Organization and Contact Person

Organization Name
Contact Person’s Name
Address, City, Province, PC
Day Time Telephone Number
Email Address

Project Description

Project Name
Did your project meet its objectives or expected results as identified in the application? Please explain.


Reconciliation of Project Funds / Budget / Actual
Funding Received from ELCIC Compassionate Justice Fund / $
List Actual Expenditures
Total Expenditures / $
Subtract Total Expenditures from Total Revenues
Difference / $



Did you receive funding for this project from other sources? / Yes / No
If yes, indicate organization and amount of funding that was received.
Name of Organization / Budget / Actual
Did you receive support for the project in other ways (volunteer hours, donations in kind, facilities, etc?)
Description / Budget / Amount
Lessons Learned
Other Comments
Authorized Signature / Date

Submit final report to your Synod officeby December 31 of the project year.

For additional information and to submit reports, please contact your Synod office.

Rev. Dr. Mark W. Harris

Eastern Synod of the EvangelicalLutheranChurch in Canada

74 Weber Street West,

Kitchener, ONN2H 3Z3

Phone: (519) 743-1461. Fax: (519) 743-4291.

Compassionate Justice Initiatives – Synod Antipoverty Grant Criteria

The EvangelicalLutheranChurch in Canada (ELCIC) and Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) work in effective partnership to foster sustainable development in communities around the world, as well as to support Compassionate Justice Initiatives right here in Canada. This work includes challenging the causes and responding to the consequences of injustice and poverty.

Within Canada, CLWR facilitates the engagement of Lutheran communities in refugee resettlement and provides funding to support the ELCIC Compassionate Justice Initiatives.

When a gift is made to CLWR, a portion of the undesignated donation supports the ELCIC Compassionate Justice Initiatives such as anti-poverty ministries in Synods, and peace and advocacy work throughout Canada.

Synod Antipoverty grants are for domestic poverty alleviation. Priority will be given to project proposals which:

  1. Build awareness on hunger and poverty issues as well as solutions through education, leadership development and advocacy.
  2. Focus on domestic hunger and poverty issues with priority given to:
  3. Food security (i.e. production, distribution, acquisition, nutrition, land use)
  4. Employment (i.e. job training, counselling, placement, child care)
  5. Development (i.e. preventative and primary health care, water and sanitation, literacy, housing, social services, environmental issues).
  6. Are well planned in cooperation with and build on the social, cultural and spiritual resources of people who have access to limited material resources.
  7. Promote self-reliance.
  8. Operate in collaboration with other ecumenical and social services partners.

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