Branches & Groups - IT and Facilities Portal Instructions

This portal is designed to replace disparate ticketing systems in use across the IOP, allowing for a single point of contact for both staff and members who interact with departments across the IOP. The consolidation of ticketing systems will in the medium term streamline the process of making requests from IT and Facilities and reduce the costs related to running multiple platforms.

This is the first iteration of the portal and it is expected to improve over time. As it is performinga role previously performed by multiple platforms there will be occasions where it outperforms the old systems, and likewise there will be occasions where it will require development, please take this into consideration when using the interface. The second stage of development is scheduled for commencement in late 2016 and any feedback on improvements is welcome.

The portal is web based and accessible using this www. required) through the latest version of all of the major desktop browsers. Your Branches or Groups representative at the IOP should have provided you a username and password. Each branch and group has unique log in details.

To navigate to the portal please use the following URL:

  • You will be presented with the login page below. Please use the username (this will be an email address) and the password provided by your representative at the IOP

Once logged in you will be presented with the following choices:

  1. Here you can log a request to create content or update existing content

New pages

Please include:

  • A clear explanation of where in the site the new page will sit
  • A Word doc containing all the text and layout for the new page
  • All relevant images (in jpeg format), and any other files in the format you want them uploading

Changes to an existing page

Please include:

  • The URL of the page/s in question
  • A clear explanation of which text needs adding, deleting or replacing
  • All relevant images (in jpeg format), and any other files in the format you want them uploading
  1. Click here if you wish to delete content from your page

Content deletion

  • As well as providing the URL of the page to be deleted, think about anywhere else on the site that might link to the page and request the deletion of those links too
  1. If you wish to create a calendar event please click here

Calendar entries

  • In addition to all the relevant event details, please specify which calendar you want the event to appear on
  1. Here you can see any open tickets, which are being worked on by the IOP. If you wish to update an open ticket then you can do this here
  1. Tickets which have been completed can be viewed by clicking here

News stories

Please include:

  • A Word doc containing the story title and body text
  • At least one image in jpeg format - see guidance on images below
  • Instructions on where you want the story to appear


  • It is your responsibility to ensure we have permission to use the image - libraries like Getty are all over unlicensed image use and the fines are high
  • Make sure the image is good. Do not use dark, blurry, boring images
  • For news stories, the minimum dimensions required are 208x138px (landscape) or 175x232 (portrait)
  • For homepage banners, the dimensions must be 420x236px

Noticeboard items

Please include:

  • The name of the event (or whatever else you’re drawing attention to)
  • A URL for the noticeboard item to click through to
  • A short description (max 10 words)
  • Bear in mind that all noticeboard items will appear on the main homepage as well as the specific noticeboard you want it to appear on, so your text will need to make sense to a general audience (i.e., if it’s an event in Manchester, this needs to be stated in the text)

Banners on the homepage carousel

Please include:

  • A 420x236 image (jpeg format)
  • 5-10 words of related text
  • The URL that the banner will click through to (this should always be an page unless otherwise agreed with the digital content editor)

Updating Open Tickets

  • This should be done through option 4 “My Open Web Tickets”

Adding Attachments

  • When logging a ticket click on the Add Attachment button
  • Then choose a file to attach and click on attach and close the box once the file has attached