St. Stephen’s School
Parent Teacher Association Meeting
September 12, 2011
In Attendance:
Andrea Lovasi -Wood / Lisa Fougere / Kelli BishopMaria Arsenault / Cristiana Burns McGregor / Jody Sampson
Candice Blaney / June Bredy / Lynn Hill
Marina McQuaid / Rima Nhme / Marishka Brown
Natalie Boyles / Johanna Voeman Khisah / Kathy Summers
Tanya Phillips / Deborah Di Mattia / Heather Smith
Brenda Ferguson / Elan Bachmann / Tracy Foster
Amanda Smith / Keri Harrison / Angela Comeau
Tyler Rutledge
Meeting called to order by Andrea at 6:40PM.
1. Welcome and Introductions
Andrea welcomed all to the meeting and asked that everyone introduce themselves.
2. Review June Meeting Minutes
Kelli Bishop motioned that the minutes from the June meeting be approved.
Seconded by Jody Sampson
Motion approved
3. Updates From
3.1 Principal Tyler Rutledge
Tyler welcomed everyone. He commented that it was a very busy first week but things are starting to settle down. There are currently 202 students enrolled at SSES and that there were many late registrations. The school has many combined classes this year. September 30th is the last date that the classroom makeup can change.
Tyler has met with the staff and they will be deciding as a committee what the school assemblies will be like this year.
There will be a skip a thon.
The school is trying to get a breakfast program in place that will reach all students. It will be a ‘grab and go’ breakfast/snack and it will be offered to all students. The snacks will be available in the class room and open to all students. The snacks will be healthy choices.
The sponsorship of the milk program has not been finalized.
The lunch program will continue.
3.2 Teacher Rep –Keri Harrison
Keri commented that the teachers are getting settled and once that takes place they will be looking at the pool of money available for performances.
3.3 SAC – Angela Comeau
The SAC is looking for a parent representative. Angela noted that the committee meets 8 times a year. Everyone is welcome to attend.
3.4 Treasurer Amanda Smith
The total amount raised by the PTA last year was $11, 782.79. The only event held so far for the 2011-2012 school year has been the ice cream social. This event raised $461.51.
4. Pink T-shirts/Anti-Bullying Assembly
An email was distributed to parents and caregivers regarding an idea around an anti-bullying campaign. It was suggested that $6.00 pink t-shirts be sold to students at a cost of $5.00 per shirt. The PTA would pick up the remaining cost ($1.00 per shirt or the full cost if a shirt wasn’t purchase). The estimated cost to the PTA for this undertaking would be $250-$900. The responses were close in that about half were for the shirts and half were opposed.
Other options were discussed during this meeting and the most appealing option would be to apply for a 4C grant. This is a private organization that issues grants to schools for art based and community projects. The idea is to have the students decorate and individualize their own T-Shirt.
Katherine will apply for the 4C grant.
5. PTA Budget 2011-12
Amanda Proposed budget
Money left in – special projects – but LCD needed to come out
Should have quote (Tyler) very soon on the LCD
Most budget items staying similar to last year
Usually the teachers/admin come to us with requests
Movies – did make small amount on movies last year – good committee event.
During the meeting the budget was reviewed line by line. A few changes were made to the budget for classroom allocation, specialized teachers and special projects.
To approve the proposed PTA budget for 2011 – 2012 with the following changes
Classroom allocation was increased to $2000 ($250 per class).
Specialized teachers was reduced to $600 ($150 per specialized teacher)
Special projects will decrease to $3805.01
Motion brought forward by Jody Sampson
Seconded by Elan Bachmann
All in favour
Motion approved
During the budget, there was a discussion regarding the passing of Joan Wallace, School librarian. Ms. Wallace passed away during the summer break. It was recommended that the PTA purchase and donate books and have an inscription in the covers in honour of Ms. Wallace. Andrea will work with the current librarian to determine what should be purchased. This donation will come of special projects.
Schedule of Events
Sept 22 - Curriculum night-PTA normally offers coffee and muffins/cookies.
Sept 30th – Friday – movie night - Zookeeper
Pizza, nachos, popcorn, chips, pretzels, smoothies will be served.
Email Jody for questions on movie night.
Oct 28 – Halloween Sock hop
Haunted house – looking for someone to volunteer to work with the grade 6 class in coming up with a theme and then creating the haunted house.
Looking for ideas for grab bags.
Toy Bingo – Kelly and Lynn will take the lead on this event
Christmas fundraiser – Regal or Avon
Christmas Karaoke with Santa
Jan movie night
Feb – raffle hotel night
Popcorn and choc milk sale
Each child gets a smencil compliments of the PTA
Movie night
St. Patrick’s Day Dance
Karaoke in April
Spring Fair – June 2
Next Meeting Oct 11th
Meeting adjourned – 8”:30