Neptune minutes, October 8th , 2013

7 PM. Meeting called to order by Neptune President, Brian Bangert

The July minutes were approved

The Treasurers report was approved.

Meeting Sponsor, Leslie Van Calster of Todd Wiese Home Selling team spoke about the real estate service she provides to her customers. Anyone in need of any real estate help should call Leslie Van Calster @ (920) 883-5303. Thanks Leslie for sponsoring the Ocober Neptune’s Dive Club meeting.

John Touscany reported on the September Neptune Treasure Dive. The event had 13 divers in the water and almost 20 people for the whole event. Participation was a great improvement from the 2012 Treasure Dive.

There was a mix up on speaker dates and the October speaker, Dr. Todd Reynolds will speak at the November Neptune meeting.

Tuesday, Nov. 8th Neptune Meeting, Mackinaw’s Grill & Spirits

Speaker: Dr. Todd Reynolds, G.P. will speak about Dive Related Injuries.

Porte des Morts Staircase Project

John Touscany reported on the Porte des Morts Staircase Project,

(PDMSP). A survey of the park’s building site was done this past spring by Baudhuin, Inc. of Sturgeon Bay. That data allowed Baudhuin to develop a set of plans for the staircase project. After Baudhuin had discussions with the Wisconsin DNR and Door County, a revised set of plans have been made. A copy of these plans were passed along to the general contractor, Mike Kahr of Death’s Door Marine. Mike is developing a construction estimate that will include, time, labor and materials.

PDMSP Fund Raising: Once the construction estimate is complete, fund raising will resume. Fund raising strategies will include the following.

• “Crowd Funding” An crowd funding campaign is being developed to launch with the approval of the Door County Community Foundation. John Touscany is working with Linda Jeske, (NDC member’s Craig Golick’s fiancé) to develop a short video to describe the project on the crowd funding campaign.

• Apply for area Foundation Grants.

• Revisit and approach individuals and entities that have voiced past support of the PDMSP.

Our objective is to raise $50,000 for the project. To date, the project has raised, $4,210.00 and sits in its own account with and under the watchful eye of the Door County Community Foundation.

On Hold:

First Aid CPR course is on hold due to scheduling conflicts. More details to come.

First Aid Kits

Neptune’s Dive Club, (NDC) is developing an opportunity for NDC members to purchase basic first aid kits.

Neptune Elections for 2014:

Jeremy Saunders will take over as NDC president in 2014.

NDC will be seeking a Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, Nov. 8th Neptune Meeting, Mackinaw’s Grill & Spirits

Speaker: Dr. Todd Reynolds, G.P. will speak about Dive Related Injuries.

Tuesday, December 10th Neptune Christmas Social, Mackinaw’s Grill & Spirits.

Tuesday, January 14th, Neptune’s Dive Club Meeting

Saturday, February 8th, Neptune Banquet, Swan Club De Pere, WI

February 14-16, 2014, Our World Underwater, Chicago, IL

March 11th , 2014, Neptune’s Dive Club Meeting

March 14-15, 2014, Ghost Ships Festival, Milwaukee, WI

April 8th, 2014, Neptune’s Dive Club meeting

Scuba Shops

Aqua Center of Green Bay, , (920) 468-8080

Aqua Center is running dive trip to Curacao, January 11-18, 2014. The island of Curacao is located in the Caribbean Sea next to the island of Bonaire off the northern coast of Venezuela.

7 nights of lodging, 6 days of 2-tank boat dives and unlimited shore diving at Lions Dive & Beach Resort.

Quad Occupancy, $1,465.00

Triple Occupancy, $1,745.00

Double Occupancy., $2,310.00

All rates, PLUS AIRFARE. Current Airfare from Chicago, $780.00.

Contact Connie Skarvan at Aqua Center to learn more.

Green Bay Scuba, , (920) 498-8499

Wednesday night dives have come to a season ending conclusion. “See Y’all next year.” says, Div’n Bob Hazelwood. “Thanks for a great season of diving on Wednesday nights with Green Bay Scuba.”

GB Scuba is scheduled to go to Roatan, (off the coast of Honduras) in the Caribbean Sea. October 26th - November 2nd , 2013.

GB Scuba is scheduled to go to the Bahamas in April, 2014

Contact Al or Barb Pahnke for any of these great diving opportunities.

M&M Diving, , (906) 863-7330

Contact Bob Berg for upcoming event and trips with M&M Diving

Motion was made to adjourn & passed.