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Upon successful completion of theAJprogram, students will be able to:

1. Use criticalobservationskills.

2. Communicate with a diverse populationina culturally sensitive manner.

3. Assess andrespond appropriately to potentialconflict situations.

4. Write clearand accurate reports.

5. Maintaina drugfree lifestyle.

6. Work independently and interdependentlyto accomplish shared professional outcomes.

7. Develop Administrationof Justice career plans.

8. Practice withinthe legal/ethical parameters of the Justice profession.

No. / CourseLearningOutcomes / ProgramLearningOutcomes
#1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8
Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval
AJ101 / IntroductiontoAdministrationofJustice
1. Identify and describe thefunctions of the major criminal justice system. / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S,
Ap / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6,
7 / E,S,
Ap / 14 / E,Ap,
An / 5,8 / E,S,
Ap / 7,12 / E,S,
Ap / 8,11
2. Describe the process through the criminaljustice system. / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S,
Ap / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6,
7 / E,S,
Ap / 14 / E,Ap,
An / 5,8 / E,S,
Ap / 7,12 / E,S,
Ap / 8,11
3. Define and classify crimes. / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S,
Ap / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6,
7 / E,S,
Ap / 14 / E,Ap,
An / 5,8 / E,S,
Ap / 7,12 / E,S,
Ap / 8,11
4. Identify the source of crime data and list weaknessesof each method of collection / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S,
Ap / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6,
7 / E,S,
Ap / 14 / E,Ap,
An / 5,8 / E,S,
Ap / 7,12 / E,S,
Ap / 8,11
5. Identify issues withinlawenforcement,courts,and corrections. / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S,
Ap / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6,
7 / E,S,
Ap / 14 / E,Ap,
An / 5,8 / E,S,
Ap / 7,12 / E,S,
Ap / 8,11
6. Identify and discuss possible career paths in the field of American criminaljustice. / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S / 1,2,
3 / E,S,
Ap / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6,
7 / E,S,
Ap / 14 / E,Ap,
An / 5,8 / E,S,
Ap / 7,12 / E,S,
Ap / 8,11

Legend: Level: (K)nowledge (C)omprehension (Ap)plication (An)alysis (S)ynthesis (E)valuationPage 1 of12

Evaluation:(1)Exam(2)Test (3)Quiz(4)Essay(5)Report (6)ResearchPaper(7) Project(8)GroupProject (9) Passport (10)Portfolio (11)Assignment(12)Presentation(13)Seminar(14)Demonstration

