These are draft minutes. They will be reviewed and approved at the next Council meeting.


Minutes of the monthly meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10 May 2016

Present:Councillors L Houghton (Chairman),R Earl, J Fuller, J Day, P Fuller,

J Rogers, M Hawes, C Bye, and S Wilson.

In Attendance:County Councillor J Schumann, District Councillor H Ross, and 3 parishioners.

Item 1. Public Question Time.

1.1Mr Terry Clements expressed concern about the new parking signs for the village hall car park. If the car park was to be used only by hall users, what would happen when Swallowtails organised a coach trip starting from the hall? Where would all those taking part park their cars? The Chairman assured Mr Clements that provided there was nobody using the hall at the time this was not a problem. A degree of pragmatism was required. However, if there was a function on at the time then it would not be possible to use the car park and an alternative rendezvous would have to be found. Clearly it would not be right to deprive those paying for the use of the hall the use of the car park

1.2Clr Day wished to make a statement about item 8.2 in which he had an interest and therefore would be required to leave the meeting. He and his brother wished to build two properties on land they farm alongside Stretham Rd. The site was between existing properties with good access. He and his family had farmed in the village for several generations, and the properties were intended for his daughter and one of his brother’s children. The family had supported many village activities and contributed significantly over the years. His daughter had lived here all her life, was a band member, and wished to remain in the village. It was important that the village retained its young people, but this was becoming virtually impossible with the price of properties and rentals. He therefore hoped the Council would look favourably on the proposal.

1.3Clr Day said that he had been present at the last meeting when there were protests about the land clearance at the bottom of Drury Lane and had seen the subsequent e-mail from Ms Martin to the Chairman about the matter. There were veiled accusations at both the meeting and in the e-mail about Parish Council involvement, possible friendships with the developer, and local farmers and landowners on the Council being involved in other controversial developments within the village and elsewhere by the same company. Clr Day said he was very upset by the e-mail and took deep offence. Hints of involvement were completely untrue, and he and other village farmers worked hard for the village and had given many years of support with their time and the use of their equipment at no cost. He therefore felt moved to make this public statement.

Item 2. Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Prejudicial Interest.

2.1Apologies had been received from County CouncillorPalmer. Clr P Fuller declared an interest in item 8.1 as he was the applicant. Clr Day declared an interest in item 8.2 as he and his brother were the applicants.

Item 3. Election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman.

3.1It was proposed by Clr Day that Clr Liz Houghton continue as Chairman. This was seconded by Clr P Fuller. There were no other proposals. Clr Houghton was elected Chairman.

3.2It was proposed by Clr P Fuller that Clr Rachel Earl continue as Deputy Chairman. This was seconded by the Chairman. There were no other proposals. Clr Earl was elected Deputy Chairman.

Item 4. Appointment of Committees and Trustees.

4.1The Chairman proposed that the existing committees and trustee be reappointed en bloc. This was agreed.

Item 5. Minutes of the Last Meeting.

5.1The minutes of the meeting held on 12 Apr 16 were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Item 6. Matters Arising from the Last Meeting.

6.1Soham Cycle Path.The Clerk would now write to ECDC asking for the allocation of funds based on the quote received. This should be a joint application with Soham Town Council

6.2Butts Lane Junction.A response to the zebra crossing proposal was still awaited from Highways. The street sign had now been moved. A number of favourable comments had been received about the mirror. The situation would be monitored before installing any more signs.

6.3Speed Reduction Measures. The speed survey by the Traffic Management Unit was still awaited.There was no further update on progress with ‘speedwatch’.

6.4Hedge by Hawes Lane Estate. The hedge had not yet been cut back, Chairman would chase.

6.5Cross Green Track.Repair to the pavement was still awaited. The developer had repaired the track. The Council solicitor was still dealing with the signed agreements. Thrift Energy had undertaken to repair the damage to the green.

6.6Commissioners Pit. The Decision of the County Property Asset Management Board was awaited.

6.7Lower Road and Padney Road Grips.The Community Service Team had not returned. The Clerk would now ask Highways to carry out the work. District Clr Ross said he would encourage the Team to contact Wicken for more work.

6.8Village Hall Purchase.A meeting was scheduled on 18 May between the Council Working Group, the Hall Committee, and the Church representatives to discuss the timetable, options for running the Hall, and the release of details to the village

6.9Wicken Warriors Booklet. The Community Fund had agreed a grant of £300. The Fete Committee had given a grant of £200. Clr Rogers would now put the work in hand.

6.10Boundary Review.New proposals were now out for consultation but these still contained very large wards with Wicken in a ward of 18 Parish Councils. As a counter-proposal, ECDC has proposed putting Wicken in with Soham North and Stuntney. It was also concerning that Wicken would now be in a different ward to the schools. The possible effect of this on catchment areas needed to be clarified. To be placed on the agenda for next month’s meeting.

6.11Potholes Village Hall Car Park. Still to be actioned.

