Lauvers Mennonite Church Newsletter
34585 Rt. 35, Richfield, PA 17086
(717) 463-9091
God is Love
Psalm 147 talks about what gives God joy. And even though God created everything, his greatest joy comes from our genuine worship and trust.
That tells me that God truly desires a relationship with me. He wants real time with me. Verse 10 says that His pleasure is not in the strength of a horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man. Today we do many things to try to sharpen our skills or increase our strength. These things are not wrong but if we are doing them just to benefit ourselves we have missed the real goal. So what is the real goal?
I believe that the real goal is found in verse 11, “the Lord delights in those who fear (reverence) him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” The goal is to bring honor and glory to God through our lives.
The story is told of C. H. Spurgeon as he was walking through the English countryside with a friend one day. As they strolled along, the evangelist noticed a barn with a weather vane on its roof. At the top of the vane were these words: "GOD IS LOVE." Spurgeon remarked to his companion that this was a rather inappropriate place for such a message. "Weather vanes are changeable," he said, "but God’s love is constant."
"I don’t agree with you about those words, Charles," replied his friend. "You misunderstood the meaning. That sign is indicating a truth: Regardless of which way the wind blows, God is love."
If we have strength and skill and have given our lives into God’s care to use our lives any way he would desire, then he will use our strengths and skills in ways far greater than we can imagine and he will use them to bring honor and glory to Himself.
God created us for Himself and he is in the business of shaping us into persons He can spend eternity with.
Let each of us remember that regardless of which way the wind blows, GOD IS LOVE!
~Pastor Glenn Lauver
A Kite
I often sit and wish that I
Could be a kite up in the sky,
And ride upon the breeze and go
Whichever way I chanced to blow.
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
Song of Solomon 2:12
On stormy days
When the wind is high
Tall trees are brooms
Sweeping the sky.
They swish their branches
In buckets of rain
And swash and sweep it
Blue again
Dorothy Aldis