Educational Leadership: Teacher Education Program (TED)
CRP – Educator Preparation Program Action Plan
Address the three areas of concern on one calendar:
· Concern #1: The organizational structure approved by the State Superintendent is no longer in place. (Green)
· Concern #2: Appropriate steps have not been taken to ensure compliance with PI 34 in regards to the structures and practices of the Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC). (Blue)
· Concern #3: Data collection, analysis, and use for purpose of continual program review are not evident. (No color)
Key: Concern #1 / Key: Concern #2 / Key: Concern #3Timeline / Action / Person Responsible / Follow Up
May 23, 2014 / Provost convenes meeting with all TED program areas to state the need for steps to address the deficiencies noted in the DPI April, 2014 visit and the importance of engaging / Provost
Interim Dean of Faculties
EDL Chair / July 2014 Retreat - the TED/EDL faculty will begin reviewing the possible reorganization of TED Programs for improved communication, operation, and data collection and CPR reporting to present for DPI approval
June 14, 2014 / Planning meeting for addressing concerns of DPI April, 2014 visit / Interim Dean of Faculties
EDL Chair
Incoming EDL Chair / Draft CRP reports for DPI laying out action steps
June 18, 2014 / Planning for improving campus organization of TED Program after review of past practices and data / Provost, Interim Dean of Faculties, Incoming
EDL Chair / Meetings set up for July with Chairs of various departments concerning proposal for TED Program reorganization
July 1 – October 1, 2014 / Explore, evaluate and recommend selection for repository for electronic data room / Data specialist presents recommendations / Purchase through technology process – need to determine appropriate budget
July 2, 2014 / Planning meeting for July 2014 retreat agenda / EDL Chair / Faculty to draft agenda for July retreat and submit to EDL Chair
July 23, 2014 / Provost, Dean, and EDL Chair meet with various Department Chairs with programs in Elementary Education / Provost
Interim Dean of Faculties
EDL Chair / Bring conceptualization for reconfiguration and results of July 23 meetings to July 28-30 meeting for discussion with TED Program
July 28-30, 2014
TED Retreat / Clarify configurations of licensure programs, communication methods, and operations for TED model / EDL Chair
Interim Dean of Faculties / August Meeting of TEAC representatives: Agenda item to brief TEAC on new configuration of Teacher Education Programs - for functions and laying out expectations
July 28 – 30, 2014
TED Retreat / Review list of data on hand, compare with CRP suggested data (key assessments, graduate/employer surveys, etc.,) and determine which areas need attention for collection and review / TED Summer Work Group / Data specialist collates in useable format during August for Sept. TEAC meeting
July 28 – 30, 2014
TED Retreat / Determine in the short term what data is readily available and can be analyzed / TED Summer Work Group / Data specialist and TED members create spreadsheets or gain access to reports
July 28-30, 2014
TED Retreat / Review templates to be used by majors/minors for data reporting at TEAC meetings / TED Summer Work Group / Distributed to TEAC representatives by Dean of Faculties
July 28-30, 2014
TED Retreat / Create monthly calendar for major areas to present their data at TEAC for review and input / TED Summer Work Group / Distributed to TEAC by Dean of Faculties
August 4-8, 2014 / Proposal for reorganization written up and reviewed. / EDL Chair
Interim Dean of Faculties / Shared with TED Coordinator and TED faculty, revised if needed, and prepared for Opening Week Department Meeting
August 25-27, 2014 / Educational Leadership Department Meeting reviews reorganizational proposal / EDL Chair / Vote on proposal to bring the decision- making authority for TED Programs under the Teacher Education Program within EDL Dept.
August 25-27, 2014 / Educational Leadership Department Meeting reviews proposal to strengthen TED decision making and making TEAC Advisory / EDL Chair / Agenda item during opening week by Department Chair. Vote on proposal to bring the TED decision making into the Educational Leadership Department
August 27-28 / Provost convenes meeting with all TEAC members, including their respective Chairs, to lay out the changes for TEAC / Provost / After explanation for the need and expectations of the revised TEAC Role organizational responsibilities and the roles of members will be discussed and written up to guide activities
August 27-30 / Provost convenes meeting with all TED program areas to outline steps for addressing the organizational issues noted by DPI April, 2014 visit / Provost
Interim Dean of Faculties
EDL Chair
TED Coordinator / Opening week meeting for ALL appointed faculty to learn about redesigns of TED Programs for improved communication and operation before submitting for DPI approval
August 2014 / Faculty Senate Executive Council is briefed on the proposal to consolidate the TED decision making to the Ed Leadership Dept:
TEAC will be recommended to be an advisory group only. / Ed Leadership Faculty member on Executive Council / After August EDL Dept meeting the approved proposal for revised role of TEAC will be sent through Faculty Governance steps with expected approval by UAAC and Faculty Senate in October
September 2014 / Schedule a TEAC meeting to discuss expectations for the redesign, communication, and operations of TEAC as we move forward. / Provost
Interim Dean of Faculties convene
Presenters determined during Retreat / Presenters facilitate internal discussion of model of how TEAC and TED will function together.
