Wyandotte County
Community-Based Transportation Survey
The purpose of this survey is to improve transportation services, especially for getting people to and from work. All survey information is confidential. If you have already completed this survey, thank you very much!
1. On what day(s) of the week is it hardest for you to get to work? (Check all that apply)
Monday / ___ / Tuesday / ___ / Wednesday / ___ / Thursday / ___ / Friday / ___ / Saturday / ___ / Sunday / ___2. During what time(s) of the day is it hardest for you to get to and from work? (Check all that apply)
____ Early Morning ____ Late Morning ____ Early Afternoon
5:00AM-8:30AM After 8:30AM-Noon Noon-3:00 PM
____ Late Afternoon ____ Evening ____ Late Night
3:00PM-6:00PM 6:00PM-9:00PM 9:00PM and later
3. What areas of the Kansas City region are hard to get to because of lack of transportation? (Check all that apply)
____ Western Wyandotte Co. (Village West, KCK Community College)
____ Downtown Kansas City, Kan.
____ Downtown Kansas City, Mo.
____ Midtown KCMO (The Plaza, Westport)
____ North Kansas City (north of the Missouri River)
____ Northeast Johnson Co. (Roeland Park, Mission)
____ Southern Johnson Co. (Oak Park Mall, 95th St.)
____ Other ______
4. Have you ever quit a job or lost a job because it was hard for you to get to work?
Yes ____ No ____
Comments: ______
5. Which zip code do you work in?______
6. Which zip code do you live in?______
7. If used by your family, in what zip code is your childcare?______
8. If used by your family, in what zip code(s) are your medical appointments?______
9. Do you have a disability? Yes_____ No_____
· If yes, check all those that apply _____Developmental/Learning _____Psychiatric _____Vision _____Hearing _____Other
10. Are you eligible to receive SSI, Social Security Disability, TANF or other benefits with income guidelines? Yes _____ No _____
11. Do you speak English as a second language (ESL)? Yes _____ No _____
12. How much are you willing to pay for a one-way ride to or from work? (Mark the maximum amount you would be willing to pay)
$1.00 ____ $1.50 ____ $2.00 ____ $2.50 ____ $3.00 ____
13. How much time are you willing to spend on a one-way trip to your place of employment?
Less than 30 min. ____ Less then 1 hour ____ 1 hour or more ____
14. Do you work at home? Yes _____ No _____
15. Do you work outside your home? Yes _____ No _____
· If yes, how do you get to work (please explain)?______
16. I do not work because transportation is a problem. Yes _____ No _____
· If yes, check all those that apply:
_____I do not work because of the lack of transportation
_____I do not work because of the cost of transportation
17. I do not work but none of these questions apply to me. Yes _____ No _____
Comments: ______
18. Please list any suggestions to improve transportation services: ______
19. In order to avoid duplications of this survey please list your address: