Regular Meeting of the Village of McLean held the 13th day of July2016

Present:Mayor Mark Towers, Councilors: James Potter, Jamie Torry, Admin. Nadine Jensen.

Call to Order: Mayor Towers called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


099/2016–Clr. Potter: moved the agenda be adoptedas presented.



100/2016 – Clr. Torry: moved the minutes of the Regular meeting held June 8/16 be adopted as presented.



Mayor Towers requested the correspondence be presented.

101/2016 –Clr. Torry:C. Schlamp mower repair - moved

WHEREAS Calvin Schlamp hit a metal stake on the edge of the property located at 404 Railway Ave, and would like the bill to repair his mower to be paid by the Village

AND WHEREAS the Village has no idea how the stake appeared there

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village will not pay for the mower repair.


Delegation #1 – Janet Kotylak of PVSD was given the floor at 7:15 pm. to update council on what the PVSD board has been working on during the last term.

Janet Kotylak left council chambers at 7:50 pm.

Delegation #2 – Bryton Lorenz was given the floor at 7:50 pm to review his Garage Development Permit Application with council.

102/2016 – Clr. Potter:Bryton Lorenz Dev. Permit App. –moved

WHEREAS Bryton Lorenz has requested approval for 12’ high walls on his garage which is a council discretion request

AND WHEREAS the location for the request is surrounded by taller buildings

BE IT RESOLVED that council approve the Development & Building Permit Applications as presented.


Bryton Lorenz left chambers at 8:00 pm

Admin Report: yesFirst Responder Report: N/AWater report: yes

Rec Board Report: N/AFire Dept. Report: N/A

103/2016 – Clr. Torry:Water Report –moved

WHEREAS the Village Council needs to receive the Water Report each month

BE IT RESOLVED that the Water Operator have the Water Report handed in to the office by noon on the Friday preceding the meeting, so that it can be included in the Meeting package sent out to council.


104/2016 – Clr. Torry:Paint Street Sign Posts –moved

WHEREAS Dan Leonard offered to paint the street sign posts on Main St. for $10.00 per post, this includes the paint and the labor, and will be completed before Sports day.

BE IT RESOLVED that Dan Leonard be approved to paint the street sign posts on Main St.


Mayor Towers called a 10 minute recess at 8:15pm

Mayor Towers called the meeting back to order at 8:25 pm

105/2016 – Clr. Torry: Speed Bump removal- moved

WHEREAS there is a four way stop on Main St. which will slow the traffic

BE IT RESOLVED that the speed bumps located on Main Street are to be removed.


106/2016 – Clr. Potter: Daycare Gravel- moved

WHEREAS Prairie Dreams Learning Center has determined to remove a dirt hill from the back yard of the day care,

BE IT RESOLVED that council agree to provide gravel to cover the area where the dirt was removed.


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107/2016 – Clr. Torry: Concrete Reclaim- moved

WHEREAS council has budgeted to place broken concrete pieces on the inside walls of the lagoon

BE IT RESOLVED that Schaeffer’s Trenching deliver broken cement pieces of cement from a barn demolition they are doing, for $140/load


108/2016 – Clr. Torry: Concrete Demolition - moved

WHEREAS council has budgeted to place broken concrete pieces on the inside walls of the lagoon

BE IT RESOLVED that Schaeffer’s Trenching deliver broken cement pieces of cement from a closer location for $75 per load.


109/2016 – Clr. Torry: Dirt Pile from Railway east trench - moved

WHEREAS the trench running along the railway tracks east of 2nd St required cleaning AND WHEREAS A pile of dirt was developed at time of the trench cleaning, and requires a new location

BE IT RESOLVED that council determined the dirt should be used to fill in a low spot on the north side of the Community Center parking lot, if PVSD approves it, or if declined, to 50 Allan St. where the property owner will pay $200 to have it delivered & leveled.


110/2016 – Clr. Potter: Grass Cutting Poplar Place - moved

WHEREAS the Village grass cutting is behind due to all the rain

AND WHEREAS the Village had previously agreed to cut grass for the developer in Poplar Place for a fee

BE IT RESOLVED that the developer of Poplar Place be advised that we are unable to cut the grass and he should find an alternative, before Sports day weekend.


