Community Foundation of the Lowcountry

Financial Need Form

Cost of Education

College: / College: / College:
Annual Tuition
Annual Room and Board
Annual Books/Fees
Total Estimated Annual Costs

Enter information for each school being considered. Annual costs are for academic year and include Fall – Spring terms; Summer sessions are not included.

Monies Available for Education

Scholarships & Grants / College: / College: / College:
Scholarships From College/University
Scholarships from state programs (e.g. SC Life, Hope, Palmetto Fellows)
National Scholarships
(e.g. Coke, Buick, NHSF)
Local Scholarships (e.g. Rotary Club, Community Foundation)
Total Scholarship & Grants

List each scholarship or grant and annual amount of award.

Other Resources / College: / College: / College:
Work Study or Employment
Applicant Savings
Parent/Guardian Contribution
Other Resources / □ 529: ______
□ Annuity:______
□ Other Family/Friend:
□ Other (specify):______/ □ 529: ______
□ Annuity:______
□ Other Family/Friend:
□ Other (specify):______/ □ 529: ______
□ Annuity:______
□ Other Family/Friend:
□ Other (specify):______
Grants (List Individual grants & amounts)
Total Scholarship & Grants

Specify annual amount in each category that may be applied to educational costs.

FAFSA – Expected Family Contribution

Information may be found in Student Aid Report (SAR).

Financial Need Summary

Financial Planning:

  1. How much do you anticipate taking out in loans
  2. Annually?______
  3. Over the course of your degree?______
  4. If loans are taken, what can you estimate repayment amounts to be after graduation (monthly or annually)?______
  5. What is your anticipated starting annual salary?______

Other Considerations:

Are there any other financial considerations the scholarship advisory committee should take into account? If so, please explain:


I am confirming that the information submitted above is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Applicant______Date______

Save this form and upload into your eGrant application prior to the deadline date.

Community Foundation of the Lowcountry

Post Office Box 23019

Hilton Head Island, SC 29925