(15)Knowledge Survey

No. / CourseLearningOutcomes / ProgramLearningOutcomes
#1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8
Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval
AJ103 / CriminalInvestigation
1. Explainimportant trendsaffecting criminal investigation. / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6 / E,S,
An / 14 / S,An,
Ap / 5,8 / C,S / 8,12 / E,S,
An / 8,12,
2. Identify themajor steps involvedin organizingfor the investigation of a crime. / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6 / E,S,
An / 14 / S,An,
Ap / 5,8 / C,S / 8,12 / E,S,
An / 8,12,
3. Citeimportant legalaspects applicable to crime scene evidence collection. / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6 / E,S,
An / 14 / S,An,
Ap / 5,8 / C,S / 8,12 / E,S,
An / 8,12,
4. Citeimportant legalaspects applicable to arrest, search and seizure procedures. / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6 / E,S,
An / 14 / S,An,
Ap / 5,8 / C,S / 8,12 / E,S,
An / 8,12,
5. Compare and contrast various types of criminal investigations. / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6 / E,S,
An / 14 / S,An,
Ap / 5,8 / C,S / 8,12 / E,S,
An / 8,12,
6. Discussissues related to testifying in court. / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 2,3,
6,8 / E,S,
An / 8,
12 / Ap / 5,6 / E,S,
An / 14 / S,An,
Ap / 5,8 / C,S / 8,12 / E,S,
An / 8,12,
AJ104 / Criminalities / Thiscourseiscurrentlynotoffered.
1. Define theimportance of major evidence groupings.
2. Explain crime lab functionsand instrumentation.
3. Explain trends in crime solving resulting from developments inforensicresearch.
4. Follow directions in acrime scene fieldkit to resolve a crime scene problem.
5. As part of a team, identify,collect,andpreserve mock crime scene evidence to determine who is
AJ137 / PatrolProcedures
1. Describe the various duties of uniformed police officers. / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap / 7,8 / Ap,E,
S / 14 / An,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,E,
Ap / 8,12 / C,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
2. Assess manpower expenditures of a department. / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap / 7,8 / Ap,E,
S / 14 / An,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,E,
Ap / 8,12 / C,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
No. / CourseLearningOutcomes / ProgramLearningOutcomes
#1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8
Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval
3. Define patrol methods such as "team policing," "basic car plan," and "unitbeat policing." / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap / 7,8 / Ap,E,
S / 14 / An,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,E,
Ap / 8,12 / C,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
4. Differentiatethe role of the uniformedofficerin each type of patrolunit. / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap / 7,8 / Ap,E,
S / 14 / An,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,E,
Ap / 8,12 / C,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
5. Analyze a patrolproblem. / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap / 7,8 / Ap,E,
S / 14 / An,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,E,
Ap / 8,12 / C,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
6. Discuss the Kansas CityExperiment and its findings / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap,
E,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,Ap / 7,8 / Ap,E,
S / 14 / An,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
8,12 / C,E,
Ap / 8,12 / C,E,
Ap,S / 1,3,
AJ138 / CriminalJusticeSystemReportsandCommunications
1. Apply proper format inreport writing. / Ap / 1,2,
3,5 / Ap / 5,11,
13 / E / 11,
13 / S / 5,6,
11 / Ap / 13 / Ap / 1,2,3,
5,6,9 / S / 6,11 / Ap / 1,2,3,
2. Recognize the six elements (who,what,why,where, when, how)of a report. / Ap / 1,2,
3,5 / Ap / 5,6,
11,13 / E / 1,2,
3,11 / S / 5,6,
11 / Ap / 13 / Ap / 1,2,3,
5,6,9 / S / 6,11 / Ap / 1,2,3,
3. Write a clearand organized paragraph for a police report. / Ap / 5,6,
11 / Ap / 5,6,
11,13 / E / 5,
11 / S / 5,6,
11 / Ap / 13 / Ap / 1,2,3,
5,6,9 / S / 6,11 / Ap / 1,2,3,
AJ139 / ComputerApplicationinCriminalJustice / Thiscourseiscurrentlynotoffered.
1. Explain the basic conceptsof computer theory and operation.
2. Describe computer uses in law enforcement.
3. Apply computer knowledge to hands-on software simulationsin the computer lab.
AJ180 / IntroductiontoTerrorism
1. Define terrorism. / C / 2 / Ap / 6 / C / 12 / K / 6 / K / 2 / K / 6 / K / 12 / K / 2
2. Summarize the history and beliefs of terrorism. / C / 14 / Ap / 6 / C / 2 / C / 6 / C / 2 / K / 6 / C / 12 / K / 2
3. Describe the motivation for and the sponsors of terrorism. / K / 2 / K / 12 / K / 2 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 6 / Ap / 12 / K / 12
4. List the roleof the mediawith regard to terrorism. / K / 12 / K / 12 / C / 14 / C / 6 / C / 2 / C / 6 / Ap / 12 / K / 6
