Chatham Marketplace April Board Meeting
4/27/2016 5:30PM @ Jenny McLaurin’s Shop
Members Present: Sarah D'Amato, Kathleen Conroy, Jamie Saunders, Tom Morris, Doug Wakeman, Katie Niver, JennyMcLaurin.
General Manager: David Dellea
Guests: None
Board decisions in bold italics.
1) Reading of the ends.
2)Katie will send out March’s minutes for approval via email.
3) Finance Report (Tom):
A) Ok first quarter. Q1 and inventory looked good.$20,046 net profit = %3. Wages =%16 of sales. Margin %37
B) NCG liability fund: the letter was sent.
C) Discussed margin within the departments, and possibly dropping a few points in produce in the future. This would allow David to lower produce prices. Other GM’s have been doing this also.
4) GM FYI (David D.):
A) Annual party planning. Schedule is set. Board members will be assisting throughout the evening. Annual meeting will be held at 5:30 on 5/11. We will be splitting the cost of the tents with the Pollinator Day gang and will hopefully be able to use the Chatham Mill, Inc. if weather is rainy.
B) David share about his experience at his GM conference and talked about changing the website in the future.
C) Marketing person resigned. However, staff are currently managing their own advertising and David does not feel the need to hire a new marketing person, unless staff express the need.
D) David and Miki are working in AP and keeping a spreadsheet of vendors when they request payment. Vendor relations are really good and current right now. Miki will be out of town until May 10th on a vacation. Meg is being trained to assist while she is gone.
E) Lease negotiations are continuing, landlord has re-signed and David is supposed to re-sign Friday!
5) GM Reporting (David D):
A) The board feels the information from the finance committee report was a satisfactory amount of information for B1. David is working with Peg Nolan from NCG to write a business plan and B2. Will have done by annual meeting.
B) The members and David talked about the reporting and our options for tailoring/simplifying our CBLD template to fit out unique coop
6) Board Business (all):
A) Board elections: candidates will have applications submitted by Friday.
B) Joint Liability Fund: We sent our response letter requesting reconsideration- the steering committee will review our request on 5/17 at 1:30 PM. Ben Sendel gave some suggestions.
7) Board Business (directors only):
A) The board approved an application scholarship for a new owner.
B) Working on annual report, will continue to do so via email. We will give a synopsis of 2015 and aim our focus towards a bright future.
Next meeting: Annual meeting - 5/11 @ 5:30 on the front lawn.
May board meeting: 5/25/16 @5:30 in Jenny’s office.