2016 ProSales 100 Survey

Thanks for taking the survey. It should require no more than 10 minutes to complete.

The Word version of this survey is meant for sharing with your staff, as we will be asking for some revenue information as well as information about your operations, achievements, and prospects.

While we prefer you use this document to help you prepare to fill out the survey online, you also can send us a filled-out version of this Word document. Just make certain you SAVE YOUR COMPLETED SURVEY to your system first, and then email what you saved to .

Now, let’s get started.



(Company name, city, and state as well as business type all will be part of the ProSales 100 listings. The other information in this section won’t be published.)

1. Company Name _______________________________________________________

2. Headquarters street address _____________________________________________

3. Headquarters city ______________________________________________________

4. Headquarters state ________________________ 5. ZIP Code ___________________

6. Company’s web address _________________________________________________

7. Name of primary contact for this survey ____________________________________

8. Primary contact’s job title _______________________________________________

9. Primary contact’s email address __________________________________________

10. Primary contact’s phone number _________________________________________

11. Name of company’s chief executive (if different from the primary contact) _____________________________________________________________________

12. Chief executive’s title (e.g. president, CEO, owner, chairman of the board) _____________________________________________________________________

13. What type of LBM operation are you?

___ Pro-oriented dealer/lumberyard WITH manufacturing capabilities

___ Pro-oriented dealer/lumberyard WITHOUT manufacturing capabilities

___ Specialty dealer-distributor, such as a company that focuses on roofing, drywall, or masonry

___ Molding/millwork dealer

___ We primarily distribute building materials to dealers

___ We primarily manufacture building products

___ None of the above

(Note: The ProSales 100 survey is solely for dealers that get a significant percentage of their revenues from professional builders and remodelers. Companies that primarily distributor or manufacture building materials will be excluded.)


(Information from this page will be used in the ProSales 100 listings. Information from question 23 could appear in the text of the ProSales 100 story)

14. Total estimated 2015 gross sales (please provide whole number, such as $7,243,100)


15. Total gross sales for 2014 ________________________________________________

16. Percentage of 2015’s gross sales made directly to pro contractors (i.e. builders and remodelers) _____________________________________________________________________

17. Number of locations as of Jan. 1, 2016 (including distribution and manufacturing facilities) _____________________________________________________________

18. Number of locations one year earlier, on Jan. 1, 2015 _________________________

19. Total number of employees company-wide as of Jan. 1, 2016 ___________________

20. Total number of employees company-wide a year earlier, on Jan. 1, 2015 _________

21. Total number of outside sales representatives as of Jan. 1, 2016 _________________

22. Total number of outside sales reps a year earlier, on Jan. 1, 2015 ________________

23. What major accomplishments did your company achieve in 2015?


(From this page onward, all responses will be reported by ProSales in aggregate form only. Your company’s particular responses won’t be revealed.)

24. In 2015, what percentage of your sales (either directly or via subcontractors) involved these construction categories?

(Please make sure your numbers add up to 100%)

_____ Single-family custom or spec homes

_____ Single-family production homes

_____ Multifamily homes

_____ Commercial buildings

_____ General remodeling projects

_____ Sales to other building material dealers

_____ Sales to specialty contractors (e.g. roofers, drywallers, etc.)

_____ Sales to consumers/homeowners

_____ Installed sales

_____ Sales of manufactured components

_____ Other (please list: ________________________________________________)

25. Compared with 2015, in terms of percentage of total revenue, do you envision these parts of your business growing, shrinking, or staying the same in 2016?