New/Old Business:

111/2016 – Clr. Potter: Easements - moved

WHEREAS the Village of McLean has received complaints of a couple of residents moving gravel on streets with their own machine

BE IT RESOLVED that if any ratepayer wants to maintain the easement around their own property, they hereby have village permission to do so, as long as the work completed does not negatively affect anadjacent property.


112/2016 – Clr Torry: 140 Main St. – moved

WHEREAS the Village of McLean has received an offer to purchase 140 Main St. for $25,000 GST included

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean accept the offer, and ask the realtor to split the cost of the GST.


113/2016 – Clr. Potter: 244 Main St - moved

WHEREAS Dan Leonard has requested the Village to pay $500.00 toward the removal of the tree stump in the front of said property

AND WHEREAS the Village of McLean has already spent $900 toward the tree removal

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean will not put any further monies toward the tree removal.


114/2016 – Clr. Torry: Power Mobile Equipment (PME) course – moved

WHEREAS the Village of McLean hosted the PME course

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean will pay the cost of the lunch provided by the McLean Ladies group.


115/2016 – Clr. Torry:110 Lillis Approach– moved

WHEREAS the owner of 110 Lillis requested approval for a 16 ft. access off of Beta St.

AND WHEREAS there is full access from the back alley

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean denies the request.


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116/2016 – Clr. Potter:40 km Sign– moved

WHEREAS a request for a 40 km/hr. sign was requested to be installed on the northbound lane, north of the CP tracks, and before the driveway of 101 Main St. North,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean approve the request.


117/2016 – Clr. Torry:RM Signsours- moved

WHEREAS there are no signs advising drivers when they enter the RM 157 portion of the grid and can increase their speed, heading straight north out of McLean

BE IT RESOLVED that the Villageof McLean ask RM157 if they could install a 80 km/hr. sign accordingly.


118/2016 – Clr. Potter: Fire Fighter Confidentiality Agreement – moved

WHEREAS it has been common courtesy for Fire Fighters to keep information obtained from attending a fire confidential,

AND WHEREAS a new firefighter posted pictures from a fire attended by our dept. on Facebook

BE IT RESOLVED that all volunteer fire fighters are to sign a confidentiality form. In the future, if they advertise information from a fire, they will be automatically removed from the Fire Dept.


119/2016 – Clr. Potter: Fall General Election – moved

WHEREAS the general election will take place Oct 26, 2016

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean Administrator, Nadine Jensen will be the Returning Officer.


120/2016 – Mayor Towers: “In Kind” Donation Receipts – moved

WHEREAS if a business or individual donates a gift of property, and will include a receipt showing the value to be a minimum of $100.00

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean will issue an “In Kind” donation receipt for Tax purposes.


121/2016 – Clr. Potter: CP Rail/Transport Canada – moved

WHEREAS CP Rail, Transport Canada & the Village of McLean would all like to see improvements made to the crossings in the Village,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean apply for the applicable grants from Transport Canada.


122/2016 – Clr. Potter:221 Alpha/229 Brownlee St. Dev. Permit – moved

WHEREAS a development permit was submitted to install a fence at 229 Brownlee Ave & 221 Alpha

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean approves Development permit for 221 Alpha/229 Brownlee Ave.


123/2016 – Clr. Potter: 229 Brownlee Ave. Lease– moved

WHEREAS a lease was drawn up for 229 Brownlee Ave.

AND WHEREAS confirmation of a few items stated in the lease need to be addressed by council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean approves the Lease to state the following:

- Length of time to complete the fence: 60 days

- Village of McLean owns the fence at end of term of lease

- Applicable owner of the fence is responsible to insure it.


124/2016 Mayor Towers: Gravel removal at 229 Brownlee Ave. Dev. Permit – moved

WHEREAS 229 Brownlee will be leased, and the tenant plans to install grass

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean get Schaeffer’s to remove the gravel from 229 Brownlee Ave and apply it to the actual location of the alley. Also have them move the culvert at the south end of the alley to its proper location, once Clr. Potter locates the survey pins.


125/2016 Mayor Towers: 244 Main St – moved

WHEREAS the water curb stop at 244 Main St was located and a sewer curb stop was installed,

AND WHEREAS the ground near the install has settled and needs to be corrected,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean will repair the area once the back alley has been relocated.


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126/2016 – Clr. Potter: Accounts Payable – moved the Accounts Payable be paid as presented. ($45,602.24)

Mayor Towers adjourned at 10:10 pm.


Mayor Administrator