No. / CourseLearningOutcomes / ProgramLearningOutcomes
#1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8
Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval
5. Identifyboth domestic and internationalterrorist groups. / C / 2 / C / 12 / C / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 13 / K / 12
6. Discuss thelegalperspectives of and responses to terrorism. / C / 12 / C / 2 / K / 2 / K / 6 / K / 2 / Ap / 6 / K / 13 / K / 12
7. Describe various weaponsof mass destruction. / C / 2 / C / 2 / K / 12 / C / 6 / C / 2 / Ap / 6 / C / 6 / K / 2
AJ193V / CooperativeLearning
1.Describe the generalrules and operations of an agency associated with the AJ field.
2.Describe the roles and duties of agency employees.
3.Demonstrateprofessional behaviors such as punctuality,responsibility, and proper
4.Maintain accurate time sheets and work records.
5.Complywithagency rules for confidentialityand professional ethics.
AJ200 / ProceduresintheHawaiiJusticeSystem
1.Compare and contrast search and seizure requirementsfor the United States Constitution and
the Constitution for the State of Hawaii. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
Ap / 3,8,
2.List and explain 4 distinctareas relating to the visible cost of crime. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
Ap / 3,8,
3.Define Exclusionary Rule and Fruit of Poisoned Tree doctrines. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
Ap / 3,8,
4.Compare and contrast Probable Cause and
Reasonable Suspicion. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
Ap / 3,8,
5.SummarizeWeeks v.United States and Mapp v.
Ohio. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
Ap / 3,8,
6.Explain criminalprocedures before,during,and after trial. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
Ap / 3,8,
No. / CourseLearningOutcomes / ProgramLearningOutcomes
#1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8
Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval
AJ208 / IntroductiontoCriminology
1.Describe the various biological, sociological, andpsychological theories ofcriminality. / K / 12 / K / 2 / C / 12 / C / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 12
2.Describe the impact of crime on society. / C / 2 / K / 12 / C / 2 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 12
3.Describe the criminal/victimrelationship. / C / 2 / K / 2 / C / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 12
AJ210 / JuvenileJustice
1.Interpret local,state,andnationaljuvenile crime data. / K / 12 / K / 13 / K / 12 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 12
2.Differentiatekeygroups that consolidate information about juvenile crime. / K / 12 / K / 12 / C / 2 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / C / 12
3.Explain the process for handlingjuvenile offenders in various correctionalsettings. / C / 2 / C / 13 / K / 2 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 2
4.Apply juvenile case law tocommunityand institutionalsettings. / C / 2 / C / 13 / C / 12 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 2
5.Define the patterns of effective juvenile crime prevention efforts. / C / 2 / C / 2 / C / 12 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / C / 2
6.Explain the contributionsof information and research to juvenile crimesolutionsinAmerica. / K / 12 / K / 6 / C / 12 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / Ap / 6
AJ220 / ConstitutionalLaw
1. Discuss the historicaldevelopment of constitutional laws. / C,
Ap / 5,8,
12 / C / 8,12 / C / 6,7 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,14 / C / 15
2. Explain the protections the Billof Rights provides for individuals. / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,5,
6,12 / C,
Ap / 5,8,
12 / C / 8,12 / C / 6,7 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,14 / C / 15
3. Describe the limits on police authorityimposedby the courts' interpretationof the Billof Rights. / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,5,
6,12 / C,
Ap / 5,8,
12 / C / 8,12 / C / 6,7 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,14 / C / 15
AJ221 / IntroductiontoCriminalLaw
1.Explain themajor historicalsteps leading to the developmentof U.S. criminal lawpatterns. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
No. / CourseLearningOutcomes / ProgramLearningOutcomes
#1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8
Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval
2.Define typesofcriminal law. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
3.Define the role of prosecution and defense in the adjudicationof a criminal matter. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
4.Explain the elements,conduct,resultsof conduct, and attendant circumstances of certaincrimes inthe
HawaiiStatutes. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
5.Explain the sources of development in the case law ofsignificantcriminallaw matters. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
AJ224 / RulesofEvidence
