Table of Contents – Management Functions

Management Functions


Unlock Jobs, Quotes, PO’s, Etc.322

Open Jobs Closed in Error323

Open Quotes Closed in Error323

Automatically Unassign and Close Jobs323

Move Zero Quantity Rolls to History324

Change Catalog Designation324

Amortization Schedule325

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RollMaster System Documentation – Management Functions – 1/1/2011

Management Functions


The Management Functions menu contains maintenance modules that control management related functions in the system. These are modules that you may or may not want salespeople to be able to access. For example, once jobs have been job cost approved, invoiced, and then closed, the only way to re-open any job is through a module in this menu—Open Jobs Closed in Error. In most cases, you would not want a job to be reopened unless management was aware of the reason(s). You can also password protect this entire menu through the System Menu Passwords module, or only certain modules within this menu.


From the Master Menu, arrow down to Management Functions and hit enter. The Management Functions menu will appear as follows:

Items 1-7 are modules that can be accessed from this menu—they will be explained in the order they appear in this menu. Hit the Esc key to return to the Master Menu.

Unlock Jobs, Quotes, PO’s, Etc.:

In the RollMaster System, if a user exits out of a module improperly or if something happens to cause the user to exit out of a module improperly, the system may lock the user out of the file he or she was working on. For example, a user can get locked out of a particular job or quote. When this happens, the Unlock Jobs, Quotes, PO’s, Etc. module can be run to correct that problem.

When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

Simply type the letter of the record type you have been locked out of and the system will perform internal procedures to correct the problem. When you have unlocked all applicable record types, hit the Esc key to exit this module and return to the Management Functions menu. This module can also be called up from the Home Key Menu by hitting the Home key on your computer keyboard.

Open Jobs Closed in Error:

This module is used to open a job that has been closed in the system either by error or through regular processing. If a problem arises on a closed job, management will need to access this module to reopen that job, if applicable. In other words, rather than opening a new job to order material or process a labor work order for an old job, the old job can be reopened and additional material, labor, or repair costs can be added. This will keep the total job cost information together on the same job.

When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

In the Enter Job Number field, type in the number of the job you wish to open and then hit enter if less than six digits. The system will then prompt the following: Continue ? (Y,N) N. You must change this prompt to “Y” for yes to open the job. The system will perform internal procedures to reopen the job and then place the cursor back at the Management Functions menu.

Open Quotes Closed in Error:

This module will allow you to open a quote that has been closed in the system either through error or regular system processing. It works identically to the module above. When you enter this module, the system will prompt you to enter a Quote number. The system will then prompt you to Continue, yes or no. To open a closed job, be sure you type a “Y” for yes at this prompt.

Automatically Unassign and Close Jobs:

Because of system updates, this module has become obsolete. It was primarily used to automatically close canceled jobs in the system, but it is now recommended that all order lines on canceled jobs be deleted before they are closed. The reason for this is that unassigned material lines on closed jobs will still send values to some of the newer reports, which will yield incorrect sales data. In a future system update, the system will distinguish between canceled and closed jobs, which may make this module viable once again. At that time, the documentation will be updated to include an explanation of this module.

Move Zero Quantity Rolls to History:

This module is tied to the Inventory Maintenance module. Over time, the inventory look-up screens can get bogged down with zeroed inventory records. This can add to the time it takes to look through inventory records when assigning inventory. To quickly move those zeroed inventory records to history, you can use this module. The Inventory Purge module in the Inventory Control menu will do essentially the same thing, but there are a couple of differences. First, you can only run the Inventory Purge module one product code at a time, so the process takes a little longer. And second, you have the option of purging small roll balances in that module instead of only zeroed balances as with this module. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

At the date prompt, type in the date from which to purge all zero rolls in the system using two digits for the month, two for the day, and four for the year. Type a “Y” for yes at the Continue? prompt to begin the process. The system will then prompt the following: Are Your Sure? (Y,N) N. Type a “Y” for yes again to proceed. The system will perform internal procedures and place the cursor at the following prompt: Done! (Any Key). Hit any key to return to the Management Functions menu. You can view zeroed inventory records that have been moved through this module in the Inventory History Maintenance module.

Change Catalog Designation:

While you are initially building your catalog or when you are adding a product line to your catalog, this module will allow you to make a change to the product name and/or color name provided no inventory for that style has been added in the system, or no purchase order has been created. If you will recall from the Catalog Maintenance section of this manual, once a style and color has been saved in the system, you can not make a change to the style or color name in that module. However, through this module you can make a change, but only before any inventory for the style is added to the system. If you make a change after inventory is added, you will no longer be able to access that inventory—it will not come up in any of the inventory look-up screens. Also, it is important to note that once the catalog designation has been changed, the sales analysis on the item can no longer be viewed. If there are any open order lines, P.O. lines, or existing inventory, these will need to be deleted prior to making the change. They will then need to be re-added under the new catalog designation after the change is made. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

In the first field, type in the two-digit Product Code for the product you wish to change; the system will then place the cursor at the CURRENT PROD STYLE field. Type in the product name as it currently appears in the catalog—hit enter if less than 20 characters. At the CURRENT PROD COLOR field, type in the color of the product as it currently appears in the catalog—hit enter if less than 20 characters. The system will then prompt the following: IS THIS THE ITEM YOU WISH TO CHANGE Y/N: . Type a “Y” for yes at this prompt to proceed. The system will then bring up a series of fields for you to type in the new catalog data. You can type in a new Product Code if you need to move the item; type a new product style if you want to change the style name; and type a new product color name if you need to change the color. When you are finished hit the Esc key to return to the Management Functions menu.

Amortization Schedule:

This module contains a basic amortization schedule program that can be used to figure payment, principal, or APR information on any type of loan. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

The “Display payment/principal/interest” option will figure the payment, principal or interest amount on a loan provided you know two of the three variables. When you select that option, the screen will appear as follows:

If you want to figure the payment amount, enter through the “Payment” field and fill in the remaining fields. The “Periods per year” field is looking for payment frequency in a year, e.g., monthly payments equals 12 periods. The “No of periods” field is looking for the total number of payment periods for the life of the loan, e.g., a monthly payment for five years equals 60 periods. Once four of the five fields are complete, the system will calculate the blank field as such:

Hit the enter key to return to the “Payment” field, and then hit the Esc key to return to the select option menu. You can figure the “Principal” field or the “Annual Rate” field in this option the same way as the “Payment” field—just leave the field you want to figure blank and enter information in all the other fields.

The “Display schedule” option will only figure a payment amount, but it will then display a payment schedule on screen. When you enter the “Display schedule” option, the screen will appear as follows:

You will need to complete every field in this screen. The “Skipped periods 1st year” field is looking for the number of periods in a year that have passed until the first loan payment is due, e.g., if first monthly payment is to be made in October, you would enter a 9 in that field. The “Year loan begins” field is looking for the year in which the first payment will be made, e.g., 1999. When you have entered through the last field, the screen will appear as follows:

The system will figure the payment based on the information you entered and then allow you to override that figure. If you wish to keep the system-generated figure, hit enter. A payment schedule table will then appear on the screen as follows:

Hit enter to scroll through the table, and hit the Esc key to return to the select option menu. The “Print schedule” option works exactly like the “Display schedule” option except that you can print a copy of the table. The “Print fixed payment schedule” option will allow you to figure and then print a fixed payment schedule. To exit the Amortization Schedule module, hit the Esc key at the select option menu.