Betterside WRFC
March 2001
The Betterside has been busy, busy, busy. Finishing up the Fall Season with only one loss to Park City at the Portneuf Tourney (will win it next year!!!!!) Soon after the game season ended they were busy with Public Relations and fundraising,. The gals volunteered at the Parks and Rec Haunted Forrest. Nov 11th they raised over $2,000 in a jog-a-thon to raise money for spring tour. Angie, Shannon, Holly ran sixteen miles. And Katie was close behind with ten miles. Thank you Kim for organizing the event and Thanks to Zips, Taco de Soul and Dominoes for donations.
After the new-year the Betterside began putting together the Spring Raffle. Tickets will be on sale through March 8th. The gals set up a very professional looking recruiting and raffle table at the University February 5th- 9th. Raffles sales and recruiting were both a success.
The Missoula’s Betterside would like to Welcome the following rookies:
Paige, Liz, Abbey, Angie, Danni, and Carly
Welcome To Rugby!
Indoor practice has been underway since Jan 22nd. We’ve been practicing at local schools due to lack of University gym space. Although the gyms are small practice has been very productive. The energy is just snowballing with tour, 25th Anniversary, and State Championships ahead. The backline looks phenomenal, the forwards are mastering lineouts and penalty-plays; and are very anxious to get outdoors and get hitting.
The Betterside participated in the 25th Annual Gelande Ski Jump competition as markers again this year. As I understand it they were the highlight of the Calcutta with leg wrestling, boat races, and even managed to give Bruce Stott a bloody nose from a team ruck. My, oh my. Fun weekend for all! And thank you Gelande jumpers for supporting the Betterside Raffle!
March 3rdPreseason games in Spokane (U of I, Spokane, and Kalispell)
March 5thPractice will commence outdoors, 5:30 pm Mondays and Wednesdays at the university rugby pitch
March 8thRaffle Pick and TOUR meeting
March 9ththe Betterside will be volunteering at the Prescott School Carnival running games and making Cotton Candy
March 10thBetterside Rugby Clinic, 10 am- 12:30, on the third floor of the UC
Since the last time the Farside officially met at Fest 99…..
Well, as the Bettersiders are busy dominating the Rugby Scene, the Farsiders have been creating some news of their own. Meg Ann became the beautiful wife of Dave Caulkin on Aug 14, 1999 They had a touching ceremony at Christ the King Church, and like true ruggers, they had the reception at the Pitch(with Tip played as well). A week later Miss Tina Taylor became the Lovely Mrs. Ross. They had an elegant ceremony at Fort Missoula and a Hawaiin Reception at Caras Park Pavillion. Miss Susannah McVay became the lovely Mrs. Reis on August 12th, 2000. Susannah and John shared their vows at Christ the King Church. Ragna and Eric had a beautiful outdoor ceremony at her mother’s house in Arlee. The smoke and fire held for the day, and later displayed the most wonderous sunset. Congrats to all the newly wedded couples!
. Jersey, Susannah, Tina, and Nicole braved a Maggot Tour to the UK for Rugby World Cup1999. Enjoyed watching some excellent rugby, viewing the countryside and survived the PIT BRAWL of all PIT BRAWLS.
Miss Kaipolani is currently training with the Hawaii Wave National Football Team. We hear she may be in San Fran on March 24th. Nicole still testing asphalt and making the best of Billings. Tami and Eve have moved to the BIG city of Seattle. Tami just recently bought a new house- congrats! Teresa is currently training with the Seattle Rugby Club and has been selected for the A-side. Jeannie has finally moved back to Missoula! She’s now working at the College of Technology. Serena has taken a new job as Director of the Women’s and Men’s Center at Idaho State in Pocatello. Coonie B is finishing up Grad school in Forensic Psychology in NYC and is hoping to spend some time in Missoula this coming year.
The next generation of ruggers is growing. Jersey gave birth to Elizabeth Eileen Jan 20, 2000, Maria had a little boy William in April. Kelly gave birth to Mackenzie Justice Sept 9th, 2000. We are anxious to see them with cleats on!!!
With Fest 2001 and the 25th Anniversary of the Betterside, we are looking forward to seeing some old friends. Connie B and Kat Halde will be here. Kaipo is hoping to come. Nina Lillebo will be in the Northwest later in May. The crew from Seattle is growing, my blessings to the pilot of that flight…… Marie, Tami, Eve, Bogie, Sue, Cindy, And Wags…. We’re anxious to see them all and many more!!!!!