • To give information about the different flights and surrounding area for informational and educational purpose.
  • To introduce the flight to all over world through internet and attract more domestic and international visitors.
  • Improve system accuracy and responsiveness.
  • This website uses easy navigation system which helps the users to navigate the pages easily.
  • This websites uses plain English which helps the users to understand quickly and easily.
  • give easy, understandable and suitable information
  • successful reach to categorize such as teens, children, or any age group

3.2 Content Analysis:

Content is the essential parts to build the website. Content contains all the important multimedia assets such as images, video, audio; text and animation object uses in the website. This website contains the same background image in every page and also it contains the consistent logo, header image, color and global navigation to all of the pages. The home page contains the latest photos of special events and image on each table. The bar side contains the suitable color. The flight info page includes the YouTube video file. The global navigation menu includes in every pages. The local navigation are includes in most of pages such as about aviation timelines page and etc. The text and heading size and color are same in every page. Site map contains all the links including in the whole website. Contact page includes the input field full name, email and feedback field to input the data. The email field will validate the email address. Homepage includes the short information and link to the other pages such as short information about different pages and link to that page where user can easily navigate to the page what they want. User can get the information about the history and background of the flight in aviation timeline page. User can give the feedback in contact page.

3.4 Site layout of proposed website:

Site Map helps to represents the pages graphically and each page is represented by a rectangle. All webpage are logically linked and the users can navigate the website through the navigation system. The navigation systems are local and global navigation. Global navigation is at the top of the pages. The navigation system should be easy to use. The following chart is the representation of site hierarchy of the website.

Site Hierarchy Chart:

3.5 Navigation

Navigation is the important part in order to create the good website. Navigation helps to navigate the web pages easily to other pages. I include both global and local navigation to access the pages. Globes navigation includes in the site are Home, aviation timelines,and ancient references, revolution of flights, air disaster, air security and contact pages. This navigation is very easy to use. Local navigation includes different pages in each global navigation as illustrated below. The color and text are properly uses in local and global navigation text. User can easily find the global navigation at the top of the page and the local navigation at the left side of the website.

Global navigation:

Local navigation:

Aviation timelines has local navigation as:

Pre 18th century, 18th century, 19th century and 20th century.

Air disaster has local navigation as:

Commercial flights, helicopters and fighter planes

4. Design Description

4.1 Site Content:

Site content is the essential and important part for designing the website. In this website I am not included any shortcut key it is very easy to use it does not need any shortcut keys. I am following the Ben Shneiderman’s and the rules to building the website. I am going to use sans-serif font face Arial or Verdana which are easy to read. I am using 1280 x 768 pixels screen resolution with centred design. In every page the global navigation is same. The background color is consistent in every page with the help of css. Every page contains the plain English.

  • Homepage: This page contains the information about the different flights. The home page includes the header. Jpg images in header and logo at the right side. It includes the global navigation bar with suitable heading (h2) text and color. I am using black text color and paragraph font size 16px. It contains some information about other pages and their internal links. This page includes background. Jpg as a background image. The page contains the image2.jpg and image 3 in table. It includes the plain English. At the bottom it includes the footer.
  • Aviation timelines: This page includes the information about the history of flight. This page contains the global navigation as well as local navigation. This page includes the background.jpg image as background and logo at the right side. It contains the local navigation at the left side. The side bar will be placed appropriately with the suitable color. It uses the suitable heading, paragraph and text color black. This page contains the embedded YouTube video links. It contain different local navigation such as:

Pre 18th century:This page can helps the user to find the different history of flight in ancient period. The page contains the background. jpg as background, logo. jpg as logo, header. jpg as header, suitable heading and paragraph p and text color black. It contains the side bar with image1.jpg.

18th century: This page can include the information about the history of flight during 18th century. The page contains the background. jpg as background, logo. jpg as logo, header.jpg as header, suitable heading and paragraph p and text color black.

19th century: This page helps the user to get the various of development of flight during the 19th century and also delivered the first successful fully controllable free flight and Lilienthal which was a controlled hang glider flights.it background.jpg as background, logo.jpg as logo, header.jpg as header, suitable heading and paragraph p and text color black. It contains the side bar with image1.jpg.

20th century:This page includes the information in the creation of revolutionary flights which could actually carry humans and timeline of aviation of flight during 20th century. The page contains the background.jpg as background image and header.jpg as header image and logo.jpg image as logo.

  • Ancient references:This page includes the information about the different greatest and earliest mythology and civilization about history of the flight. This page contains background.jpg as background image and image1 in sidebar at the left side of the screen. And also contains the logo. This page includes heading (h2), text color black and paragraph (p). This page contains the global navigation same as home page. The side bar contains the suitable color.
  • Revolutions of flights: This page includes the revolutions of flights such as helicopters, fighters’ planes from their initial development to the final stage development. And the details of the celebrities related field. The page contains the background.jpg as background image and header.jpg as header image and logo.jpg image as logo.
  • Air disasters: This page information about different flights disasters such as helicopters, fighter’s plane in different country. The page includes the background.jpg as background, logo.jpg as logo, header.jpg as header, suitable heading and paragraph p and text color black. The sidebar contains the image1.jpg.This page contain local navigation such as:

Commercial flights: This page contains major commercial flights disaster in the world such as American airlines flight and etc. The page contains the background.jpg as background image and header.jpg as header image and logo.jpg image as logo.

Fighter planes: This page includes the information regarding different fighter planes disaster in the world. The page contains the background.jpg as background image and header.jpg as header image and logo.jpg image as logo.

Helicopters: This page includes information regarding different disaster of helicopters. The page contains the background.jpg as background image and header.jpg as header image and logo.jpg image as logo

  • Contact us: The contacts us page give the information about the contact details. It contains the global navigation same as other pages which make the pages consistency. The page includes the background.jpg as background, logo.jpg as logo, header.jpg as header, suitable heading and paragraph p, text color black, and link color blue. It contains the forms where user can input full name, email and feedback and it contains the global navigation.
  • About us: The about us page includes the information about the company background and it contains the prasis.jpg at the body. And background.jpg as background, logo. jpg as logo, header. jpg as header and it contains the global navigation. The side bar contains the heading link to the same pages. The heading 2, text color black and suitable font will be used. The page contains the email link as well as student number embedded.

4.2 Visual Design:

Visual Design is the essential part to design the website. The below are the story board for each pages including in the website. The size of header.jpg image will be 1080px x 90 px and logo size will be 90px x 90px.