August 25, 2015

8:00pm EASTERN

Approved September 15th, 2015


a)Attendance; Executive Committee Roll Call (Justin Kaiser- Secretary):

i)Executive Board Roll Call: Susan called the meeting to order at 8:02 PM EST

ii)Officers:Present – Susan Langendonk (Chair), Kevin Hollinger (Past-Chair), vacant (Chair-Elect), Justin Kaiser (Secretary), Stephanie Chmielinski (Treasurer)

iii)District Directors:Present –Mark Carter (Dist 1), Sarah Arch (Dist 3), JoAnne Chalom (Dist 5), Audrey Dannenberg (Dist 6)

(a)Absent –Sherry Holder (Dist 2), Kathy Clarrage (Dist 4)

iv)Guests: None

v)Others: none

b)Kevin Hollingeracting as Parliamentarian

c)Approve the Agenda –Agenda approved unanimously

d)Exec Committee Meeting Minutes from March 30, 2015 approvedvia email after last meeting

2)CONSENT AGENDA: Consent Agenda Approved

a)Nominating Committee

b)Awards Committee

c)Scholarship Committee

d)Communications Committee


a)Treasurer Report: Stephanie Chmielinski

i)Working on getting correct numbers from AER main office

ii)Environmental Access Committee requesting money to attend several conferences on behalf of Division

b)Ad Hoc Committee on Best Practice in Collaboration: O&M and OT & PT Scope of Practice - Susan

i)Position paper still being drafted updating role of O&M Professionals, not in conflict with OTs/PTs

c)Ad Hoc Committee on Division Strategic Planning, Goals and Initiatives - Kevin

i)Working on developing plan of next steps and reaching out to committee members

d)IMC15report- Susan

i)Good and interesting experience. Poster was presented. Format included much shorter 20 minute presentations.

4)New Business:

a)Policy & Procedures – Vacancy in Chair-Elect position

  1. Discussion involved nominations committee involved in taking nominations and makes recommendations to Executive Committee for Chair-Elect position. Need to check with AER Policy Procedures to make sure we are in line with them.

b)2016 Budget-Susan

  1. Work with finance committee. Division will probably ask for less money this year because we did not use full budget last 2 years and current decrease in overall AER membership.

c)2016 Conference

  1. Abstract Review
  2. All of EC committee will be invited to be reviewers for Conference presentations
  3. Division Activities
  4. Work with staff at AER has been smoother up to this point

d)Water Cooler Sessions*

  1. Topics for O&M Division
  2. Third Party Reimbursement – O&M/GDMI Summit**
  3. Environment Access – Janet Barlow

e)AER Website

  1. Ginger gave update during AER Board meeting- should be live next month

f)Profession name change – Vision Rehab Professionals-O&M Specialist, O&M with a Visual impairment

  1. Nothing really to update

g)ACVREP Alternate Pathway to Certification

  1. Recommended changes to statement from O&M Division EC on ACVREP Alternate Pathway to Certification.
  2. Final revisions to be completed and approved over email

h)From the Floor - None


Meeting adjourned at 9:51 PM

* I also belong to the aging division and they started these things called watercooler call ins. They send an E blast to all the aging division members and you just call in at a certain day and time and you know the topic. They have been really awesome. They have them once a month the dates and times are knownnow for the entire year and they have guest speakers and topics already identified. The very first call in was about what topics people were interested in and that developed the list for the entire year. This past month they had a speaker about working with aging folks who are having memory issues was really good listen/learn and offered a brief question and answer time. They have been fabulous, they are free ...it's a merely a call in. I am just wondering if that's something we could offer the O& M division !!? it is just an awesome division offering...oh and they record the sessions!! best part....so that if you miss a session at a given time then a few weeks later it is archived and you can go back and listen to it! Love this and I think our membership would love it as well. Kathy Clarrage

**We’d like for the O&M Division to consider sponsoring a one-time event to learn about the issue of Medicare/third-party reimbursement for O&M. Beth Sutton and Dona Sauerburger are willing to work on it at whatever level of participation that would be acceptable to AER, including organizing it if that would be helpful.

This event could be heldTuesday, November 3, 2015, the day before the Aging & Vision Loss conference with a hybrid of online and in-person attendees on the topic of Medicare as an option for O&M services. People would come together and share ideas and information and brainstorm next steps for third party reimbursement.

We want to pull together people who have expertise and different perspectives on this topic such as:

Dawn Anderson, O&M Professor, Western Michigan U (working on assessment and outcome measures)

Eileen Siffermann

Jim Deremeik and others who were involved in previous O&M Medicare Projects for O&M

Nancy Miller and Grace Ambrose Zaken, of NY Vision Rehabilitation Association which has been working on licensure

Roxanne (President of Association of private agencies)

CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) administration officials

Leadership from professional organizations that get reimbursed (such as and physical and occupational therapy) Dona Sauerburger



DISTRICT 1: Mark Carter

(Alaska, Alberta, Arizona, British Columbia, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Northwest Territories, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Yukon Territories.)

DISTRICT 2: Sherry Holder

(Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Manitoba, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Saskatchewan, Texas.)
DISTRICT 3:Sarah Arch
(Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario and Wisconsin.)

DISTRICT 4:Kathy Clarrage
(Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, New Hampshire, New York, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont)
DISTRICT 5:JoAnne Chalom
(Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, Tennessee)

DISTRICT 6:Audrey Dannenberg-
(Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virgin Islands, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington D.C.)


