Memorandum via Electronic Mail

TO:Commercial Companies Interested in the 2018 Texas Silage Corn Hybrid Trial

FROM:Dr. Wenwei Xu, Corn Breeder,Katrina Horn, Crop Testing Program Coordinator, and Dr. Ronnie Schnell, Cropping Systems Specialist

This year, we will conduct the State Silage Corn Performance Test using drip irrigation instead of center pivot irrigation. In previous years, center pivot irrigation was used at the Texas A&M University AgriLife Research Center atHalfway, but due to a well with limited water supply, we will be conducting the test under drip irrigation on 30” rows.The test will be conducted on the Helms Farm just south of the Halfway Research Center. We know most corn silage is grown under center pivot with good water capacity; however we think conducting the test using drip irrigation can also provide reliable test data. The test will help producers select hybrids that will meet the demands of silage corn for the dairy industry in the Texas High Plains. Dr. Wenwei Xu of the Texas A&MAgriLife Research Center in Lubbock will continue to be the collaborator. He will manage the test and collect data during the growing season and welcomes your visit to the plots anytime. The protocol for the test is as follows:

  • Test design: 2-row plots, 18 feet long with 2 foot alleyways, 3 replications, and 30 inch row spacing.
  • Data collection: stand counts, pollen shedding date, plant and ear height, silage yields, moisture, and silage quality based on NIR analysis.Silage will be harvested with a silage chopper when majority of the hybrids reach 50% milkline (or approximately 65% whole plant moisture).
  • There is no limit on number of entries by each company. Use additional sheets if needed.
  • Please denote experimental entries by placing an (X) after the product designation.
  • For the 2018 test, we will focus on the hybrids with 112-117 day RM.
  • Minimum seeds: 600kernels.
  • Entry fee: $350/entry.
  • Target planting date is April 16, 2018
  • Entry forms are due by April 1, 2018
  • Seed is due in Lubbock by April 7, 2018. If you cannot meet the deadline, please contact Dr. Wenwei Xu. We may be able to include your hybrid(s) before final planting arrangements are made.
  • Email the entry form to Dr. Xu at atrina Horn at

On the attached pages, you will find the information necessary to make entries into the test. If you have any questions regarding the test, please contact Dr. Xu at 806-723-8436 or by E-mail ,

2018Texas Silage Corn Performance Tests

Texas A&M AgriLife Research

Official Entry Form

Company: ______Contact Person: ______

Telephone:______E-Mail: ______

Address: ______

No. / Product / Relative
Maturity / Brown midrib
(Yes/No) / Biotech Traits / Total $

SHIP SEED: Dr. Wenwei Xu by April 7:

Dr. Wenwei Xu, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, 1102 East FM 1294, Lubbock, Texas 79403. Tel.: 806-723-8436, Fax: 806-746-6528, email: .

The minimum amount of seeds is 600 seeds.

EMAIL ENTRY FORM: Dr. Xu: ANDKatrina Horn:

SEND PAYMENT: Texas A&M AgriLife Research,Crop Testing Program, 2474 TAMU, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2474. Office Phone: 979-845-8505; Email: