IWLA Group Project
ü Working on pilot projects in the City of Bloomington to base Adopt-a-Stream on.
o Pilot projects: Cascades Creek (Ivy Tech), Clear Creek (Indiana University)
ü Continue tailoring project as a boiler-plate for other municipalities and groups to use while creating our official program (based upon the existing Adopt-a-Trail program)
ü Web site rough draft
ü Orientation agenda rough draft
ü IWLA Group Project due
ü IWLA Graduation!
Continue to update “Adopt-a-Stream Application Packet” and “Adopt-a-Stream Organizing a Cleanup” manual and related forms with City of Bloomington Legal Department, City of Bloomington Utilities Department, and Monroe County, and Hoosier Riverwatch
Web site, www.bloomington.in.gov/adopt-a-stream
Orientation agenda
Recruit/Education and Outreach
Meet with participants on site at streams
Train volunteers to Hoosier Riverwatch Workshop
Train volunteers to storm drain marking
Launch Adopt-a-Stream logo contest in public schools during Fall semester
Work with Indiana University students on video during Fall semester
Release completed “boilerplate” to other municipalities and organizations
Serve as resource for participating municipalities and organizations
In the future, we hope to have approval for a Facebook page