The Purpose of Committees
The Scheme of Delegation
The College Structure
College of Business Law & Social Sciences
College of Science and Technology
College of Culture, Media and Sport
College of Health and Social Care
School of Medicine and Dentistry
The College Committees
UCLan’s Committee Structure
The role of Committee Members:
The Business of the Committee
Terms of Reference and Constitution
Reporting Requirements
Minutes of the meeting
College Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee
Terms of Reference
Reporting Requirements for Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee
College Student Experience Committee
Terms of Reference
Reporting Requirements for the Student Experience Committee
College Research and Innovation Committee
Terms of Reference
Reporting Requirements for the College Research and Innovation Committee
The Purpose of Committees
Committees are an important mechanism through which members of the University can conduct a range of business necessary to fulfil the academic strategic objectives of the University in relation to student access, student experience, teaching and learning, researchand innovation and academic standards.
Committees serve to:
- facilitate debate and discussion
- involve appropriate staff in decision making processes
- record decisions reached and determine action to be taken
- allow for transparency and accountability
- demonstrate that the University is conducting its business properly and adhering to procedures for maintaining standards.
The Scheme of Delegation
Academic Board, concentrates its attention on the key academic strategies and delegates wherever possible (to a committee or to individuals) other non-strategic matters. These Committees include:
- Student Experience Committee
- Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee
- Research and Innovation Committee
The College Structure
In 2014, a new College Structure was introduced. The Colleges and the Schools therein are detailed below:
College of Business Law & Social Sciences
Executive Dean – Aidan Worsley
- Lancashire Business School
- Lancashire Law School
- Education and Social Sciences
- Social Work
College of Science and Technology
Executive Dean – Allison Jones
- School of Forensic and Investigative Sciences
- Grenfell Baines School of Architecture, Construction and Environment
- School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences
- School of Psychology
College of Culture, Media and Sport
Executive Dean – Andrew Ireland
- School of Art, Design and Performance
- School of Sport, Tourism and the Outdoors
- School of Journalism and Media
- School of Languages, Literature and International Studies
College of Health and Social Care
Executive Dean – Nigel Harrison
- School of Health
- School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
School of Medicine and Dentistry
Remains outside the College Structure.
The College Committees
In 2014, following a review of the University’s Governance arrangements, a new committee structure was introduced to
a)reflect the University’s new College structure,
b)allow for greater standardisation in governance arrangements across Schools and
c)improve the two way flow of information between Schools and the University Committees with a view to enhancing the synergy between institutional and school level governance structures.
Each College has established its own
- Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee
- Student Experience Committee
- Research Innovation Committee
Each College Committee is Chaired by the Executive Dean. The School of Medicine and Dentistry remains outside the College Structure but will mirror the College committees, with each committee chaired by a member of the Directorate Team.
UCLan’s Committee Structure
The role of Committee Members:
Committee members are not appointed to represent any particular group, e.g student representatives are not expected to represent the Students’ Union. In this example Student Representatives are appointed to bring their experience and expertise as a Student Representative to contribute to and inform any discussions/business of the committee.
No member may be bound, when speaking or voting, by mandates given to him/her by other bodies or persons.
All committee members shall be required to:
a)understand the role and responsibilities of their committee, its remit and terms of reference;
b)make time to read and understand the papers prior to the meeting (Agendas and papers are normally made availableelectronically through SharePoint a week in advance of the meeting).
c)attend the meeting, or in exceptional circumstances where attendance is not possible, to pass on apologies to the Committee Administrator.
d)be present at the meeting until the business of the meeting has been concluded;
e)contribute to discussion using inclusive language in a respectful manner to other colleagues and to address comments via the Chair;
f)to act in the best interests of the University and not to be bound by mandates given to them by other bodies or persons.
The Business of the Committee
Each committee meets three times a year known as the Autumn (Sept/Oct), Spring (Jan/Feb) and Summer(May/June) cycle.
Terms of Reference and Constitution
Each committee has a clear Terms of Reference describing the purpose, work and remit of that committee and a Constitution which describes the membership/roles of the committee.
Reporting Requirements
The business of each meeting is dictated by the committee’s ‘reporting requirements’ which are an outline of the business to be discussed at each meeting and reported to the University level committee.
The Agenda is set in advance of the meeting and is agreed by the Chair and the Committee Administrator (using the reporting requirements). The Agenda is circulated to all committee members (usually via Sharepoint) along with the committee papers in advance of the meeting.
The Agenda will also indicate how the various papers should be addressed by the committee members. Some items may be for ‘consideration’ and, therefore, will require debate and a resolution or recommendation. Some items may be for members to ‘receive for information’ and should be noted with no discussion.
