Uses bride’s “wish list” -- Go to www.puzzlemaker.com; in the middle left column, under ‘Create puzzles online’, click on the pull-down menu and find ‘word search’. Highlight ‘word search’ and hit ‘Go’. Follow the steps outlined. Name your puzzle ‘Jennifer’s (bride’s name) Kitchen’. For product names that are more than one word, run the words together. You will want your puzzle in ‘text’ format so that you can copy it into a word processing application, such as Word. After you’ve copied it over, type the products from the wish list at the bottom of the puzzle. The first one to find all the products wins a prize. Make sure you print out the solution as well as the game.


Place 20-30 items from the bride’s ‘wish list’ on the Stoneware Bar Pan or Chillzanne Platter. Keep it covered with a Kitchen Towel. During the show, pass out paper and pens/pencils to guests. Explain to them that this is to test their memory. Give the guests 1 minute to look at the items; cover the tray back up; then give them 3 minutes to write down the names of the items they remember seeing. Clues (if you want): they may refer back to the word search game for item names. The one who correctly writes down the most products wins the prize.


After you’ve put the ‘ring’ in the oven to bake, ask the guests to take out their paper and pens again. Quiz time. This game will demonstrate just how important ‘rings’ are in our every day vocabulary. Write the word corresponding to the following definitions, but where the letters r-i-n-g would normally appear, draw a ring, instead of spelling out the letters.

1. The tie that binds St-ring

2. That captivating curl Ring-let

3. Inspiring affection Endea-ring

4. Season when a young man’s

fancy turns to thoughts of love Sp-ring

5. A lover’s state of mind Desi-ring

6. Quality of the beloved Allu-ring

7. Habit of lovers at parting Linge-ring

8. Love that lasts Endu-ring

9. The blessing we wish the happy couple Offsp-ring


Everyone has the chance to share the worst thing that‘s ever happened to them in the kitchen and the bride chooses the one she thinks is the funniest or the worst! Award door prize.


Now I only used the top 5 answers in the game; but here, for you, I've posted the #6 & #7 answers on some of them in case you want to switch a couple answers that might be more applicable to your region.

For those of you that asked for the rules also - it's very simple.

Basically like the REAL game show. I had them count off "1, 2, 1, 2, etc." and had all the 1's sit on one side of the room & the 2's sit on the other. (I did it this way because it split people up from their friends who they were originally sitting by therefore forcing people to interact with people they didn't know). I took two little dingy-bells ($1.50 at Wal-mart) (one for each team) and they passed it around to the person who's turn it was each time. We started with the first person and worked our way down the row. When a team got three strikes...it went to the other team. (If you've never seen the show and need more details....do a Search on your search engine for Family Feud and you'll find a website explaining it in detail ). I took a Dry-Erase board (about 2 & half ft. by 1 & half ft. I guess) and wrote 1-5 down the left-hand side. Next to each number, I drew a long line. And as people guessed the answers, if they got it right I wrote it in the line next to the correct number. I had the Hostess keep up with the points (and strikes). Each #1 answer was 5 points, #2 = 4 points, #3 = 3points, #4 = 2 points, #5=1 point... get it? The top answer got the highest points and the lowest answer got the lowest points. Then the team with the highest points won. You should have SEEN these women getting so fiesty with each other...it was HILARIOUS!!!!!


1. Name the Top 5 Wedding Gifts given:

1) China

2) Crystal

3) Toaster

4) Towels

5) Money

2. Name the Top 5 Songs played in a Wedding:

1) Wedding March (DUH !!!!!!!!!!! )

2) The Wedding Song

3) Endless Love

4) From This Moment

5) Theme from Ice Castles

(#6 was We've Only Just Begun & #7 was Daddy's Girl)

3. Name the top 5 Dream Honeymoon Destinations:

1) Hawaii

2) Bahamas

3) Jamaica

4) Niagra Falls

5) Paris

4. Name the top 5 Foods served at a Wedding Reception:

1) Wedding Cake (Again with the DUH's !!!!!!)

