Catholic Women’s League

St. Gabriel Parish

Burlington, Ontario

General Meeting

September 21, 2015 – 7:00 p.m.

Present:18 Members and 5 Guests

Business Meeting

Co-President, Anne Walden, welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. Marguerite Birett led members in the League Prayer.

Jenny Dobrec asked for a few minutes to tell members about an event. She told the group about an upcoming retreat on September 26 at the Carmalite Monastery. There will be a bus from Holy Rosary to the monastery and a visit to St. Jacobs is included. Information about registering is in the bulletin.

Anne W. asked if anyone had good news and the following good as well as sad news was shared:

Morag Wilson– has a new grandchild who was born on Aug. 19. His name is James.

Viola Sheehan – also has a new grandchild. Christopher was born on September 9

Anne Walden – reported that Larry Young (Marie Young’s husband) has C-difficile and is very ill. They are still in PEI as Larry is unable to fly home.

Other members shared news about:

-  Lucille Blaney’s husband is also ill and in hospital.

-  Theresa McArthur – also has a new grandson but, sadly, her sister died.

-  Shirley Rumble passed away as well. Shirley was the parish secretary years ago and also a previous CWL President.

-  Bill Whelan, a long-time parishioner and usher is in hospital and Max Spiak is as well.


The minutes for the May meeting were distributed and posted on the website. They were approved on a motion by: Marguerite Birett and seconded by Morag Wilson.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Helen Crooker, reported on the account balances.

Helen suggested that we buy new tables needed for the bazaar as a number of the tables we previously purchased have gone missing. Helen noted that the tables are on sale for $37 at Canadian Tire. Helen moved that we buy 5 tables at a cost of $214 and Bruna Caverson seconded the motion. All were in favour.

Presidents’ Reports

Anne Walden – reported


-  Anne noted a couple of negatives. At the banquet Anne was at a table with 9 members from a parish in Waterloo and they complained about everything about the convention. Anne said that the banquet ticket was $55 but was definitely not worth that.

-  Last year a proposal was sent to the government that microbeads should not be used in products, especially in cosmetics, as they are not biodegradable. This year the proposal was revised but it appears that it does not have to be resubmitted as the government has indicated they are working on it and it will be tabled again after the election. Some suggestions for alternatives that could replace the microbeads are pumice, cornmeal, almonds, walnut shells, grape seeds, sugar, oatmeal and sea salt.

-  Another proposal from CWL was that Neonicotinoid Pesticides not be used. They affect pollinators such as bees and birds, soil and aquatic vertebrates. This draft has gone through and we are asked to provide habitat for pollinators by planting pollinator-friendly trees and flowers. We should contact our local MP and MLAs requesting a ban on the widespread use of these pesticides.

-  There was a suggestion made that CWL scarves be given to other members and not just Presidents and Executive. We noted that anyone could buy one.

-  Members were warned to watch for fraud and porn on the internet.

Gloria Nardi-Bell - was away on vacation.

Correspondence – Elaine Herod, Corresponding Secretary, reported:

-  A note of thanks was received from the Hamilton family for our donation to the kitchen renovation in Fr. Martin’s parish as well as for our love and support and prayers.

-  A second note of thanks was received from the Hamilton family for the love, prayers, support and compassion that they received on Rita’s passing. Thanks was also extended for the Mass and the donation to the kitchen renovation at Fr. Martin’s parish.

Convenor Reports

Spiritual - Marguerite Birett – had nothing to report.

Membership – Betty Holland – was not present.

Education – Pearlie Chan and Jane Michael were not present.

Health - Pearlie Chan – was not present.

Community Life - Morag Wilson - asked members to sign up to help sell tickets for the communion breakfast after the masses in the coming weeks. The Communion Breakfast is on October 18 and the cost of the tickets is $12 for adults and $10 for children under 12. There will be a violinist providing a nice atmosphere again this year. The speaker is Chloe Kemeni who is 17 years old and is President of the Student Trustees of Ontario.

October Meeting - Anne W. asked about changing the October meeting to Oct. 26 as the 19th is the day after our communion breakfast and is also election day. All were in favour of the change.

Communion Breakfast –

-  Elaine Herod asked about the possibility of the youth group coming to help with serving and clean up. It was noted that Scarlett Michael recruited high school students last year to get their volunteer hours but Scarlett is away at school now so is not able to help with this. Joanne Kanerva will ask students who might be interested and also check with chaplains at the schools.

-  Morag reported that we need to set up but don’t have confirmation yet that we can have the hall on Saturday afternoon to get things organized. Catherine was keeping it open for possible rental but it has not been booked yet.

-  It was noted that Patti Huschilt told her committee that the Polish ladies are providing muffins this year instead of having someone make toast but members felt we should still have toast to go with the eggs and bacon.

Bazaar – Anne W. reported on behalf of the Bazaar Committee

-  The date is November 14/15

-  It was decided to change the November meeting to Nov. 23 because of the bazaar date

-  Anne W. indicated that we are still looking for some volunteers for booths

-  Christmas Booth – Bruna said she will work with Emma

-  Help is needed for used toys, the cakewalk and the snack booth

-  Joanne said she will look after the cakewalk – with student help

-  Josephine said she could help and agreed to do the snack booth

-  Elaine and Alma confirmed they will do the gift booth

-  Anne W. has given letters to Morag and Mary to give to businesses being canvassed for gifts for bazaar.

Other Business

December meeting – it was agreed to move it to December 14 so it is not too close to Christmas.

Patricia Chisolm told members she is going to Philadelphia tomorrow to see the Pope – she will take all our petitions with her.

Anne W. reminded members that elections are coming up this year for CWL Executive. Everyone will receive forms and a list of members for nomination.

Lotte Fekete told members she is working for Elections Canada and reported that they are still looking for people if anyone is interested in applying.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 on a motion by Josephine Osiol.

Guest Speaker – Dr. Marilyn Korzekwa

We had refreshments immediately following the business meeting as our guest speaker was not arriving until 8:00 and then needed some time to set up her computer equipment. Dr. Marilyn Korzekwa gave an excellent presentation that she calls Swim for Good Shepherd. Marilyn and her husband are both psychiatrists and are grateful for the support that the Good Shepherd provides to many with mental health issues. Marilyn has had a love of distance swimming since her teen years and uses this passion to do fundraising events that benefit the good work of Good Shepherd, especially the Barrett Centre which provides 3-5 day stays for some of her clients during a mental health crisis. Marilyn noted that she was named after Marilyn Bell so she was destined to be a good distance swimmer. She has developed a special bond with her namesake as well.

Dr. Marilyn’s marathon swims have included swimming across a number of lakes such as – Lake Ontario (both ways), Lake Simcoe (training for the English Channel), Lake Rosseau, Lake Joseph, Muskoka Lake. Marilyn raised $5,000 for Good Shepherd with her swim across the English Channel and another $8,000 for them with a swim to Catalina. She is the oldest Canadian to have completed the Triple Crown of marathon swimming – the English Channel, Catalina Island and around Manhattan Island. Her last major swim was a three-province swim between New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia. She is planning a swim across the Cook Strait, New Zealand for next March.

Most of us could not even imagine the determination and endurance required to swim for many hours, often in conditions that looked really bad in some of the pictures that Marilyn shared.

Minutes by: Anne Cholewka