1.Define the major steps inthe evolution of U.S. rules of evidence. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
2.Explain rulesgoverning courtroom witness testimony. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
3.Define key groupings of evidence. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
4.Explain the finaldisposition of courtroom evidence. / E,S,
Ap / 1,2,
3 / Ap / 5,8 / Ap / 5,8 / C / 6 / C / 14 / Ap / 5,6 / C / 12,
14 / E,S,
C,Ap / 3,8,
AJ230 / PrinciplesofPoliceSupervision
1.Recognize the keyrole ofa line supervisor in an organization. / An / All / E / All
but9 / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All
2.Describe the qualities a supervisor must possess. / E / All / E / All
but9 / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All
3.Explain the relationship between supervisor and subordinate. / E / All / E / All
but9 / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All
4.Describe a supervisor's role in guidinga subordinate through phases of a police career. / S / All / S / All
but9 / S / All / S / All / S / All / S / All / S / All / S / All
No. / CourseLearningOutcomes / ProgramLearningOutcomes
#1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8
Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval
5.Recognize the criticalnature offirst-level supervisionin a police organization. / S / All / S / All
but9 / S / All / S / All / S / All / S / All / S / All / S / All
AJ233 / PoliceOrganizationandManagement
1.Discuss severalmanagement theories and their principal authors. / E,Ap
S,An / 1,3,
8,12 / E,S,
An / 1,3,
8,12 / E,S,
ApAn / 1,3,
8,12 / C / 5,6 / An,C,
E / 14 / C,Ap / 5,6,8 / C,
Ap / 5,6 / E,An
S / 3,8,
2.Explain the organization of police agencies. / E,Ap
S,An / 1,3,
8,12 / E,S,
An / 1,3,
8,12 / E,S,
ApAn / 1,3,
8,12 / C / 5,6 / An,C,
E / 14 / C,Ap / 5,6,8 / C,
Ap / 5,6 / E,An
S / 3,8,
3.Explain the role of variousdivisionsinoverall police operations. / E,Ap
S,An / 1,3,
8,12 / E,S,
An / 1,3,
8,12 / E,S,
ApAn / 1,3,
8,12 / C / 5,6 / An,C,
E / 14 / C,Ap / 5,6,8 / C,
Ap / 5,6 / E,An
S / 3,8,
AJ234 / CommunityPolicing
1.Define community and police agency. / An / All
but9 / E / All
but9 / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / S / All
2.Discuss the development of relationships between the police agency and the community. / E / All
but9 / S / All
but9 / S / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / S / All
3.Define the key stages of the police agency's unique functionsinHawaii. / An / All
but9 / E / All
but9 / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All
4.Explain the community's response tovarious police actions and practices. / S / All
but9 / S / All
but9 / S / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / E / All / S / All
AJ235 / EthicsintheCriminalJusticeSystem
1.Define the vocabulary of ethics,i.e., morals, ethics, values,dilemmas. / Ap,C,
E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12,14 / Ap,C,
E,S / 6,7,
2.Describe major ethical systems. / E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12,14 / Ap,C,
E,S / 6,7,
No. / CourseLearningOutcomes / ProgramLearningOutcomes
#1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8
Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval / Level / Eval
3.Discuss major ethical theories and issues. / E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12,14 / Ap,C,
E,S / 6,7,
4.Explain the relationship between justice and law. / E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12,14 / Ap,C,
E,S / 6,7,
5.Explain the role oflaw enforcement ina democracy. / E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12,14 / Ap,C,
E,S / 6,7,
AJ280 / CurrentIssuesintheAdministrationofJustice
1.Gather appropriate research materialson a selected topic. / Ap,C,
E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 8,14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12 / C / 7,12
2.Construct an effective questionnaire / Ap,C,
E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 8,14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12 / C / 7,12
3.Collect data. / Ap,C,
E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 8,14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12 / C / 7,12
4.Write a properlyannotated research paper based on data obtained by the class. / Ap,C,
E,S / 2,3,
7,8 / C / 8,14 / C / 6,7,
8 / C / 5,6 / C / 14 / C / 5,6,
7 / C / 12 / C / 7,12
AJ283 / SubstanceAbuseinSociety
1.Identify the following illegaldrugs:
•Marijuana / C / 2 / K / 12 / C / 2 / Ap / 6 / C / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 12
2.Describe the manufacture, production,and distribution of these drugs / K / 12 / C / 2 / C / 2 / Ap / 6 / C / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 12
3.Explain the effects of these drugs on society. / C / 2 / C / 2 / C / 12 / Ap / 6 / C / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 12
4.Discusslaw enforcement concerns regarding these categories of substances. / K / 12 / K / 6 / K / 12 / Ap / 6 / C / 6 / Ap / 6 / K / 12 / K / 12