EDL Chair submits plan to DPI by October 31, 2014
October 2014 / Schedule open meeting for campus for any interested in understanding the reorganization of TED Program across campus / Provost
Interim Dean of Faculties
EDL Chair / Presenters facilitate discussion of model of how TED Program will function
EDL Chair submits plan to DPI by October 31, 2014
September 2014 / Each major/minor area works with Data specialist to review their data and begin to draw conclusions / Data specialist and each TEAC representative / Each TEAC representative will report at meetings per monthly calendar
September or October 2014 / EDL Dept approved proposal on revised role of the Educational Leadership Department (in relation to TEAC) for “responsibility, authority, and personnel to develop, administer, evaluate, and revise all professional education programs” – placed on UAAC agenda / EDL Dept Chair &
UAAC and Faculty Senate Dept Representatives / Proposal for revised (appropriate) role of TEAC is guided through Faculty governance process and approved by Chancellor.
October 2014 / Cathy Toll visits UWS to consult and receive get an in-person update of progress towards goals, program updates, and proposed redesign of TED Programs and decision making / Cathy Toll
EDL Chair
TED Coordinator
Interim Dean of Faculties / Recommendations based on feedback from Cathy will be incorporated into the proposed plan submitted to DPI State Superintendent
By December 1, 2014 / Submit the governance changes for TEAC and TED Program to DPI as part of report of changes in response to April 2014 DPI CRP report / EDL Chair / Feedback from DPI to the updated governance of Teacher Education Programs (TEAC and TED/EDL)
September – December 2014 / Each major/minor area presents available data and reports trends
Other areas interact with suggestions and observations / Each TEAC representative / Provost and Dean of Faculties attend as able to interact with departments and data – confirm in minutes
Spring semester / Faculty in Elementary Ed programs, not part of TED, begin attending TED Program meetings / DPI State Superintendent
Interim Dean of Faculties, specific Dept Chairs & faculty; EDL Department Chair; TED Coordinator / (Pending approval of State Superintendent and) In order to improve organization, communication, data collection, and continuous program review the various ECED and XXXED instructors will meet across the spring as part of the gradual integration into TED for fall 2015.
Spring Semester / Work with the new TEAC structure to improve communication, improve data collection and analysis. / TEAC members
TED Coordinator & Staff
EDL Chair / Analyze and present data collected over the academic year for applications for improved teaching and learning and inclusion in CRP Report.
January 2015 / Summarize the findings of the data review and analyze for data driven decision making / TEAC representatives with oversight from TED / Provost and Dean of Faculties to participate as suggestions are made – document in minutes
February 1, 2015 / Complete DPI reporting questions and submit to TED for summary / TEAC Representatives/
Department Chairs / TED summarizes the trends for all areas of education to quality check the reporting information – Review of report at TEAC meeting
By March 1, 2015 / Train TEAC members to use the electronic data system that is selected and purchased / Data specialist, TEAC members / List of individuals trained on file with Dean of Faculties
March 1, 2015 / Summaries of DPI reports submitted by TED then go to Dean/Provost for Review / EDL Chair / Reviewer makes comments and asks clarifying questions
March 20-31, 2015 / DPI reports forwarded to DPI representative / EDL Chair / DPI acknowledges receipt
March – May 2015
(This is not a catalog year so this is appropriate time frame for changes to be developed and discussed) / Pursue changes to curriculum for any major/minor field of educational study based on data that has been analyzed, shared with TEAC, and ready for DPI review / TEAC representatives, TED members
TED Coordinator
EDL Chair / Provost and Dean of Faculties review the proposals, ask clarifying questions, give campus affirmations, move onto governance groups
July 2015 / Review any data collected in spring semester to begin the process over again / TED Department members and campus leadership / Draft of calendar for TEAC data review points for 15-16