_____ New home construction

_____ Remodeling

_____ Retail sales

_____ Multifamily

_____ Commercial

_____ Installed sales

_____ Component Manufacturing


26. Which of the following product categories does your company sell? Check all that apply:


2016 ProSales 100 Survey#

_____ Cabinetry

_____ Carpets

_____ Ceiling/acoustical panels

_____ Decking and railing

_____ Doors (exterior)

_____ Doors (interior)

_____ Drywall

_____ Hardwood flooring

_____ Grills

_____ Hardscaping

_____ Housewrap

_____ Insulation

_____ Locksets/hardware

_____ Lumber (dimensional)

_____ Lumber (engineered)

_____ Lumber (panels)

_____ Molding/millwork

_____ Paints and stains

_____ Shelving

_____ Shingles/roof products

_____ Siding

_____ Steel studs

_____ Structural insulated panels

_____ Tile

_____ Tools

_____ Tool accessories

_____ Windows

_____ Other (please specify)



2016 ProSales 100 Survey#

27. What percentage of products do you buy directly from manufacturers? _______


28. Which of the following services do you offer, plan to offer, or have no plans to offer?

_____ Blueprint takeoffs

_____ Construction services

_____ Co-op advertising

_____ Dealer loyalty programs (e.g. offering points good for trips, discounts, prizes)

_____ Manufacturer loyalty programs (e.g. offering benefits for buying certain products)

_____ Volume discounts

_____ Financing programs

_____ Installed sales

_____ Rebates

_____ Same-day delivery

_____ Showrooms

_____ Training a customer’s employees

_____ Whole-house design

_____ Whole-house engineering

29. Aside from those listed above, what other services do you currently offer or plan to offer?


30. Which showrooms do you currently maintain? Select all that apply


2016 ProSales 100 Survey#

_____ Kitchens (including cabinetry)

_____ Bath

_____ Window and door

_____ Flooring

_____ We don’t have any showrooms

_____ Other (please specify)


2016 ProSales 100 Survey#

31. Are any of your showrooms stand-alone locations? _____ Yes / _____ No


32. Does your company offer any installed sales services?

_____ Yes (Please answer question 33)

_____ No (Skip the next question and go to question 34)

33. What installed sales services do you do now, plan to add in the future, or have no plans to offer?


2016 ProSales 100 Survey#

_____ Cabinets

_____ Carpets

_____ Decking

_____ Entry doors

_____ Floor trusses

_____ Framing

_____ Insulation

_____ Interior doors

_____ Locksets hardware

_____ Bathroom vanities

_____ Mirrors

_____ Molding/millwork

_____ Roof trusses

_____ Roofing

_____ Shelving

_____ Siding

_____ Stairs

_____ Wall panels

_____ Whole-house construction

_____ Wood stoves


2016 ProSales 100 Survey#

34. Aside from those listed above, what other installed sales services do you currently offer or plan to offer? ________________________________________________________________________

35.What percentage of your installed sales crew is employed full-time? _____________


36. Does your company manufacture components, such as pre-hung doors or roof trusses?

_____ Yes (Please go to the next question)

_____ No (Skip the next question and go to Question 38)

37. What does your company make, plan to make, or have no plans to manufacture?

_____ Assembled railings

_____ Floor trusses

_____ Custom moldings

_____ Pre-built stairs

_____ Pre-hung doors

_____ Windows

_____ Roof trusses

_____ Wall panels


38. What percentage of sales revenue do you plan to spend on technology in 2016?

_____ Less than 0.25% of sales

_____ 0.25% to 0.50%

_____ 0.51% to 0.75%

_____ 0.76% to 1%

_____ 1.01% to 1.5%

_____ More than 1.5%

39. Do you plan in 2016 to … (Select all that apply)

____ Switch to a new ERP (lumberyard/dealer management) system?

_____ Invest in mobile applications (“apps”)?

_____ Add a warehouse management system?

_____ Invest in a CRM (sales-force management) system?

_____ None of the above

_____ Other (please specify) ________________________________________________

40. Do you use a CRM (customer relationship management) system?

_____ Yes

_____ We plan to get one

_____ No plans to get one

41. Do you use a computerized dispatch/delivery system?

_____ Yes

_____ We plan to get one

_____ No plans to get one

42. Do you offer, plan to offer, or have no plans to offer, any of the following?

_____ Online customer accounts (invoicing/payment/purchase history)

_____ Electronic data exchange

_____ Online order tracking

_____ A system in which customers can pay their bills online?

_____ Online inventory/pricing?

_____ An online store where you can shop for products and pay for them at the same time?

_____ A system in which a customer can enter queries online about product availability or pricing and then have you reply via email?



We at ProSales are interest in what you would like to read about in future issues of the magazine as we as online. Please take a moment to suggest one or more topics.



Thank you for participating in the 2016 ProSales 100 survey. If your company is one of the 100 biggest in terms of sales to pros, it will be listed in our May issue. In any case, your data will contribute to the aggregate results.

How could we improve this survey in 2017? Contact editor-in-chief Craig Webb at 202-736-3307 or at

Thanks again!


2016 ProSales 100 Survey#