Animated Gif CHEAT SHEET

1. File,' then “Scripts,” then “Load Files Into Stack”

2. Window/Timeline.(earlier versions of PS it’s Window/Animation)

3. in the Timeline window, click “Create Frame Animation” (earlier versions of PS skip this step)

4. Select all layers.

Then, select the menu icon on the right of the Timeline screen. A dropdown menu will appear.

Select “Create new layer for each new frame.”

(earlier versions of PS skip this step)

5. Select the menu icon on the upper right of the Timeline screen. A dropdown menu will appear. Select: “Make Frames From Layers.”

6. Under each frame, select how long it should appear for before switching to the next frame.

7. At the bottom of the toolbar, select how many times you'd like your animation to loop.

8. Save it as “jump.gif” in idc/images on your desktop

In Notepad++, create a new document called “gif.html” (saved to your “idc” folder, and add the new jump.gif image you created to your code:

!DOCTYPE html>



title>my gif</title>



img src="images/jump.gif" alt="High Jump">



Drag your “gif.html” into your idc folder.

Drag your “jump.gif” into your idc/image folder.