Deneholm Primary School
Newsletter Issue 5
November 2017 /
*Resourcefulness *Resilience *Reasoning *Responsibility *Reflection

Executive Head Teacher Ms Christina Pumfrey

Deneholm Primary School Culford Road, Little Thurrock, Grays Essex RM16 2SS

01375 373405

Executive Head Teacher Ms Christina Pumfrey

Deneholm Primary School Culford Road, Little Thurrock, Grays Essex RM16 2SS

01375 373405

Dear Parents and Carers,

Our second half term has started really well with fabulous sharing assemblies by 3S and 5W. We were all very proud of their performances. Thank you for your amazing support.

As advised in the previous newsletters and texts, Monday 20th November is a non-pupil day. We will see children as usual on Tuesday 21st.

Ms Pumfrey

Parents Evenings Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd November

Appointments have been sent home today via book bags. We have done our best to accommodate all requests. We have called you if there is a real problem with the times/day re requested.

Photo Permissions

We would like to update the photograph permission we may have for your children as we are wanting to make much better use of social media to keep you informed of what we are learning about and doing. Children will NEVER be named or identified in any way and it would be fantastic to be able to tweet and email photos to show what amazing things our children are achieving.

Specific details of what we will use photos for will be included in the letter.

A new permission form will be sent home next week. Please complete it and return via your child’s book bag.

Children in Need and Diabetes Awareness

We are very pleased to announced that we raised over £350 for the above charities today. The spotty/blue outfits today were brilliant. Thank you for your support.

Christmas Fete Saturday 2nd December 2017


Please support our hard-working PTA at the fete in two week’s time. It is will a brilliant fete with lots and lots of beautiful things to buy and great activities to do.

We are asking for children to bring in a donation of the bottle of unopened and in-date drink – fizzy, juice, flavoured water and alcoholic are all welcome. This is for our tombola.

The class who collect the most bottles donated will receive a class prize from the PTA.

Update - Twitter


We have over one hundred followers. We would like all parents to sign up so that this is another way we can keep you updated on exciting, but non-urgent news and information.

If you are not a Twitter user, here is a link to help you get started:

At the bottom of the article (link above) there is a link which will take you to a page where you can set up a twitter account and begin following us.

If you want some help, call into the school office and let us know. If there is enough demand, we will organise a Twitter workshop to help parents get started.

Sharing Assembly 1G

This is a reminder to the parents in 1G, that their first sharing assembly will be on Friday 24th November at 9.05am. The main school hall will be available for you to wait in from 8.45am and tea and coffee will be provided for you until the assembly begins. Assemblies will finish by 9.30am. Grandparents are also welcome!

Sharing assemblies for the rest of this half term…

2C 1st December 2017

6L 12th January 2018

4R 19th January 2018

We are going paperless!

From the 1st of January, we will be using email and social media to communicate with parents. Most schools are already doing this as paper-based comms are expensive and not so reliable when letters lurk in the bottom of bookbags.

Please ensure that we have an up-to-date email address for you. If we haven’t got an email address, or it has changed, please jot it down along with your child’s name and class and drop it into the office.


Important Dates for your diary…

Non Pupil Day Monday 20th November 2017 – STAFF TRAINING

22nd 4 – 7pm Parent Consultation

23rd Coffee Morning with Parents 8.50 – 9.30am

23rd 3.30 – 5pm Parent Consultation

24th 1G Sharing Assembly to Parents

27th Assessment Week

29th 9 – 9.45am Reception Workshop with Parents

1st December 2C Sharing Assembly to Parents

2nd Christmas Fayre

5th Infant Christmas Disco EY & KS1 3.30pm – 5pm

Junior Christmas Disco KS2

5.30pm – 7pm

6th Secret Santa

7th Lower Christmas School Performance PM

8th Lower Christmas School Performance AM

11th Upper School Christmas Performance PM

12th Upper School Christmas Performance AM

12th Reception Christmas Nativity

14th Christmas Dinner & Parties

15th Flu Immunisation Nasal Spray

Non Pupil Day Monday 18th December 2017 – STAFF TRAINING

Tuesday 19th December 2017 – STAFF TRAINING



Non Pupil Day Tuesday 2nd January 2018 – STAFF TRAINING


11th January Coffee Morning with Parents 8.50 – 9.30am

12th 6L Sharing Assembly to Parents

18th 100% Attendance Assembly

19th 4R Sharing Assembly to Parents

26th 5F Sharing Assembly to Parents

1st February Coffee Morning with Parents 8.50 – 9.30am

2nd 3B Sharing Assembly to Parents

9th 1M Sharing Assembly to Parents

23rd 2T Sharing Assembly to Parents

Half Term Monday 12th February 2018 – Friday 16th February 2018

1st March Coffee Morning with Parents 8.50 – 9.30am

2nd RM Sharing Assembly to Parents

9th 6B Sharing Assembly to Parents

16th 4S Sharing Assembly to Parents

19th Assessment Week

22nd Coffee Morning with Parents 8.50 – 9.30am

23rd 5W Sharing Assembly to Parents (Sport Relief)

28th 4 – 7pm Parent Consultation

29th 1pm Easter Egg Raffle

29th 3:30 – 5pm Parent Consultation


Executive Head Teacher Ms Christina Pumfrey

Deneholm Primary School Culford Road, Little Thurrock, Grays Essex RM16 2SS

01375 373405