Notes on Biocircuits: Amazing New Tools For Energy Health by Leslie Patten

HJ Kramer inc. 1988

[Note: the webmaster of, an aerospace engineering professional, has had intense personal experience with both copper and silk biocircuits, and absolutely endorse them as being legitimate human energy tools.

The primary purpose of the notes is to capture interesting details of the biocircuit function, as well as how biocircuitry and its pioneers interface with other human energy pioneers and their tools ]

Chapter 1 Leon Ernest Eeman: Pioneer of Biocircuitry

The Eeman relaxation circuit, or biocircuit, developed in the 1920s, consisted of two units; each unit consists of a copper handle attached to a copper screen by a length of wire. These units appear to access some form of energy within the human body. The copper screens are placed under a reclining subjects head and pelvis, and the cooper handles are held in the subject’s hands. When polar opposites are connected together, whether within one subject, or between two or more subjects, the effects reported include greater relaxation, recovery from fatigue and disease, greater capacity for work, and better health. [1] Eeman received a U.K. Patent around 1922 for his bio-circuit device. [2] In 1991, a study supporting these effects, A Double Blind Study of the "Biocircuit," a Putative Subtle-Energy-Based Relaxation Device appeared in the ISSSEEM Journal Subtle Energies, and has been quoted in professional literature sources. [3]

Beginning in the 1940s, George and Marjorie de la Warr were developing new radionics instruments. Eeman used radionic equipment to measure the effects generated by his circuit. He measured glandular rate changes, and differences when drugs or homeopathic remedies were introduced (into the circuit) …With Eeman’s approval, Eric Powell, a prominent British homeopath, developed a devise that allowed him to insert homeopathic formulas easily into an Eeman substance circuit. P. 39-40.

Chapter 2 Silk Biocircuits and the Work of Peter Lindemann

In 1938, Dr. Aubrey Westlake retired early from general practice to devote complete attention to identifying what was responsible for the healing process, and how that process could be accelerated. He investigated Bach’s vital force in flowers, radionics, Reichs. Orgone work. He concluded the healing power in all these methods was the same force. Westlake was impressed by the new science of bocircuitry. He believed the force in the Eeman circuit was the same force used by the ancients in healing, vis medicatrix naturae. In the 1800’s, Baron Karl von Reichenbach earned a fortune in iron, steel and metallurgy. In 1839 he retired , devoting himself to scientific research. He accumulated an abundance of experimental evidence on a force he called Odyle or Od. This force was distinct from heat, electricity, and magnetism, and he believed it was the one recognized by the ancients. This force had polarity, and it could also be conducted by metals, glass, resin, silk, and water.

Westlake suggested that Eeman substitute silk pads for the copper ones he had been using.

Earlier Eeman had found that his copper biocircuit continued to work, even when the copper wire was cut and placed on glass. The energy was conducted by the glass. In 1949 Eeman tried the silk biocircuit and found that it was superior to copper as a conductive medium.

Because the energy conducted by the biocircuit has polarity and is conducted by silk as well as glass, it is similar to odyle energy described by Karl von Reichenbach. Reich’s orgone enrgy was also conducted by silk. [4]

P.42 f.

Wilhelm Reich suggested that physical materials would either absorb or reflect this bioenergy. He used this principle to build an orgone accumulator in 1940. He classified organic materials as absorptive and metals as reflective, and found that reflective materials are conductors, and organic materials insulators. Silk, although organic, functions like a conductor of this energy. P. 48.

Thomas Hirsch, a psychic healer, described the energy flow through the authors in a copper and silk biocircuit. He observed three distinct phases with both: first an intensification of imbalances, second, a stable polarization of the energy, and third, an energy surge which gradually disappears.

The copper biocircuit energy was greenish blue, and the effect more mechanical; the energy of the silk was bluish white, and seemed more “conscious”. Thomas felt the silk was engaging a subtler energy. This corroborated the authors observation that copper is good for mechanical obstructions, while silk is the choice for conscious work. P. 60.

Jack Schwarz, N.D., has also compared copper and silk biocircuits. For over 30 years he has been considered an authority on human energy systems and voluntary control of ordinarily involuntary biological functions. His paranormal abilities have been studied at the Menninger Foundation, Langley-Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, and Stanford Research Institute. In general his observations agreed with those of Hirsch. P. 61.

Chapter 5 Substances in Circuit for Energy and Health

Eeman’s early work with cooperative biocircuits (where multiple people, each with a complete biocircuit, are “wired together” into a larger circuit.) Eeman concluded that if one member of a cooperative circuit displayed an ”abnormal physical factor”, the other members reacted in a similar manner. Eeman theorized that a subject in a circuit radiated the equivalent of a “carrier wave.”

Eeman found that when he dissolved aspirin in water and placed this in a biocircuit with a fevered patient, the fever would be reduced. He speculated that any agent placed in a circuit would influence a circuit’s members with its frequency. Controlled experiments with drugs were performed, which validated the effects of drugs being communicated through the biocircuit. P. 78 f.

Although the drugs used in Eeman’s drug experiments were not identified, radionics practitioners, using radionics devises, consistently identified the drugs’ effects on the subjects glands and organs.

Chapter 6 The Intelligent Trance and the Total Energy Body

“The simple description of the energy body that follows draws on Hindu terminology. Although there are many models…the system I use here is in general agreement with Chinese, Japanese and other Oriental models.” According to this understanding, the human body-mind is a hierarchy of energy that is stepped down by degrees through various levels of subtlety. Consciousness gives rise to life energy, which gives rise to the body-not the other way around. … The biocircuit can access the entire spectrum of conscious energy that we are. P. 93

Chapter 9 Invisible Octaves of Enjoyment

Eeman’s telepathy research.

Eeman found that members of a cooperative circuit were able to send and receive thoughts more easily. Eeman conducted numerous telepathy tests with receivers in and out of a biocircuit He ultimately concluded that the relaxation circuit fostered telepathic reception. P. 130.

Chapter 11 Lindemann’s Advanced Work

“I found that when I wired the biocircuit to an orgone accumulator, … my experience of the energy in the circuit increased dramatically. This was useful and enjoyable, but it did not relieve my symptoms.” P. 158

Peter Lindemann carried on biocircuit research in the 1960s, largely, as in Eeman’s case, in search of relief from a specific health problem.

Of Eeman’s drug circuits, Lindemann concluded that “the relaxation circuit must be able to carry detailed vibrational information” … Lindemann wanted to “talk with” his energy body directly so he could discover and supply the healing information that would actually relieve his symptoms, and he considered trying radionics. [5]

Lindemann’s view of life energy as conscious is fundamental to his advanced work. P. 159.

The practice of radionics is illegal in the US. From both a common sense and mechanistic-scientific perspective, it does not do anything “real.” In radionics, a vibrational frequency is assigned to almost everything. Radionics electronics devises are not hooked up to anything that logically effects anything else, and in some cases the knobs are not connected to anything.

Lindemann found however, that radionics worked well for him while he was in the biocircuit, enabling him to “dial in” a frequency which decreased his symptoms dramatically. [6]

Some of Eeman’s drug experiments were tested by radionics practitioners, who used radionics devises. Although the drugs were not identified, the practitioners consistently identified the drugs’ effects on the subjects glands and organs.

Lindemann speculated that radionics might be a useful tool for reading his disease and providing a remedy. He wired a radionics devise into a reclining chair equipped with a biocircuit, and dialed in the radionics frequency of herpes simplex, which was causing him painful symptoms. When he was in the biocircuit, the devise confirmed the presence of the same frequency in his system. When he dialed up on the radionics devise to be treated for that frequency, he immediately felt a powerful shift in his energy field. His herpes symptoms diminished dramatically. P. 159 f.

