Elite Performance Aquatic Club
Board Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2017 6pm
Present:Clint Heckman, Jason Sandhaus, Sue Masser, Amy Reed, John Marshall, Michelle Gallagher, Guy Tanguay
Absent: Paula Wadlinger
- Meeting Called to Order at 6:15 pm
- President – Clint Heckman
- ApprovedMay 4, 2017 minutes
- Name change work still in progress
- Winter Budget & Contract projections reviewed-looking at a year round registration in the fall, 9-month payment program, will negotiate lane numbers and fees with contract, looking at proposing a multi-year contract hoping to receive a discount. We currently pay $23 per hour per lane. The maximum number of lanes we can rent is 5, and we are hoping to get pool time every Saturday we request. Projecting $61,000 total fees for 5 lanes/4 lanes and TRX room. The year round program would be 48 weeks. Projections for the fall:
Red $525, White & Blue $725, Bronze $1295, Silver & Gold $1395. Registration fee would be $150. This would be a 15% reduction in price. There was a 25% reduction in price for this summer in comparison to last summer. This projection is based on 92 swimmers. We will need to set a registration deadline this year.
- Policies-Code of Conduct and Bullying Policies to be developed and implemented
- USA Recognition Program-Level I Program-Jason Sandhaus to take over working on Level I Program Recognition. Reviewed Level I Criteria. Items to work on include Parent Code of Conduct, Swimmer Code of Conduct, and Bullying Policy. We have 4 USA Coaches: Guy Tanguay, Kirsten Kenyon, Lu Hetherington, and Ken Turner. Alex Bornman is working on becoming a USA Coach.
- Google Drive to be set up to house EPAC files
- Vice President-Jason Sandhaus
- Head Coach - Coach Guy
A. Swim practice update- 5 lanes are used for the first practice Monday-Wednesday-Friday and 4 lanes are used Tuesday and Thursday. 3 lanes are used for the second practice Monday-Friday. Swim Practice is going well. There are 66 registered swimmers for red, white, blue, bronze, silver, and gold. There are 61 registered swimmers on our CASL league roster. There are 3 or 4 Pre-Comp swimmers on our league roster because they are going to swim at league meet(s) for practice.
B. Max counts for winter season discussed-For the younger swimmers, the goal is 9 swimmers per lane max. For the silver and gold swimmers, the goal is 7 swimmers per lane max. 8 swimmers per lane max is the goal for bronze swimmers. We will need to brainstorm and plan for the potential of increasing numbers of swimmers joining our team and maintaining a good swimmer to lane ratio. One idea that came up was that we may need to be creative in planning consider practice times and possibly an off campus site for red swimmers.
C. Sponsorship and Partnership fees-proposed idea
$25 Friend – name listed on website as friend
$50 Bronze – name listed on website as a friend and on T-shirt
$100 Silver – name listed on website as a friend and on the left side of main
screen and T-shirt
$250 Gold – name listed on website as a friend, on the left side of main screen,
on T-shirt, and on permanent and traveling banner
$500 Platinum - name listed on website as a friend, on the left side of main
screen, on T-shirt, on permanent and traveling banner, and on record board
V. Treasurer-Susan Masser
- Finance report reviewed-$11000 in CD and $600 in savings
- Discussion on authorized auto-pay with credit card on file or pay in full. Want to get away from manual payments.
VI. Secretary-Amy Reed
- FAQ- “What does my child need to have with them for a meet and why?”
Helpful meet information is on the website and will be distributed via email
- Coaches clearances updates-copies turned into Central Penn. Coaches contracted will need to be updated for Guy and Lu and developed for Alex and Ian. Mileages rules will need to be reviewed.
- Additional fun/run activities for this summer-first one will be June 14 at 9am at Wildwood.
- Team Dinner at the Hoss’s in Mechanicsburg after the June 24th meet. This will also be a fundraising event. Information to be obtained and distributed.
- Summer Banquet and Team Day Winter 2017 set dates and discuss ideas. Looking at the evening of Mid-Caps (July 29, 2017) as a possible date for the Summer Banquet. The beginning of September for the team day for the winter session. Team day will include a pancake breakfast, games, and a parent meeting. Also considering an open house/open forum during the first week of Mini Team (week of April 21).
VII. Fundraising Representative-John Marshall
- R & K Sub Sale Updates reviewed. Total sales $1467.50. Cost $915 with profit $552.50. 10% of profit went to the club.
- Giant/Weis/Karns Cards May Profits to family
Giant $114 Karns $4 Weis $18
- Other Fundraising Ideas-Hoss’s, Chipotle, and Sweat Frog fundraising event ideas discussed
- Hershey Park $99.90 fundraising profits obtained
- EPAC Banner prices –see below
VIII. USA Representative-Michelle Gallagher
- USA Swimming updates-USA fees will be charged immediately upon registering for events.
- EPAC banner and record board prices found
1. Artistic Imprints-a 3x6 banner flat fee of $100. Would need to get a new banner done every year depending whether sponsors changes and additions
2. Will need to get 2 banners – permanent banner for display at Central Penn and one to travel with us to swim meets.
3. Record board cost $1500 plus $500 shipping fee
XI. New Business
A. Mini Team/Learn to Swim dates: August 21 to September 1, 2017
X. Next board meeting- July 6, 2017 at 6 pm