November 26, 2012 CHI, 8:30 AM

Meeting Minutes

PRESENT: Donna Arias, Bob Thompson, Tim Lena, Valerie Morgan (BDAS), Judy Fournier, Diane Casale, Cyndi Desrosiers (via conference call).

Meeting Opened at 8:30 am with a moment of silence.

  • Tim made motion to accept October meeting minutes, Diane seconded
  • Bob made motion to accept revised August treasurer report, Diane seconded. All in favor, both.
  • Treasurers Report-Jess had previously sent Income/Expense reports for July/Aug/Sept./Oct. as well as year to date Income/Expense reports. Tim motioned to accept all reports Donna seconded, all in favor.
  • Consultant’s Report-Cyndi provided a matrix of IC&RC Prevention Specialist comparison of state requirements as well as a summary of same. Conversation ensued if we as a Prevention Board would find the Specialist Credential necessary for NH and does IC&RC support this/encourage this effort.
  • Valerie shared information, at this time, concerning training for trainers that was going to be IC&RC endorsed as collaboration between CSAP/NE-CAP and available as a CPS credential. Valerie stated a sub-committee would be examining the training and the current IC&RC exam. Discussion ensued over whom in NH Prevention we would send for this training, Valerie stating a point person would be needed. All board members looking forward to more information concerning this at the IC&RC Spring Meeting.
  • Tim-Peer Review tabled the National Guard Comm. Tool Box Course conversation for now, wondering if it is a face-to-face, webinar, etc. Donna to contact Rick Frost to help clarify.
  • IC&RC Exam-Diane stated that no-one has registered for December
  • Old Business-Statute Endorsement conversation-- if the CPS Board felt this was a direction we should be examining. Bob voiced his questions about the differences between (pro/cons) of having statute. Cyndiwillexplore LA and other states about their process. Tim to attend the next NH Providers Association to ask for some direction concerning this issue.
  • New Business-Valerie led brief discussion concerning new Regional Map for the state, 13 regions instead of 10. Discussion followed concerning whom in these regions would have prevention expertise
  • Cyndi-Spring IC&RC Spring Conference dates: April 9-11 in San Diego, Tim will consider attending
  • Donna made a motion to accept Jessica Blais’s resignation, Tim seconded, all in favor. Jess stopped by with all CPS Board Treasurer materials, housekeeping was done. Diane Casale offered to be interim treasurer. Donna made motion to accept Diane’s offer Judy seconded, all in favor
  • Citizen’s Comments-Donna/Bob sharing conversation about possible new board members. Mary Forsythe-Taber name was discussed, Donna made motion to ask Mary to join, Bob seconded, all in favor
  • Diane-mentioned a new procedure needed to deal with picking up CPS mail in Manchester, Donna will help in the interim.
  • Val wondered about Suicide (NAMI) training, what is involved? Tim to contact NAMI and Peer Review will then make a recommendation to board.
  • Bob explained to Val why the on-line courses were so treatment focused. Donna suggested we explore trainers that could perhaps provide webinars.
  • Bob is to confirm with Rick Frost that we are ready to launch our on-line training
  • Bob made motion to adjourn, Tim seconded. Adjourned at 10:35 am.
  • Next Meeting Date: December 17, 2013 at 8:30 am at CHI, Bow, NH
  • Respectfully Submitted by Judith Fournier, Board Secretary

NH Prevent/Cert. Board Meeting Minutes-November 2012 Page 1