Darshan Sri Bhagavan mit Indern aus Gujarat
am 11.10.2014
Shri Bhagavathi Bhagavan Sharanam
Gujarat Sevak Class
11th October 2014
(The following notes are written by me just by memory. We were asked not to take notes during class. Hence, the questions and answers are not exact. I have tried to reproduce what I heard and retained, for my own benefit as well as for the benefit of many who were unable to attend this class, including my own family)
Q. no.1....
Bhagavan, if our lives were pre-determined and as per a divine Agreement, can we change the agreement? How can we change our destiny and become happy and successful?
Before I start answering, let me tell you a few things. This is the first time i am seeing so many of you together here and you people are so energetic that your energies are hitting me. I am very happy to see you all here. (There was a great applause and thanksgiving from the audience.)
Though life is as per a divine agreement, you can change the agreement after coming here on earth. When you make the agreement, the time period is only 3 minutes in the other world. But when you come here on earth, the same becomes about 120 years on this earth. So what appeared like a few minutes of life previously became a long life here and you started complaining about it. Normally you will be aware of the agreement upto 6 months after you are born. After that you go into the `maya’ and forget about it. You can change this agreement on certain conditions.
As regards being happy and successful, basically, Man is an animal. An animal’s instinct is: It always runs after pleasure. It converts pain into pleasure. You should also learn the art of converting pain into pleasure. That is all life is about.
There is nothing permanent in this `karma bhoomi’. There is nothing like permanent Arogya, Aishwarya, etc. Life is nothing but challenges. You solve one problem and another problem is ready at the door to knock you down. That is why i say life is like a game. Let us say you are playing cricket. You hit a four and are happy for a few minutes but you have to face the next ball soon which may be a bouncer or a googly. You have to keep on hitting runs after runs. If you are continuously hitting, you are successful. If you are playing only defensive strokes, then you cannot be successful. If you are aggressive and take challenges as they come, you win; otherwise you lose. You should respond to life situations instead of reacting. These challenges are always painful. You may face it and be successful or escape and lose. Challenges will come and go. You should know how to convert pain into pleasure. That is all.
Now how do you convert pain into pleasure? (Audience: “by experiencing the pain”) But how can you experience? It is so terrible! You feel like running away from it. (Audience repeat the answer). If you experience it, then you will hit a four or six or a few runs, depending on how much you can experience pain. Remember, you have to keep on hitting (experiencing) till you are out. When will you be out? (Audience: “Till we die”) Yes. Till your last breath. If you hit a 100, you will go to another loka. If you hit 200 you go to a higher loka. If you hit 1000 runs you will straight away go to the last loka, Satyaloka. Otherwise, you will come back here to this world.
2. What is India’s future? What is Modi’s role in it?
So you are all very happy that Modi has become the P.M.? (Audience Awknowledge).
There is an energy point that moves around the earth once in 450 or 500 years. When this point was above Europe, Europe was leading the world. That is why the Britishers were successful everywhere. The same point when it was above U.S., it became a super power. Now this point is moving near China and India. Today China is very powerful. Its army is 40 times more powerful than ours and even the lowest soldier wears gloves. In India even a General does not have gloves. China is 20 years ahead of us. But soon this energy point will be above India. The Chinese are linear and focussed and are hence successful. The Indians are very good in out-of-box thinking. The Chinese are very hard working and strong. Indians lack that. But since Indians can work `out-of-box’, they can out shine. In the next 20 years, India will be better somewhere; but in the next 40 years it will be at the top. Hence it is necessary that India should improve in wealth now. If India has to be wealthy, you should all be wealthy too.
As far as Modi is concerned, he has come at the right time and paving way to take India towards the top. If not Modi, it would be someone else. A few years back, when i met Modi, i told him he should change India and he is working towards it.
Q.no.3. Bhagavan, what should we do to become a crore-pati?
I think i have already answered this question.
Q.no.4. Bhagavan, you say, ‘Respect women and you would receive my grace immediately’. What is the connection and how does this happen, Bhagavan?
About 5000 years back, there was a Male (Jewish) God called Yavin and a female goddess called Ashara. The statues of both these God and Goddess were made of equal height and worshipped. When the males found that the females were outshining them in various respects, they wanted to bring down the females’ success. They knew that if they cut down the females spiritually, they can dominate them. Hence, in order to crush the female spirit, they made the statue of Ashara very small and kept it near the feet of Yavin. So the females lost their spirit and started getting dominated by males.
