MTAC Workgroup 97
Addressing Methodology
Teleconference at 10:00 CST
December 12, 2005
Attendees: Mike Murphy, Sharon Harrison, Jeff Stangle, Jim Wilson, Ruth Jones, Wayne Orbke, Joe Lubenow, Laine Ropson, Cindy Harrelson, Carole Kliewer, Jody Berenblatt, Chris Lien, Ray Chin, Bob O’Brien, Gretchen Schroeter, Charles Hunt
During the meeting, the team noted that there were still some areas in the best practices document that needed to be completed. These included areas such as Mail Address Validation, Source of the Data, Transition to Best Practices, and Selection of Quality Addresses. The team also agreed that not enough time had been given for the members to review the document’s changes prior to the teleconference. Thus, an extension until 12/20/2005 has been agreed upon by the team for the completion of these sections in the document. The following are the areas assigned at the prior teleconference. Please have your changes sent to Chris Lien by 12/20/2005.
Mail Acceptance and Address Verification
Workgroup Sponsors: Joe Lubenow, Wayne Orbke, and Sharon Harrison
Mail Address Validation
Workgroup Sponsors: Mike Murphy
Timeliness of the Data
Workgroup Sponsors: Joe Lubenow will work with the USPS offline to discuss this item further. Specifically, there are issues related to the PS3553 and a just-in-time process.
Transition to Best Practices
Workgroup Sponsors: Pete Jacobson
Disaster Response
Workgroup Sponsors: Chris Lien, Sharon Harrison, Jim Wilson, and Jody Berenblatt
Supply chain relationships (software evaluation)
Workgroup Sponsors: Laine Ropson, Carole Kliewer, Sharon Harrison, Mabel Grein
Address Maintenance Process
Workgroup Sponsors: Chris Lien
Management of un-assignable addresses
Workgroup Sponsors: Chris Lien
Selection of Quality Addresses
Workgroup Sponsors: Pete Jacobson and Mike Murphy
Data Carry Through During Matching and Consolidating Data
Workgroup Sponsors: Laine Ropson and Mabel Grein
Management of Undeliverable Addresses
Workgroup Sponsors: Carol Kliewer, Mike Murphy, Sharon Harrison, and Jody Berenblatt
The workgroup agreed that a key aspect of these addresses is those that are assigned and potentially deliverable but are still being returned.
Management of Un-Assignable Addresses Due To Change of Address
Workgroup Sponsors: Carol Kliewer, Mike Murphy, Sharon Harrison, and Jody Berenblatt
Use All Available Data Resources to Correct “Broken” Addresses
The workgroup questioned if this is really still necessary or is it already being covered by Management of Undeliverable Addresses? Chris will double check with the group at large prior to removing.
Joe and Chris will talk to Chris Bennett regarding this.
Software Defaults
Workgroup Sponsors: Chris Lien and Jeff Stangle
Opt Out Versus Opt-In
Chris Lien will suggest to the group at large this be removed in favor of software defaults
Source of the Data
Workgroup Sponsors: Jody Berenblatt and Steve Lopez
List Certification
Workgroup Sponsors: Joe Lubenow, Charles Hunt, and Ruth Jones
Chris Lien will integrate all the changes and resend the document to the entire team by 12/31/2005. This should allow the team members time to review the document prior to our next teleconference.
Joe Lubenow also reported at this meeting that the workgroup can ask for an extension if needed to build out some of the best practices. One area for consideration to extend the workgroup is the List Certification practice. Considerable work has been done in building out this concept and it is reflected in the latest version of the document, which was sent to the team on 12/12/2005.
Next meeting: January 5, 2006 teleconference, 11:00 EST for 2 hours. Purpose of the call will be to solicit team member sponsors for recommending implementation suggestions to realize the best practice for each item.