Tech IIDivision


The categories or options for completing theSLO mapping or crosswalk exercise can be foundonthefollowingthreepagesofthetemplates. Amoredetailedexplanationofthose categoriesoroptionsisoutlinedbelow.

The basic premise of the map orcrosswalk is to record the twopiecesofinformationabout eachindividualCourse SLO listed in the column on the left-hand side of the chart in the spacesassociatedwiththeappropriateor applicableProgramSLOacrossthetopofthe chart.


BaseduponBloom’sTaxonomyofEducational Objectives, this column on the worksheet is designed to indicate the level atwhich theindividualSLOisbeingdelivered. Usingthe sampleverbsincludedinthetable,selectandrecordthe highest levelofthetaxonomyat whichtheSLOisdelivered- (K)nowledge,(C)omprehension,(Ap)plication,(An)alysis, (S)ynthesis),or(E)valuation.


This column on the worksheet is designed to indicate the method or methods that are being used to evaluate the student’s learning associatedwiththeindividualSLOs. Baseduponthe reasonably comprehensive list of evaluationmethodsprovided,selectandrecordallofthe evaluation methods applied to the assessmentof each course SLO. Use the numbers associatedwiththeevaluationmethodsfoundinthelegendatthebottomof the pages in the worksheet.

When you have completed the mapping exercise,please return the completed templates to theDean.

Selectingthe appropriate verbs

Bloom'staxonomyofeducationalobjectivescontinuestobewidelyusedincurriculumdevelopmentactivities--in writinglearningoutcomes,constructingevaluationtools.Learningisdividedintothreedomains:cognitive (knowledge),psychomotor(skills)andaffective(attitudes).Eachofthedomainscontainsanumberoflevels,shownbelowinascendingorder.Anumberofactionwords(verbs)areassociatedwitheachlevel;theseaction wordsdescribetheoutcomethelearnerisexpectedtoachieve.Examplesofoutcomewordsforthecognitive levelsappearbelow.


1.Knowledge:therememberingofmaterialpreviouslylearned;recall,rememberingfacts, identifyingprinciplesorstepsinasequence



3.Application:theabilitytouselearnedmaterialsinanewcontext; abilitytousewhathasbeen learnedinothersituations;useabstractions,suchasconcepts, principles,rules,theories,and laws,tofindsolutionstonewproblems;transferringskillandknowledge

4.Analysis:theabilitytobreakmaterialdownintoitselementsorpartssothatitsorganizational structuremaybeunderstood;breakingawholeintoitscomponentpartssothatthe relationshipsbetweenpartsareunderstood

5.Evaluation:theabilitytojudgethevalueofmaterialforagivenpurpose;abilitytojudgethe valueofmaterialinlightofaspecificpurposeusinggivencriteria

6.Synthesis:theabilitytocombinepreviousexperiencewithnewmaterialtoformawhole structure;puttingtogetherpartstoformanewwhole;combiningelementsinanewform

Psychomotor Domain:





5.Naturalization:actsbecomeroutine,automaticandspontaneous;performanceisnaturaland smooth

