3rd Quarter EQT Study Guide
Question / AnswerThe average distance between the Earth and the sun. / Astronomical Unit Earth is 1 AU or 150 million kilometers
Other Planets AU / Mercury = .39 Venus = .72 Mars 1.5 Jupiter = 5.2
Saturn = 9.5 Uranus = 19.2 Neptune = 30 Pluto = 39
What is the speed of light? / The distance that light travels in one year. You use it to measure the distance from our sun to the next star
The distance light travels in one year. / So if a star light takes 20 years to reach you it is 20 light years away
Why do the constellations we see change throughout the year? / Because of the revolution of the Earth on its axis as the seasons change
A REGION OF THE SKY that contains a recognizable star pattern. / A constellation
In what direction does a comet’s tail extend? Why? / It blows away from the Sun because the ion tail of the comet is blown away by solar winds.
Put the following in order of increasing size (smallest to largest)
Planet, universe, galaxy, solar system, nebula, star / Planet, star, nebula, solar system, galaxy, universe
The sun, moon, Earth and all the other planets make up what component of the milky way galaxy/universe? / Solar System
What position did Copernicus believe our Sun was in space? / Center of the solar system
Gas giant planets with low density and are large and gaseous / Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus ( also called gas giants
Describe planet temperature differences in our solar system: / As the distance from the sun increases the temperatures decrease. As distance to the sun increases, temperatures increase.
What does a satellite in GEO do? / Orbits at the same speed as the Earth’s rotation so they stay in the same position over Earth
What was NASA formed in response to? / The Cold War – the Russians were spying on the US after the launch of Sputnik I
How has the technology developed by NASA benefited society? / It has improved peoples lives and made life more convenient and safe with inventions such as water filtration, cordless power tools, fire retardant suits
The unmanned NASA vehiclesthat travel deep into space to gather information about distance objects. / Space probes
The medical innovation gained from space exploration that allows doctors to view the soft tissues inside your body to diagnose problems. / MRI –
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The technological innovation gained from space exploration that allows you to find your exact location on Earth. / GPS
What is a black hole? / When a celestial body forms from the leftovers of a supernova are so massive that they collapse to form a dense object so massive that light cannot escape it.
The majority of stars in our galaxy are of what type? / In their main sequence
Which type of stars are the hottest? Which are the coolest? / Blue stars are hottest (top left corner) red stars are coolest bottom right corner
After our sun leaves its main sequence it may move into the top right corner of the HR diagram, what phase is this / Red giant
How do stars form? / Gravity pulls together gas and dust in a nebula and the cloud begins to spin
What causes the tides?Why does the moon have a greater pull than the sun on Earth’s tides? / The pull of the moon’s gravity.
The moon is closer to Earth than the sun.
What is a solar eclipse? / When the shadow of the moon falls on the Earth S-M-E
Do you ever see the other side of the moon? Why or why not? / No, because the moon’s period of rotation is almost equal to its period of revolution
What type of eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon? / A lunar Eclipse S-E-M
What is the difference between artificial and natural satellites? / Artificial satellites are man made ( ISS, direct tv, hubble telescope) Natural Satellites are moons or fragments of rock which orbit a planet
What measure of distance is used within our solar system? / Astronomical units
What measure of distance is used outside our solar system? / Light Years
What is an asteroid? Where are most found? / A small rocky object that orbits the sun. Most are found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
What is a galaxy? / Billions of stars much larger than our solar system bound together by gravity. There are 3 types. Elliptical, irregular and spiral.
What is the space shuttle? / It takes off like a rocket, lands like a plane or glider and is reusable
_____Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Label & Use this with page 592 in your textbook
Label the phases of the moon: New moon, Waxing Crescent, 1st Qtr, Waxing gibbous, Full Moon, Waning gibbous, last qtr, waning crescent.
Identify the planets by number.
1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______
5. ______6. ______7. ______8. ______