Minutes ofBoard of Directors meeting
Tuesday,May 8, 2012 – 1:30 p.m.
Embassy Suites, 1000 Woodward Place, Albuquerque NM
Present: Bernadette Jaramillo-Peck, CAE, Vice President; Mike Bowen, Secretary;Janice McCrary, Treasurer; Maralie BeLonge, Immediate Past President. Board Members Jerry Walker, Ralph McClish Diane Snyder, Steven Anaya, Minda McGonagle and Tricia Hall. Also present: Bill McKinstry, Executive Director, Daniel Ivey Soto and Ty Trujillo, newly elected board members for 2012-13 term. Absent: Ann Singer, CAE, President. A quorum was present, 10 of 11 board members. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Vice President Bernadette Jaramillo-Peck, CAE
- Approval of minutes, March 28, 2012 meeting.
The minutes of March 28 were sent in advance. With no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved.
- Executive Director’s report - Bill McKinstry distributed copies of the new membership brochure developed by Maralie Belonge. He reported that $23,000 of the budgeted $25,000 in member dues income has been received to date and that membership recruitment and retention will continue to be a priority. Two new members joined this month to date. Bill summarized the program topic preference survey responses, with the top 4 topics being Lobbying and Advocacy, Member Commmunications, Coalition Building and Branding/positioning. Billexplained plans for the June 12 program, to include a forum on one or more of those topics.
- Financial status report - Janice McCrary, Treasurer. Janicegave an oral update on the financial status. She noted that, according to herestimates,NMSAE needs to net $8,000 from events for the balance of the calendar year, in order to meet the budget and offset earlier losses. She recommended that there be a plan developed on how to assure that the meetings income reaches the goal. Tricia Hall noted that over $1,000 willbe received from NM-MPI from the April joint event and Bill McKinstry noted that approximately $900 will be netted from the May 8 annual meeting.Income from meetings and events is above projections year to date due to the success of the January legislative previewand the March 5 event with the Governor. Janice also raised the question of whether to approve a line item in the budget to pay for Bill McKinstry to attend ASAE annual meeting. Some board members wanted to go ahead and vote to authorize the trip to Dallas, but others advised that the board wait until the end of May financial statements come out. It was decided to act on the authorization at the next board meeting in June.
- Action to appoint Affiliate and Associate member representatives to the board for the 2012-2013 term. After a brief discussion and confirmation that they both will agree to serve if appointed, the board acted as follows:
MOTION: It was moved and seconded that Tricia Hall, CAE, be appointed as Associate member representative to the board of directors for the term July1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 and that Minda McGonagle by appointed Affiliate member representative to the board of directors for the same 1 year term.
Motion passed unanimously, all in favor, none opposed.
- Other business:
Minda McGonagle reported to the board on plans to develop a lobbyist certification training program, under the office of the Secretary of State, as well as a possible program or class on ethics. The board debated the value and reasons for doing this program, and opinions were mixed. Minda agreed to chair a task force to study it further and report back to the board.
Minutes, NMSAE Board of Directors meeting, May 8, 2012 – continued, page 2
Plans were made for the June event, featuring Brian Sanderoff and Joe Monahan. Jerry Walker and Mike Bowen committed to sponsorship on behalf of their respective associations. Ralph McClish, Bernadette Jaramillo Peck and Diane Snyder committed to purchasing group tables. The board agreed to set the same registration fees as were set for the March event with the Governor, as well as the same agenda timetable.
Regarding programming, Mike Bowen suggested a format in future meetings where association execs can give brief two minute presentations on what their associations do. Bernadette Jaramillo Peck noted that the CEO roundtable group recommended having a program on working with the print media, using Phil Lucey of the NM Press Association as a resource.
The meeting adjourned at approx. 2:15 p.m. The next meeting will be on June 12, following the meeting and lunch.
Submitted by Bill McKinstry, Executive Director
Certified by Mike Bowen, 2011-12 Secretary, upon approval of board Board approved June 27, 2012