You are the Bureaucrat!
- What does my Bureau look like?
- What bureau do you work in?
- What is the mission of your bureau?
- What is your title?
- What cabinet department is your bureau a part of?
- What is the budget that your bureau is operating under? (Dollar figure)
- What agency outside of your bureau approved your hiring and salary?
- Describe an interest group your agency may be involved with in an iron triangle.
- Describe a law that your agency or bureau is responsible for enforcing.
- Give an example of discretionary authority at your bureau.
- Who’s the Boss of Me?
- Which congressional committees (House & Senate) are you accountable to?
- What subcommittees (House & Senate) from the above committees are you accountable to?
- List the name and title of the Presidential appointee that heads your agency.
- List the name and title of the PresidentialCabinet appointee that your agency head must answer to?
- Describe an example of litigationthatyour bureau or agency may be a part of?
- In what ways doesdiscretionary authority make your bureau more powerful than the 3 branches?
- What does it all MEAN?
- Would the US be better off if we privatized or eliminated your agency? Why or Why not?
- If you could reform this part of the bureaucracy, how would you do it?
- Visit your bureau’s website. Click on the many tabs at the site to explore the bureau and answer the questions.
- To answer questions about the Departments, you should be able to click on the icon or the name of the department at the top of the bureau’s page. I have tested every one of these pages, so I know the information is there.
- To answer the litigation question, I recommend a Google search or a search of to help narrow your case. You may also find information under a tab about new releases, current issues, etc. on your bureau’s website.
- The most useful websites for this project are the bureau’s page, the department’s page,
Agency Assignments: These are non-transferrable!
- Chief Financial Officer for the Internal Revenue Service
- Fire Prevention Specialist with the Forest Service
- Rangeland Management Specialist with the Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety with the Federal Aviation Administration
- Research Lab Director for the Office of Fossil Energy
- Nutritionist for the Food and Nutrition Service
- Data Analyst for the Bureau of the Census
Grading Particulars:
- This grade is a 15-point Project grade for the 4th grading quarter.
- All parts of the assignment on page 1 are worth 1 point each.
- Projects are due at the beginning of the bell on ______.
- All parts of the project should be typed and labeled as follows:
- A header with your first and last name.
- Your Agency assignment at the top.
- The section letter and the question number. (Ex. A1, B4, C2, etc.)