This has been going on ever since non-stop that it is impossible for men to respect women now. I know a few husbands who are kind, compassionate and nice to their wives, but they can never respect their wives. Once a married couple came to me and i saw that the husband was so nice to his wife. After a few minutes, he wanted to speak to me alone and so sent his wife away. Do you know what he asked? He then asked me, ‘Bhagavan, was my wife a donkey in her previous birth? I feel she must have been a donkey’. I said she was not a donkey but was something else and he could not believe it. So it is very difficult for a male to respect a female. Husbands will give everything to their wives but not respect.
Oneness is a Women’s Liberation movement. That is why we say ‘Amma Bhagavan’ and not ‘Bhagavan Amma’.
You should understand the needs of a male and female. When your wives keep on talking to you about their problems, you males suggest a lot of solutions. Females are not interested in solutions. They simply want to be listened. They will be talking the same thing again and again. You have to listen to them. That is all. When a male starts talking about his problems, he seeks solutions. You should give him solutions. That is all.
If the brain is wired in a particular way, you have a particular perception. When the brain is wired in another way, you have a different perception. Now the perceptions can be changed when the brain is re-wired or de-wired by any means. This brain is directly connected to the heart. When there is no respect, you send wrong signals to the brain and affect the heart. When you start giving respect to women, the brain gets positive signals and in turn, sends positive signals to the heart. The heart in turn sends positive signals to the entire universe and the universe brings a change in circumstances in external life. That is how you (males) become successful, if you respect women.
Now respecting women seems impossible to you. What should you do? You should start acting. The brain is different from the Mind. When you continuously act to be respectful, the brain picks up these positive signals and makes this act permanent. There is a neuro-biological change in the brain. This affects and improves the physical heart too. Hence, you come out of many problems and diseases.
(To Men) You can do this Sadana.
5. Why should we do Rituals? Is it necessary to follow rituals? Many times, i do not feel like doing the rituals. What should i do? Will I lose grace if i do not do them?
Rituals are very powerful. They are rules that work. They have the power to go into the unconscious mind and work there. But they require faith. If you do not have faith, please do not do the rituals. It will not work. In that case, follow your heart. Do what your heart tells you to do. That will bring grace.
Now this time, the vara Deeksha mala sadana will not involve rituals. It will be an inner sadana. We have told that there is no `you’ (person) but only personalities. When you do this sadana, your personalities will change. Your negative personalities will go away and positive personalities will emerge. You will go into very high consciousness.
6. Bhagavan, how can we increase our bond with you?
I always tell you that your relationship with Amma Bhagavan is exactly as per your relationship with your parents. When you improve your relationships with your parents, your bond with us also increases. Work on those relationships.
7. We want you be physical physical physical in our houses Bhagavan? What should we do for that?
Amma Bhagavan are triple physical in houses where they are comfortable. Basically the place should be neat. It may even be a hut. But it should be neat. There should be some silence. If the place is always full of noise and quarrel, we will not be comfortable. Your relationships should be very good especially the spousal relationship and your relationship with your parents. Where people are live and happy and relationships are good, we will do miracles. Even when you come to see me, you people quarrel outside the door and come and meet me inside. Do you think i do not know? Neatness, bond with Amma Bhagavan and good relationships within the house make Amma Bhagavan triple physical.
7. Bhagavan, in the Youth Deekshas you have told us about the 4 archi-types and their personalities. How to get these things, Bhagavan?
With the Vara Deeksha mala Sadana given now, you will be able to get these four personalities – King, soldier, magician and monk – very easily. This Sadana applies for Vidya mala also. If you do this Sadana vigourously and come for the Vara Deeksha mala darshan, all these personalities will be installed easily.
8. Is marriage compulsory Bhagavan? Can we not do without marriage? And how do we choose our life partner, Bhagavan?
You can choose not to marry. Here in the Ashram we are conducting some marriages for the westerners. Do you know at what ages they marry? None of these marriages is before 60 years. Up to that age they have boy-friends and girl-friends, living together and so on. These things will come to India too. You can also choose to be like that. But marriage is the biggest challenge. When you meet these challenges, Mukti (enlightenment) and a place in Satyaloka is guaranteed. (Bhagavan was laughing.)