Affective Domain





4.Organization:concernedwithbringingtogetherdifferentvalues,resolvingconflictsbetween them,andbeginningtobuildaninternally consistentvaluesystem;buildingaphilosophyorgoal foroneselfwouldbeappropriateatthislevel



determiningwhat it is students are being asked to do, and using the word that most closely conveys the expectedoutcomecanbeoneofthemanystrategiesusedintheanalyticprocessthatsupportswriting learning outcomes; considertheintent ofthe wordinthecontextof theactivityinwhichthestudentsare participating

thelearningoutcome begins withthestatement:the studentwillhavereliablydemonstratedtheabilityto … (selecttheappropriateverb)…...... (and then thecontent- the learning that is to be demonstrated)

theseverbsarealsousefulwhenconstructinglearningandevaluationactivities;inthesecasesthetask often beginswith the verb

Knowledge / Comprehension / Application / Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation
count / change / apply / analyze / arrange / appraise
define / compare / calculate / breakdown / categorize / assess
describe / convert / change / categorize / combine / compare
draw / demonstrate / classify / clarify / compile / conclude
indicate / describe / complete / compare / compose / consider
identify / differentiate / demonstrate / construct / create / criticize
label / discuss / discover / contrast / design / determine
list / distinguish / employ / debate / develop / grade
match / estimate / examine / detect / devise / grade
name / explain / generalize / differentiate / formulate / judge
outline / express / illustrate / distinguish / generalize / measure
pointto / extrapolate / manipulate / diagram / generate / justify
produce / generalize / modify / examine / integrate / rank
quote / giveexamples / operate / group / organize / rate
recall / infer / organize / pointout / plan / revise
recite / illustrate / practice / separate / produce / score
record / interpret / predict / transform / propose / select
relate / interpolate / prepare / rearrange / support
select / rearrange / relate / reconstruct / test
tabulate / report / restructure / reorganize / value
trace / restate / show / revise / weigh
write / review / solve / specify
rewrite / transfer / solve
summarize / use / weigh
transform / utilize
Course Evaluation Categories / Descriptions
Examination / cumulativeevaluationatfixedpoints(e.g.mid-term,endoftermin examinationperiod)
minimum of 25% of total grade
relationshipswith externalbodies may impose limitations on weighting
Test / planned,periodicassessment,couldincludemultiple-choice, short and/or longwrittenanswers, commonlysetwithinclassperiods;anindividual test weightingistypically 25%orlessofthetotal grade
Quiz / announcedorunannouncedshort"test";inoroutofclass;usually15 minutes or less
is not given amajor weighting
Essay / literarycomposition,usuallyinprose,onanysubject;includesReviewsand
Report / structured,systematicwrittenpresentationofinformativeand/orpersuasive
Research paper / systematic exploration (utilizing either primary and/or secondary research) ofaproblem orquestionpresentedinessayform, whichmay also include such elements ascharts, tables, appendices,table of content
Project / report with apracticalcomponent; detailed study of a particular subject;
generally covering about 3weeks or theequivalent induration
Group project / project activity assigned togroups of students (generally 2 to 6 students)
Passport / ascorecard;adetailedlistingofthe competencies/activitiesthatthe studentmust successfullydemonstrate thatare alignedtoa specific
module ofcurriculum.
Portfolio / any portable case,a notebook, folder, report binder, that holdsa collection ofdocuments,photographs,drawings,or othermaterialsthatbelongto or represent the work of anindividual
Assignment / small, focused, particular task or activity, in or out of class; an individual assignment would have a value of 10% or less of the total mark
Presentation / oraland/orvisualpresentationofreport,project,researchpaper,portfolio, assignment to classmatesand/orfaculty; individual or group
Seminar / leadershipofdiscussionamongstsmallgroupofclassmates(usually6 to
12) of particular topic or subject
Practicalskill demonstration / individualdemonstrationofspecificskillsorgroupsofskillsthatmakeupa task