Directions for Assignment 4 Outline

Outline due Nov. 2, 2015 / Final submission due Nov. 30, 2015

Although research and drafting may lead you to conclusions different from what you initially expect, you must stick with the topic you have chosen in the outline all the way to the completion of this important assignment (it counts for 30 percent of your semester grade). Any last-minute changes in topic will lead me to suspect you are using a canned or plagiarized product in place of doing your own work. Remember also that all submissions will be processed by the TurnItIn© documentation-checking software through Canvas submission.

Submit the outline within the body of your transmitting email (do not send via Canvas), along with audio codes for the Week 9 and 10 lectures. I will respond promptly with approval or suggested changes in your topic. Use the following samples to guide the format and content of your outline. Please contact me if you have a question before completing the outline.


Option 2: Social Services Information

Content: I will present the social services available for those in need in the Sarasota area. My brochure will explain services available for homeless people as well as people who have shelter but are in need of other assistance. I will explain how and where individuals can find food and shelter, financial assistance, drug and alcohol meetings and recovery programs, and job outreach programs.

There will be a small section of the brochure containing information for individuals who wish to give assistance rather than receive it.

Media: I will develop a website using WordPress and it will contain the same basic material but will have more information and options for individuals who wish to get involved with offering assistance to those in need.


Option 3: customized topic

Working Title: ISIS Is Winning the Social Media Front

The Islamic State ISIS is the most successful Jihadist movement in modern times. They are very well funded and despite what our politicians are trying to tell us through the media, ISIS is well on its way to achieving the proclaimed goal of establishing a caliphate throughout the Middle East. One of the major reasons for their success is their mastery of social media.

ISIS has used social media and New Media at large to attract followers. Young disenfranchised Muslims are leaving their countries in droves to join the ISIS movement in spite of the horrific atrocities that the Islamic State has boasted about over media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. They also use these platforms to organize and administer their plans. ISIS has a very sophisticated Facebook campaign aimed at recruitment.

Expected Research Sources: News articles, Facebook, Twitter, and other new media platforms will be used as sources for this research project. The project as well as links to sources will all be published on the blog ______[name contains student name] on word press.