Items which are designated as ‘reserved’ are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act usually because they contain personal information or information that would harm the commercial interest of the University. Such items are marked ‘Confidential /Not open to public access’ andit is important that they are not placed in the public domain.
Minutes of the meeting
During the meeting the administrator will take notes of the discussion known as the ‘Minutes’. The discussions are not recorded verbatim and the minutes will not include all the details of any discussion; the minutes are an outline of the meeting and direct the reader to the committee papers for more detailed information. Following the meeting the administrator will forward the minutes to the Chair for approval.
Once the draft minutes have been approved by the Chair, they will be circulated electronically to members as ‘unconfirmed minutes’ usually within two to three weeks of the meeting. The minutes will be confirmed at the subsequent meeting of the committee.
In order to conduct its business the committee may receive a variety of information in the form of reports, statistics, documentation etc., these are referred to as ‘Papers’. Each paper is linked to an agenda item for discussion. Committee members are expected to have read any papers prior to the meeting.
Each paper is given an individual code which is exclusive to the committee e.g.
This code means the paper belonged to the Student Experience Committee/[2014 – the year]/the thirteenth paper submitted to that committee (consecutive numbering throughout the year).
If a committee member is required to take any action following the meeting, the Committee Administrator will write (via email) to the member informing them of the action to be taken and asking that they update the Committee Administrator on progress made, prior to the next Board meeting.
College Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee
Terms of Reference
To maintain and improve processes and procedures in relation to Academic Standards and Quality within the College and the wider institution in line with relevant University strategies.
Main responsibilities:
The College Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committeeis responsible for consultation with the College and advising the Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee of Academic Board regarding:
1)The implementation of institutional procedures which will assure the quality and standards of both undergraduate and postgraduate awards in areas to include the following:
a)the approval and review of all University taught awards;
b)the registration, supervision, assessment and transfer of postgraduate research students;
c)the assessment of students;
d)the appointment of external examiners;
e)consideration of external examiner reports;
f)system of academic appeals by students;
g)mechanisms for assurance of the quality of teaching;
h)system of feedback from students;
i)academic collaborative arrangements with other institutions
2)The consideration of any proposed changes to the University’s Academic Regulations;
3)Input into the University’s response to external quality reviews and initiatives, where appropriate, and to be responsible for ensuring appropriate follow-up action arising from external quality agencies within the remit of the College;
4)The proposal to Academic Regulations sub-committee of any new award to be offered by the University of relevance to the College;
5)The consideration of any major new policy in relation to academic standards and quality assurance.
6)To consider nominations for the appointment of External Examiners which are supported by the relevant Dean/Head of School but fall outside of the normal University criteria for the appointment of External Examiners.
Chair nominated by the Executive Dean of College
- Executive Dean of College
- College Quality Lead
- Deans/Heads of School from within the College
- One representative from each School within the College ((s)elected)
- One student representative, nominated by the Students’ Union
- Up to two further members to represent the remit of the committee, nominated by the Chair on the recommendation of the committee and taking into account the existing balance of interest, gender etc.
In attendance: Committee Administrator and Officers, the include:
- Student and Academic Support Service representative (up to two)
- Strategic Development Service representative
June 2014
Reporting Requirements for Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee
Autumn / Spring / Summer-Approval of Terms of Reference and Membership
-A report on the implementation of institutional quality assurance procedures for:
- the approval and review of Taught Courses;
- the registration, supervision, assessment and transfer of postgraduate research students;
- assessment of students
- student appeals;
- quality of teaching
- feedback from students
- academic collaborative arrangements with other institutions.
- Considering external examiner reports
-Consideration of proposed changes to the academic regulations (to be proposed to ARSc, prior to ASQAC)
-External Audits/Reviews
-Consideration of new awards
-Consideration of new policies in relation to academic standards and quality assurance. / -A report on the implementation of institutional quality assurance procedures for:
- the approval and review of Taught Courses;
- the registration, supervision, assessment and transfer of postgraduate research students;
- assessment of students
- student appeals;
- quality of teaching
- feedback from students
- academic collaborative arrangements with other institutions.
- Considering external examiner reports
-Consideration of proposed changes to the academic regulations (to be proposed to ARSc, prior to ASQAC)
-External Audits/Reviews
-Consideration of new awards
-Consideration of new policies in relation to academic standards and quality assurance.
-Consideration of a Summary of External Examiner Reports
-Annual monitoring reports / -A report on the implementation of institutional quality assurance procedures for:
- the approval and review of Taught Courses;
- the registration, supervision, assessment and transfer of postgraduate research students;
- assessment of students
- student appeals;
- quality of teaching
- feedback from students
- academic collaborative arrangements with other institutions.
