May, 2017

Dear Community Supporter:

A hero is someone who steps up when everyone else backs down.

On Thursday, September 14, the Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New York State (HPCANYS) will hold a fundraising event at the New York City offices of Arent Fox, LLP. At this fundraiser, we will be giving the first Connie Raffa Hospice Hero Award to an individual who shows the same dedication and passion for hospice and palliative care that Connie embodied.

Connie Raffa was a pre-eminent attorney who spent nearly forty years practicing law. She served as a longtime advisor to our board, was counsel to many hospices and was a strong hospice advocate. Connie died last year- far too soon- and we are naming this new award in her memory.

As you may know, HPCANYS leads efforts to promote the availability and accessibility of quality hospice and palliative care for all persons confronted with life-limiting illness in New York State. Our celebration showcases this mission and raises invaluable funds supporting education, public engagement and outreach across the state.

The evening is highlighted by our silent auction. We hope to feature delicious dining packages, getaways to secret spots, event tickets, and other irresistible items.

Here are some suggestions- but feel free to use your imagination!

■ Broadway tickets,
■ Restaurants certificates,
■ Hot air balloon ride,
■ Walk on role as an extra in a film/TV show,
■ Tickets for the taping or live performance of a TV show,
■ Airline tickets for two,

■ Jewelry,
■ Case of NY wine

As a donor, you will be listed in the event program and your gift will be displayed throughout the evening. And all donors will be listed on the HPCANYS website and in our quarterly newsletter and annual report.

A reply form is enclosed for your convenience. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Beth Mahar at 518-446-1483 or

Thank you very much for your consideration. With your help, we can all come together to use our powers for good!
