Nebraska Community Blood Bank: Missing Type campaign August 15 – 21, 2016 Page 1 of 2

Timeline / Action and Suggested Social Media Posts
August 15, 2016
Remove A, B, O / Remove A, B, and O from branding, website, social media, etc. at your corporation or organization’s discretion
If asked why you have removed A, B, and O. It’s important to not reveal why you have removed A, B, and O’s until August 16, 2016. Your response should include the hashtag #MissingType and you may choose to remove A, B, O from your response. Here are some examples of response:
·  W_uldn’t y_u like to kn_w! #MissingType
·  Here’s a hint: It’s about something we all have #MissingType
·  Here’s a hint: You can give it away but you can’t live without it #MissingType
·  Here’s a hint: You can help replace what is missing #MissingType
·  Use our Pinpost, create your own, or use a photo that includes #MissingType
August 16, 2016
Reveal Day / Reveal involvement with the Missing Type campaign in a social media post that includes tagging Nebraska Community Blood Bank on Twitter (@NCBBLincoln) or Facebook (Nebraska Community Blood Bank) with the hashtag #MissingType. Here are some examples:
·  We’ve lost our A, B, and O in support of @NCBBLincoln #MissingType Become a blood donor. NCBB.ORG
·  We’ve lost our A, B, and O in support of @NCBBLincoln Help fill the gaps. #MissingType Give blood. NCBB.ORG
·  Use our pinpost, create your own, or use a photo that includes #MissingType and announce your partnership with Nebraska Community Blood Bank
Challenge companies or individuals to remove A, B, and O from Twitter handles, signage, social media posts, websites, etc. for the remainder of the week. Here are some examples:
·  Can you spot the #MissingType? We’re supporting @NCBBLincoln <insert name/company> help spread the word remove your A, B, O.
·  Join us in supporting @NCBBLincoln. Remove A, B, O for #MissingType week. Donate blood. NCBB.ORG
August 16 – 21, 2016
Continue omentum / Keep A, B, and O from branding, website, social media, etc. at your corporation or organization’s discretion
Continue to show support for the Missing Type campaign by using the hashtag #MissingType and encourage your followers to become blood donors with Nebraska Community Blood Bank. You may continue to challenge others to donate blood and to remove A, B, O from posts, handles, signage, social media posts, websites, etc. Here are some examples:
·  Do you have the #MissingType? Help us fill the gaps and save lives. Donate blood with @NCBBLincoln. NCBB.ORG
·  Support #MissingType with us. With your help we’ll fill the gaps together. Do something amazing. Give blood. NCBB.ORG
·  Every 2 seconds someone needs blood. Become a blood donor with @NCBBLincoln. Help save lives. #MissingType
·  We are supporting @NCBBLincoln. Are you the #MissingType? NCBB.ORG
·  You can help save lives and be the #MissingType. Schedule to donate blood with @NCBBLincoln NCBB.ORG
·  @NCBBLincoln needs nearly 2,000 units of blood are needed every week. Are you the #MissingType?
·  Utilize our pinpost, create your own, or use a photo that includes #MissingType

Nebraska Community Blood Bank | NCBB.ORG | 1-877-486-9414