  1. Archives Committee (Chairperson – Rod Kossick) –
  2. Awards Committee (Chairperson – Gala Brooks Members: Past ChairKevin Hollinger, Brenda Naimey, Joseph McDonnel, Bryan Gerritson, Justin Kaiser)
  3. Communications / Media (Newsletter – Viki Poole; website – Chris Tabb)
  4. Environmental Access Committee (Chairperson – Janet Barlow) –
  5. Finance Committee (Chairperson – Treasurer (Stephanie Chmielnski)) -
  6. International Committee (Chairperson – Dr. Laura Bozeman)
  7. Membership Committee (Chairperson –Meredith Griffin)
  8. Nominating Committee (Co-Chairpersons – Eileen Sifferman/Meg Roberston, Erica Irkhe, Mickey Damelio, Mary Ball-)
  9. Professional Issues Committee –
  10. Chair - vacant
  11. Dr. William Wiener
  12. Dr. William Penrod
  13. Program Committee – 2016 IAER (Chair – vacant )
  14. Program Committee – 2017 O&M Division (Chair – Susan Langendonk)
  15. Scholarship Committee (Blasch) (Chairperson – Dr.Danene Fast) –



Nominating and Elections Committee

Eileen Siffermann, co-chair

March 20

Conference call. The meeting was called to order by the Division Chair, Susan Langendonk. Review of the duties of the committee. Selection of committee chair: Eileen Siffermann and Meg Robertson will co-chair. Once the chair was selected, Susan left the conference call.

Mickey was asked to draft the nominating application. This was done and sent to the committee for comments. Eileen developed a timeline , communication to current officers and directors, and the call for nominations.

April 27

Eileen sent by email to officers and directors a questionnaire. Some responded.

Copy of email:

Regarding: Feedback to the Nominating and Elections Committee

The Nominating and Elections Committee as begun its work! We would like your input to help us with the task before us. Please take a few minutes and share with us your response to the following questions.

What information was given to you from the Nominating and Elections Committee that was helpful in your decision to run for this office?

What information would you have like to have received?

What were some factors that moved you to run for a position on the Division Executive Committee?

We also are hoping that each of you will be encouraging future leaders to run for a position on the Division Executive Committee. As you go about your involvement in your local districts, please be looking for members who show leadership skills that would benefit the Division. When you find someone ask them if you could submit their name to the Nominating and Elections Committee for consideration. You may submit those names to any member of the Nominating Committee.

If you are interested in running for an additional term or a position on the Executive Committee or the Nominating and Elections Committee, please submit your name to the committee.

Thank you for your input as we move forward.


The committee took the opportunity to meet informally with Susan and Kevin while attending IMC 15 in Montreal. Absent from this gathering was Mary Ball-Swartwout since she did not attend IMC 15. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet face to face with no expense to the Division.

The final drafts of the Call for Nominations and the Nominating Application were approved. The revised documents were sent to the committee prior to the meeting with copies to Susan as Division Chair.

As EC Chair, Susan was asked to send the First Call for Nominations as an email blast to the Division membership in early August, 2015.


The Nominating Election Committee will begin soliciting nominations.

Blasch Scholarship Committee Report

Dr. Danene Fast, Chair

On behalf of the 2015 Blasch Scholarship Award, I would like to thank committee members all for their time and efforts in selecting this year's winners.

After reviewing all of the scores that were submitted, this year's winners of the 2015 Blasch Scholarship Awards are:

Lynn Campbell & Ashley Peterson

Lynn has worked in the field of visual impairments for 30 years in rehabilitation teaching, low vision, early intervention, case management and as a teacher of students with visual impairments. She has served AER regional boards throughout her long career, demonstrating leadership in the profession as well as commitment to the needs of individuals with visual impairments and/or blindness.
She is currently enrolled in North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina.
In her own words, "I am making many sacrifices, both financial and familial, to attend the NCCU program - which is five hours away from my home - while continuing to teach full-time, but I don't have a single regret about it and am very much looking forward to being ACVREP certified later this year!"
Ashley is a candidate that consistently goes the extra mile in being a creative leader who exhibits diversity, discipline, a big heart and a strong work ethic. She is currently enrolled in Stephen F. Austin State University.
In the words of one of this year's judges, "The statement in Ashley's application that won me over was her definition of orientation and mobility. 'To me, orientation and mobility provides individuals with all different abilities the necessary tools to make their own decisions, no matter how big or small; thus increasing their independence and creating a sense of control over one's life.'"
I have informed each winner of their awards through an official letter; Susan Langendonk will be following up with information on receipt of scholarship money from AER.
Those individuals who were not selected for this year's scholarship received emails reflecting that news.

Awards Committee Report

August 2015

Committee: Justin Kaiser, Brenda Naimy, Bryan Gerritsen, Joseph MacDonell, Kevin Hollinger, Susan Langendonk (ex-officio), Gala Brooks, Chair

In addition to publicizing, procuring and selecting nominees, and organizing the presentation and celebration, the Awards Committee was charged with reviewing the Division procedures regarding the awards processes. Committee members reviewed procedures and offered opinions. To this end, a survey, via personal interview, was completed by 10 past recipients of the Division awards. This information was compiled and offered for review to the committee members. The initial request for award nominations will be sent to the Division membership in mid-September.

Communications/Media Committee

Newsletter: Viki Poole produced our first newsletter in late spring and will be preparing one for the fall. We have several advertisers who have expressed interest. If you have an article you’d like to write or have reproduced in the newsletter, contact Viki at

Website: Chris Tabb has agreed to work on improving and re-organizing the website. This is a big job and takes more attention than the Chair can spend on it. Changes and additions will be sent to Chris who will then send them on to Mary Bean at AER.

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O&M EC Agenda

August 25, 2015