Lindeman’s explanation summarized: “Many people agree the power of the mind is central to healing. Malcolm Rae, among radionics theorists, has even called radionics devises ‘thought simulators.’ The radionics devise is an objective vehicle through which abstract information can be symbolically expressed. In the biocircuit there is a subtle transfer of information that the radionics devise responds to. The radionics devise seems to be able to speak effectively through the biocircuit to the body’s cellular intelligence.” P. 161.

This process which he terms “vibrational grafting”, does not depend on radionics. It could include anything introduced into the biocircuit, including drugs, herbs, homeopathy, cell salts or even flower and gem essences. P. 163.

Lindemann described ‘vibational grafting” as a way of conversing directly with the body’s DNA:

Lindemann’s colleague, Marty Martin, found that if for any reason the RNA function of the body is depressed, radionic treatments always failed. By first stimulating the RNA with a specific treatment, all radionics treatments became effective. The insight is that all remedies are made in the body by the DNA. All the vibrational modalities including rqadionics, are a means of activating information already in the DNA. P. 164.

Lindemann’s Capacitance Discharge Model of the biocircuit phenomena

  1. The human body behaves in a number of ways like an electrical capacitor. Although life force and electricity are different kinds of energy, many similar principles govern their behavior.
  2. The patterning and blocking of energy in the body has to do with information as well. Energy blockages contain information. Since the biocircuit helps to release energy blockages, it seems that it is redistributing information
  3. the biocircuit sets energy in motion throughout the body. Energy or information may move in both directions in the biocircuit. P. 168.

Appendix I

The Japan Connection

Dr Yoshio Manaka, an acupuncturist, wrapped tin over burns to neutralize the ionic discharge from the wounds. Noting some improvement, he attached a wire to the tin and connected it to an unburned area on the other side of the body. As a result of this, the burns healed in record time. “Manaka has written that he feels this experiment demonstrates that Qi, life force, exists. Manaka however did not theorize a complete circuit if Chi… he described the healing phenomena entirely in terms of ions flowing through the connecting wire. He theorized that a tiny electric current moved along the wire. Introducing a Vandegraf generator to create a strong static charge, he was able to control the direction of a small electric current. This parallels Robert O Becker’s work on the effect of tiny electric currents in the healing of bone tissue.

Menaka then began connecting acupuncture needles in acupoints via copper wires into which he inserted low resistance germanium diodes. This technique proved to be very successful. This led to the development of ‘ion pumping cords’. Today these are used to connect both needles and supercutinous electrodes. [7]

William Tiller comments on the use of the Edgar Cayce “Impedance devise”.

[1]Leslie Patten Biocircuits: Amazing New Tools For Energy Health p. 42 f.


[3] Isaacs, J. Patten, T. (1991). A Double Blind Study of the "Biocircuit," a Putative Subtle-Energy-Based Relaxation Device. Subtle Energies, 2(2).

See American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting Course: Intro to Neurofeedback, San Francisco May 19, 2003

XV. Literature References

[4] Patten p. 44 f.

[5] Patten P. 159.

[6]Lindemann speculated that radionics might be a useful tool for reading his disease and providing a remedy. He wired a radionics devise into a reclining chair equipped with a biocircuit, and dialed in the radionics frequency of herpes simplex, which was causing him painful symptoms. When he was in the biocircuit, the devise confirmed the presence of the same frequency in his system. When he dialed up on the radionics devise to be treated for that frequency, he immediately felt a powerful shift in his energy field. His herpes symptoms diminished dramatically. Patten P. 159 f.

[7]P 196 f. “What if someone told you that Ions can't travel through wires, only electrons can? What if someone said that the diode within the two cords you generally use may have completely different level of resistance or may simply not work at all? “Well that's what Craig Houchen's website is saying. This site looks old, but the info is interesting nonetheless. Craig lays out some schematics on how a diode is supposed to work, and how it might on the body. He gives some good basic electronics lectures to prove his point.” (The referenced website is no longer available.)