2) Mixed Nuts

3) Mints

4) Finger Sandwiches (Can you say "Cut-n-Seal" ????)

5) Cheese Tray / Brie

(#6 was Chicken & # 7 was Prime Rib)

5. Name the Top 5 most common phrases said by the minister in the ceremony:

1) You may now kiss the bride...

2) If anyone here knows of any reason why this couple should not be married....blah blah blah....speak now or forever hold your peace.

3) I now pronounce you man & wife.

4) Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today.....

5) Do you take this man/woman to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband ?

(#6 was "...to love, honor, and cherish"...& #7 was..."Repeat after me...with this ring...I thee wed")

6. Name the top 5 items OR substances used to decorate the car:

1) shaving cream

2) cans

3) toilet paper

4) shoe polish

5) condoms

(#6 was soap & #7 was silly-string)

7. Name the top 5 responsibilities of the maid of honor:


2) plan the bachelorette party

3) throw the shower

4) help her get dressed for the wedding

5) hold the groom's ring

8. Name the top 5 things the bride & groom fight about during the PLANNING of the wedding:

1) money

2) in-laws (amen to that !!!!!)

3) location

4) the attendants

5) bachelor/bachelorette parties - includes both whether or not to have them & also things that HAPPENED at them !

9. Name the top 5 things you would overhear the Groom say on the first honeymoon night:

1) I love you

2) What do you mean…"you're too tired"?

3) Thank goodness it's over!

4) Can't wait to get this monkey suit off!!!!!

5) " snore...... snore...... zzzzzz.....snore.....zzzzz.....snore"

10. Name the top 5 things would overhear the Bride say on the first honeymoon night:

1) I love you

2) "I'm too tired! "

3) Thank goodness it's over!

4) Did you SEE what "so-n-so" was WEARING!?!

5) I couldn't WAIT to get those HEELS off!!!!

Memory Tray: Fill one of our larger Pampered Chef products with a sampling of smaller Pampered Chef products and quickly describe each one (including the tray), naming and giving quick tips as you go. Then give the guests a sheet of paper and 3 minutes (using the Clock/Timer) to remember as many as possible by writing them down on the slip of paper. Whoever has the most will win the door prize.

Big Spender: Divide guests into teams of 3-4 and give each group a recipe to review. Give them a page of an order form to tally all items that they could use in the recipe. The team that uses the highest dollar amount of products wins! Have twixits or pan scrapers as gifts for the winning team to get a door prize.

Worst Kitchen Disaster Stories: Everyone has a chance to share the worst thing that’s ever happened to them in the kitchen and the bride chooses the one she thinks is the funniest or the worst! Award the door prize. The candle wax molds make a great door prize.

Recipe Share: Have each guest bring a favorite recipe to share with the new couple. The bride chooses her favorite and awards the prize.

Kitchen Quick Tips: Have each guest write a Kitchen Quick Tip they would like to pass on to the Bride on the back of their door prize slip. (These can provide some hilarious entertainment.) Read them aloud to the guests without disclosing the author of each tip. The Bride could guess who she thinks the tip is from. For time’s sake, this can be skipped, just read them aloud for all to hear and have the Bride select her favorite tip after the readings. Award door prize to winner. ( I offer to provide the tips with authors typed up on the computer for my Bride to put in her memory book.)

Early Marriage Mistakes: Tell entertaining mistakes you made as a beginner bride. Encourage guests to do so also throughout.

It’s All About the Bride: Everyone tries to guess which Pampered Chef Product is her #1 choice on her Wish List. I’ll announce at the top of the shower that someone will get a special door prize for purchasing the product they think is her #1 “gotta have product.” The winner is awarded as soon as the correct product is ordered. The guests answer a quiz about the bride created by the consultant: Questions like, what’s her shoe size? What’s her favorite colors? ETC.