Retina International General Assembly 2016 - Taipei, Taiwan
Thursday, July 7th, 2016
Location: Taipei International Convention Centre (TICC)
Room: 401, 4F
Start: 09.00 a.m. end: 05.30 p.m.
Appendix 07-1
7.1 Strategic objectives and work plan 2016/2018
Retina International basic running
Motion: The MC moves the GA to accept the strategic and work plan 2016-2018 for the basic running of Retina International
The strategic workplan is this year separated into two parts:
- the basic running of Retina International
- the strategic and workplan for the Retina International office
Since the financing of the Retina International office is not secured so far, we decided to present the GA with two plans. This plan covers only the basic running of Retina International without additional staff ressources. These costs are to be covered by the membership fees.
the Retina International management committee and the president ensure the running of Retina International. A part-time staff member (25 %) assists them. The MC works with the help of sub-committees and reports regularly to the Retina International president.
We hope to be able to hold a mid-term meeting in 2017 where all relevant matters will be discussed and the applied strategy reviewed. The work in progress will be assessed and the targets readjusted if necessary.
The work in progress covers the following areas:
1. Membership
2. Research
3. Communication and marketing
4. Congresses
5. Constitution and policy
6. Youth
7. Finances and administration
8. Retina International office
Detailed work plan
1. Membership
- Keep contact with existing membership and stimulate new member organisations
- Reinforce relationship between Retina International and its member organisations
- Pay attention to concerns/problems with existing members
- Target Latin America and South East Asia in order to attract new member organisations
- Target blank areas in Europe (Austria, Central Europe and the countries of the Former Soviet Union)
2. Research
- To stimulate and support and work with research into retinal degenerative diseases
- Maintain close co-operation with Retina International SMAB
- Organise SMAB meeting in co-operation with the chair of the SMAB
- Maintain close co-operation with researchers and with the Retina International Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
- Disseminate on-going research and latest research results
- Establish treatment / use statements
- Help to facilitate the start of global / multinational treatment trials
- Develop co-operation and contacts with industry in the field of translational research or entering clinical trials for retinal degenerative disease
- Support projects and ongoing activities with EU and similar organisations in Asia and Latin America and USA if needed
- Participate in European Patient Forum (EPF)
- Co-operate with EPPOSI and organisations of rare diseases such as EURORDIS or NORD
3. Communication and marketing
- Establish Retina International as the leading organisation for supporting research in retinal degenerative diseases and providing patient information
- Update Retina International web page
- Respond to personal enquiries
- Publish Retina International statements and press releases for use by member countries,
4. Congresses
- Organise and support the Retina International World conference 2018
Congress 2018
- Accept business plan
- Accept budget & costs
- Help program and speakers to be accepted by Retina International Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
- Composition of Continuing Education Program, General Assembly and project meetings
Congress 2020
- Define strategic targets for 2020 conference
- Support the organiser 2020 in establishing business plan, speakers program, allocation and financing as set out in congress rules
Congress 2022
- Work with members potentially ready to apply for the conference at the GA 2018
5. Constitution and policy
- Take up procedures that need clarification in policy or constitutional matters
- Regular overview of present policies and formulation of new policies if needed (depends on the decisions of the GA 2016)
- Prepare the necessary steps to register Retina International according to the decisions taken by the General Assembly 2016
- guidelines and auditing procedures to guarantee correct and smooth running of the affairs.
6. Youth
- To stimulate young leadership among Retina International membership and within Retina International
- Assess the reasons why young people do not engage in RI and whether a separate youth programme is necessary
If a youth programme should continue, the following has to be reached:
- Establish and support an official youth contact in each member country
- Provide youth information on Retina International website & link to youth website
- Organise youth meetings to coincide with Retina International congress and with Retina Europe meetings
7. Finances and Administration
- Guarantee the functioning of Retina International activities
- Oversee & collect fees
- Search actively for outside funding of Retina International activities outside of core-activity
- Administration (invoicing & accounting)
- Evaluate continuously fee structure and impact
- Develop budget for next period in conjunction with the president
- Maintain Retina International membership database and administrative infrastructure
- Assist the Retina International Scientific and Medical Advisory Board in organising the SMAB meeting
- Assist the MC in organising meetings
8. Retina International Office
- To establish the Retina International Office and get it running for the next three years
- oversee the activities of the CEO
- To establish a three years strategy and working plan
- Assure the sustainable financing
- Accept this work plan.
Ga16-app-07.1-Strategic objectives and work plan 2016-2018-definitive-16-05-25.doc
Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 1
Appendix 07-1 Strategic objectives and work plan 2016/2018 - 16.05.25