Inter LA EYFS Profile ModerationAgreement Trialling Record
Continually refer to ELG descriptors, exemplification materials, earlier age/stage bands in Early Years Outcomes and Areas of learning: ’exceeding’ descriptors of the EYFS Profile Handbook.
ELG:11 NumbersChild’s name:
Brooke / Agreed judgement:
State age/stage band
(please circle one) / Main evidence used to support judgement made(eg. what they can do in line with judgement/citing of similar examples from exemplification materials):
If ‘emerging’ – age/stage band judgement:
Evidence needed for estimating
Sharings, doubling
Numbers to 20, ordering, practical examples
Lots matches with exemplification materials
Language used
More, less, + and –
Direct speech, strong egs. / Other evidence that would be useful to support agreed judgement:
Child’s name:
Lucy / Agreed judgement:
State age/stage band
(please circle one) / Main evidence used to support judgement made(eg. what they can do in line with judgement/citing of similar examples from exemplification materials):
If ‘emerging’ – age/stage band judgement:
2s, 5s, 10s counting, written
Sharing 2s,5s, 10s
Practical problems
Problem solving
Mentally calculated with 2 digit numbers / Other evidence that would be useful to support agreed judgement:
Parent voice
Child’s name:
G / Agreed judgement:
State age/stage band
(please circle one) / Main evidence used to support judgement made(eg. what they can do in line with judgement/citing of similar examples from exemplification materials):
If ‘emerging’ – age/stage band judgement:
Using numbers to 20
Strong number knowledge
Some exceeding – estimating
Matches some elements of exemplification
Child voice / Other evidence that would be useful to support agreed judgement:
More language for sharing
Evidence of higher numbers for exceeding
No problem solving
Child’s name:
J / Agreed judgement:
State age/stage band
(please circle one) / Main evidence used to support judgement made(eg. What they can do in line with judgement/citing of similar examples from exemplification materials):
If ‘emerging’ – age/stage band judgement:
Counted past 20
Uses numbers to 100
Estimating and checking
Applying knowledge to larger numbers
Lots of independent evidence
Explains his thinking / Other evidence that would be useful to support agreed judgement:
More practical 2s, 5s, 10s
Child’s name:
M / Agreed judgement:
30 - 50
State age/stage band
(please circle one) / Main evidence used to support judgement made(eg. What they can do in line with judgement/citing of similar examples from exemplification materials):
If ‘emerging’ – age/stage band judgement:
No evidence of using numbers to 20
Knows some numbers
Numbers of personal significance
Reciting by rote, but not understanding
Has first few bullets in 40-60, but no more / Other evidence that would be useful to support agreed judgement:
Language of more/less
Using numbers to 10/20
Child’s name:
T / Agreed judgement:
State age/stage band
(please circle one) / Main evidence used to support judgement made(eg. What they can do in line with judgement/citing of similar examples from exemplification materials):
If ‘emerging’ – age/stage band judgement:
Not confident to 20
Some number understanding
Some matching to exemplification, but not consistent / Other evidence that would be useful to support agreed judgement:
Evidence of numbers to 20
Please be prepared to share your discussions and decision and attach this record sheet to your set of evidence. Inter LA Profile Moderator training January 2017