/ Date ID /Goals and Objectives
/ Projected Achieved Date / DateActually
Achieved /
Clinical Interventions
Approaches, Modality, Provider, & Frequency
Poor Impulse Control
Related to: history of mental illness
self-destructive behavior
psychotic symptoms
situational stressors
other: ______
As evidenced by:
mood swings
anger outbursts
verbal/physical threats
assaultive behavior
sexually inappropriate behavior
self-harming behavior
other: ______
ÿ other: ______
______/ Long-Term Goals:
1. Patient will become more responsible for his/her behavior and maintain behavior within acceptable limits.
2. Other: ______
Short-Term Goals/Objectives:
ÿ a. Patient will decrease the level of resistance to accepting feedback on behavior from significant others.
ÿ b. Patient will verbalize the causes for the anxiety or frustration that accompany the impulsive behavior.
ÿ c. Patient will comply with prescribed medications and report any side effects.
ÿ d. Patient will consistently follow PHP/IOP rules for _____ consecutive days.
ÿ e. Patient will no longer exhibit physical aggression or acting out behavior for _____ consecutive days.
ÿ f. Patient will verbalize and demonstrate ______% improvement in impulse control and problem solving skills.
ÿ g. Patient will develop and implement specific coping strategies to resist impulsive urges.
ÿ h. Other:______
ÿ i. Other: ______
/ 1. Group Psychotherapy ____x/day, ____ days/week, for one hour each. Therapist
2. Educational Group ____x/day, ____days/week, for one hour each. Nurse/Therapist
3. Prescribe and adjust psychotropic meds. MD
4. Monitor patient’s response to psychotropic
medications ongoing. MD, Nurse
5. Build trust and establish therapeutic rapport
with patient. All staff
6. Other: ______
Revised Goals/Objectives
*Status Key Denotes: A=Achieved, D=Deferred, E=Extended, and R=Revised.
June 2006