6th grade Math/Honors Math Syllabus

Mrs. Oaks

Conference: 7th period


Course Overview:

This course will cover:

*Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

*Integers and Integer Operations

*Proportional Reasoning

*Solving equations and inequalities

*Area, Volume, and other geometric concepts

*Data Analysis

*Financial Reasoning to help prepare them for real world applications involving money and investments.


When homework is assigned it is expected to be completed by the next day when class starts. Each six weeks the student will receive an assignment calendar that they are responsible for keeping up with. Each day at the end of class they will update their calendar with the topic and assignment for the day. This is a great way for you as a parent to check and see what homework your child has. At the bottom of the calendar there are two “oops” passes. These passes are used for special emergencies when the student didn’t get their homework done (family member in hospital, late night, forgot assignment, ect…) They will use these two passes, but will still serve the lunch/after school intervention to help them get caught up, but if they do not use their passes then each left over pass at the bottom of their calendar will add a point onto their average at the end of the six weeks. This is a great reward and motivation for students to get their homework done on time.

Late Work:

a)  Students that do not turn in homework on time will be required to call their parent immediately. They will inform the parent/guardian that their work is late and will be required to serve lunch intervention for the first offense.

b)  If the problem persist they will be required to stay for after school for intervention opportunities and a parent conference will be requested.

Class Rules:

*Always raise hand and wait to be acknowledged when you have a question or need to talk

*Cell phones must be off and put up at all times unless we are specifically using them in class

*Bring all materials to class and be ready to learn

*Remain in your seat unless you have permission to get up

*Follow the Respect contract at all times

Being prepared for class: Students are required to bring their homework completed, a pencil, their composition book, and be in their assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.

Classroom notebook: Students need to keep their class notebook neat and organized. This notebook should be used solely for this math class. They will keep all returned assignments in their notebook. DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY! All activities and handouts that we do throughout the year need to be stored in their notebook. At the end of the six weeks we will do a binder check, and this is an easy grade. I am trying to encourage and teach your child to be organized and responsible. Please do not let them throw away their math papers. They need to always go in their binder.


My behavior expectations for you are high. If I feel that your behavior is inappropriate for class or you are not following the classroom rules and procedures the following consequences will be utilized:

1. Teacher Conference with Student

2. In Classroom Action

3. Teacher Assigned Detention/Parent Conference

4. Office Referral

*Fighting, insubordination, and inappropriate language will result in an automatic office referral.



Prefered Activity Time

Golden Tickets

Tickets for 3 week/6 weeks drawings in class

Positive phone calls home

Required Materials:

1inch-2inch binder

Composition Book (no spirals!)

package of 5 dividers labeled: Bell Ringer, Handouts, Homework, Tests, STAAR review

WIDE ruled paper

Pencil (math must be done in pencil, notes can be taken in pen)

2 large Dry Erase Markers

1 box of Kleenex

Final Note:

I look forward to having a wonderful year with each of you. I hope that when the year is over, you not only learn new math skills but also some responsibility and integrity. I love each of my students, and I learn from them throughout the year (probably as much as they learn from me!) If you ever have any questions/comments please feel free to email/call me! Thank you

Britni Oaks


Math Class Period: ______

We have reviewed the course syllabus and classroom procedures for Mrs. Oaks’s Math Class.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

Phone numbers where parent/guardian can be reached. ______primary


Email Address: ______

Also, please let me know any additional information you would like for me to know about your child that will help me serve them throughout the year.


Please sign, date and return to Mrs. Oaks.