As regards choosing a life partner, a partner who observes your positive personalities and talks about them often is the best partner for you. I would advise that you people date for 6 months before marriage and find out a partner who encourages you and then marry. Of course, all these things may change after marriage. There is no guarantee. That is why we say marriage is the biggest challenge.
One day we found one of our Dasas a little sad. She was a wonderful dasa for 11 years and when we spoke to her, we suggested that she joined her family. Previously before becoming a dasa, she got a proposal from a person, but refused and became a dasa. After 11 years, she joined her family, got the same proposal from the very same person. He was waiting for her. She married him and is very happy now.
You cannot escape such destiny.
9. Bhagavan, however I try to accept my husband, i am not able to do so. How can I be non-judgemental Bhagavan?
You see a convict in jail; what should you do? (One from the audience said `love and forgive’. Another said we should thank. Bhagavan was very happy to hear this and asked that devotee, ‘why?’ She said that if he was not there, may be she would have been there).
Yes. Here, i meet some murderers too. One person came and told me he had murdered someone. I asked him why. He said ‘Bhagavan, this person murdered my father, so i murdered him’. Now how can you say he was wrong. If someone murders his father, can he keep quiet?
This world is made up of many types of people. There will be some who rob, some who rape, some who murder, some saints and good people too. Suppose there are 100 ants in a colony, 40 lazy and 60 active; there is another group where there are 60 lazy ants and 40 active. If you put all the 100 active ants together in one group, 40 of them will be bound to become lazy. That is how creation itself is.
So how can you judge someone? There are hundreds of reasons for a person to be what he or she is. So you cannot judge anyone. There is a waste paper basket in every house. Why? It is there because, if it is not there, the whole house will be filled with waste and dirt. So some people take the role of these waste paper baskets.
Your husband is a result of so many complex things put together. How can you judge him to be wrong? You should thank him and be grateful that you have not taken his place. That is why in oneness we say that you cannot change others. You can only change yourselves.
If your relationships are good, you will be happy.
10. Bhagavan, why there are different names for the Paramatma Bhagavati Bhagavan in Devalay, when you seem to give everything to everyone? What should we do to make the Paramatma triple physical?
The Paramatma Bhagavati Bhagavan normally do not give everything to everyone. They normally give grace according to their names. If you are seeking the Paramatma to give you good health, He will become Arogya Pradaata to others too. Similarly if you are seeking Aishwarya, Paramatma Bhagavati Bhagavan will become Arogya Pradaata in your house.
If you want your Paramatma to be triple physical, work on your relationships. We have been continuously telling you to do that in every process, in so many years. You simply listen through one ear and let it go through the other. At least now you discover love in your relationships.
11. Is heaven (swarg) and hell (narag) a reality?
Heaven and Hell are absolutely real. There are different kinds of hell like the Hindu hell, Christian hell, Buddhist hell, Islam hell, etc. In the Hindu hell they do ‘dhobi wash’, like washing clothes. The body will go into pieces and when it gets together again, the `dhobi wash’ is repeated again and again. The Buddhist hell is worse and I do not want to talk about it. It is called `Avichi’. In the Christian hell you will be roasted over fire. In the Islam hell, you will be made to walk over a thin wire and as you walk you will fall and the body will be split into pieces. When the body becomes one together again, you will be made to walk again. This process gets repeated.
One of our Dasas wanted to experience hell. When he was taken there, he was tied to a top of a huge tree and the tree was being burnt. He actually experienced it. You can actually experience the pain.
Now if you are taken to hell, what should you do to escape? (Someone from the audience said `Amma Bhagavan’) Yes. If you simply shout and call Amma Bhagavan, they will simply leave you free. The moment you call Amma Bhagavan, there is no hell. Otherwise, hell becomes a reality. That is the secret. Now how to remember this? You have one great advantage. When you leave this world and see the review of your life, you will remember this scene of this class and my teaching you how to escape. At that time you should ask to be taken to Satyaloka. (Audience clapped and thanked Bhagavan for this extra-ordinary way to escape hell.)
If you want to go to Satyaloka, you have to do the vara-deeksha mala Sadana for 64 years. Suppose you are 50 years old now and start the sadana now, you may not be able to complete it in this birth. In that case, your children should continue the sadana and complete it. Then only you can reach Satyaloka. People do the death rituals for this purpose only – to send their ancestors to higher lokas.