- Considering external examiner reports
-Consideration of proposed changes to the academic regulations (to be proposed to ARSc, prior to ASQAC)
-External Audits/Reviews
-Consideration of new awards
-Consideration of new policies in relation to academic standards and quality assurance.
College Student Experience Committee
Terms of Reference
To maintain and improve the experience of students within the College and the wider institution in line with relevant University strategies.
Main responsibilities:
The College Student Experience Committee is responsible for consultation with the College and advising the Student Experience Committee ofAcademic Board regarding:
1)The development and implementation of the University’s Student Experience Strategy
2)The development and implementation of the University’s Strategy with respect to Teaching, Learning and Assessment
3)The development and implementation of the University’s Strategy with respect to Retention and Progression
4)The development and implementation of the University’s Employability and Enterprise Strategy
5)To report progress and plans for delivery of the relevant institutional targets to the Student Experience Committee of Academic Board
6)To provide support and direction for the enhancement of pedagogic skills and the dissemination of best practice in teaching and the facilitation of learning in the context of the different disciplines represented within the College.
7)The development of the University’s work in widening participation and the implementation of its access agreement;
8)To oversee the College’s work regarding student equality and diversity and the implementation of our Single Equality Scheme.
The College Student Experience Committee will make proposals to the Student Experience Committee of Academic Board on:
9)Potential amendments to the University’s Student Experience Strategy;
10)Potential amendments to the University’s Employability and Enterprise Strategy.
Chair nominated by the Executive Dean of College
- Executive Dean of College
- College Student Experience Lead
- Deans/Heads of School from within the College
- One representative from each School within the College ((s)elected)
- One student representative, nominated by the Students’ Union
- Up to two further members to represent the remit of the committee, nominated by the Chair on the recommendation of the committee and taking into account the existing balance of interest, gender etc.
In attendance: Committee Administrator and Officers, to include:
- Student and Academic Support Service representative
- Learning and Information Service representative
- Facilities Management representative
- Strategic Development Service representative
June 2014
Reporting Requirements for the Student Experience Committee
Autumn / Spring / Summer-Approval of Terms of Reference and Membership
-Progress report on the development and implementation of the University’s Student Experience Strategy (including institutional targets).
-Progress report on the development and implementation of the University’s strategy with respect to Teaching, Learning and Assessment (including institutional targets).
-Progress Report on the development and implementation of the University’s strategy with respect to Retention and Progression (including institutional targets).
-Progress Report on the development and implementation of the University’s Employability and Enterprise Strategy (including institutional targets).
-Report on good practice in teaching and facilitation of learning in the context of the different disciplines represented within the College.
-Progress Report on widening participation and the implementation of its access agreement.
-Report on Student Equality and Diversity and the implementation of the Single Equality Scheme. / -Progress report on the development and implementation of the University’s Student Experience Strategy (including institutional targets).
-Progress report on the development and implementation of the University’s strategy with respect to Teaching, Learning and Assessment (including institutional targets).
-Progress Report on the development and implementation of the University’s strategy with respect to Retention and Progression (including institutional targets).
-Progress Report on the development and implementation of the University’s Employability and Enterprise Strategy (including institutional targets).
-Report on good practice in teaching and facilitation of learning in the context of the different disciplines represented within the College.
-Progress Report on widening participation and the implementation of its access agreement.
-Report on Student Equality and Diversity and the implementation of the Single Equality Scheme. / -Progress report on the development and implementation of the University’s Student Experience Strategy (including institutional targets).
-Progress report on the development and implementation of the University’s strategy with respect to Teaching, Learning and Assessment (including institutional targets).
-Progress Report on the development and implementation of the University’s strategy with respect to Retention and Progression (including institutional targets).
-Progress Report on the development and implementation of the University’s Employability and Enterprise Strategy (including institutional targets).
-Report on good practice in teaching and facilitation of learning in the context of the different disciplines represented within the College.
-Progress Report on widening participation and the implementation of its access agreement.
-Report on Student Equality and Diversity and the implementation of the Single Equality Scheme.
College Research and Innovation Committee
Terms of Reference
To maintain and improve the delivery of research and innovation within the College and the wider institution in line with relevant University strategies.
Main responsibilities:
The College Research and Innovation Committee is responsible for consultation with the College and advising the Research and Innovation Committee of Academic Board regarding:
1)The development and implementation of the University’s Research Strategy;
2)The development and implementation of the University’s Innovation Strategy;