6.12Cemetery Path. The Clerk had arranged for the cracks to be filled.

6.13High Fen Road. The Clerk had confirmed that the road had byway status and while its repair was a County Council responsibility, they would only repair it to Byway standards.

6.14Ditch behind 2 High St. The Clerk had spoken to the developer, the ditch was now satisfactory.

6.15Parking 10 Pond Green. The Clerk confirmed that the entrance crossed parish land, and sought guidance on how to approach the issue before speaking to the residents. The Council agreed that a license could be issued if the residents wished to continue using the entrance.

Item 7. Financial Matters.

7.1Completion of Annual Governance Statement. The Council worked through the various questions on the governance statement, answered them positively and completed the statement.

7.2Approval of Accounts. The accounts had been circulated to Councillors. There were no questions and the accounts were approved.

7.3Bill Payments.Payments were agreed and cheques signed for the following:

Playsafety LtdPlayground inspections£159.60

P RashGoal post repair£68.00

Truelink LtdGrass cutting (Mar)£228.08

Village hallHire fees£72.00

CAPALCAnnual membership fee£257.68

T Duffety-FullerAudit fee£90.00

EOnPavilion electricity£39.81

Item8. Planning Matters.

8.1Amendment to 16/00280/FUL. Erection of 2 storey dwelling on land adjacent to Peacock Farm, Lower Rd. Mr and Mrs PT & J Fuller. Re-siting of dwelling and reduction of curtilage. The proposed dwelling had been re-sited nearer the road at the behest of the Planning Officer. It was not clear why this was preferred. The Council had recommended approval of the previous proposal and had no objections to the new size and location. However they preferred the previous proposal. The Clerk would make this clear when responding.

Clr Day left the meeting at this point.

8.216/00557/OUT. Erection of 2 detached houses, garaging, parking, access, and associated works on land northwest of Fenview, 20 Stretham Rd. Submitted by James and Peter Day. The Council felt this was a suitable site for two dwellings although it was just outside the old development envelope. It was between the existing row of properties and the caravan site entrance and was effectively infill. Access would be good and the site fulfilled the Council’s aim of making small increases to the envelope. The properties were intended for the children of existing families and would enable younger people to get on the property ladder and remain in the village. The Council recommended approval of the application.

Clr Day returned to the meeting.

8.3Addition Information 16/00245/FUL. 2 detached dwellings adjacent to 12 Back Lane. Inclusion of tree survey and environmental survey. The Council had no comment on these additional documents.

Item 9.Use of Green for Maid’s Head Function 11/12 June.

9.1The Maid’s Head wished to use the Green for a celebration of the Queen’s 90 th birthday over the weekend. The Council had no objection to the proposal. There would be no fee.

Item 10. Items from Annual Parish Meeting.

10.1Land Clearance Drury Lane. The sudden and unexpected clearance of the piece of land at the bottom of Drury Lane had led to protests by residents at the Annual Meeting. The action was nothing to do with the Parish Council who were unaware it was about to happen. There was a possibility that the developer had broken a number of laws concerning disturbance of wildlife, nesting birds and felling of trees. A ditch had also been filled that would either need reinstating or piping. The proper authorities had all been informed and had dealt with or were still dealing with the matters. The Clerk would pursue the aspect of the ditch with the owner or his agent.Following the incident the owner of the adjacent property, Ms Viki Martin, had sent a long e-mail to the Chairman outlining actions she considered the Council had failed to take or should subsequently take and implying that the Council and the Clerk may have connived in the clearance of the site and that some Councillors as farmers and landowners may have conflicting interests.These accusations she said were based on ‘village gossip’. She also hinted that there was something improper in the developer funding the housing needs survey carried out by ACRE. The Chairman read the e-mail out for the benefit of Councillors who had not seen it. She had subsequently met with Ms Martin and assured her that neither the Council nor the Clerk had had any contacts with the developer and were unaware of plans to clear the site. No Councillors had any interests in the site or any involvement with the developer. The Council would carefully consider any planning application for the site in the normal way if or when it came along.

10.2Poor Broadband Drury Lane. Some residents of Drury Lane had complained at the poor quality of broadband. It transpired that most of these residents were not on high speed broadband. In general high speed broadband was good in the village. It was agreed that people with a problem should speak to their providers.

Item11.Items for Information.

11.1East Cambs Parish Conference. The conference would take place at the Arkenstall Centre, Haddenham on 15 June at 12.00 hrs. The theme would be emergency planning. There were no Councillors who wished or were available to attend.

11.2Local Plan Meeting.The first proposals under the new Local Plan review will be available on 20 May 2016. There will be a meeting on 2 June for Councils to attend to discuss next steps. The Chairman, Clr Rogers and Clerk will attend.

11.3Affordable Housing.The Clerk said he had spoken to Mr Watson the owner of the potential Hawes Lane site. He had confirmed he still wished to offer the site, and was working with the Cambridge Housing Association and the Design Partnership Ltd to put forward a proposal.

11.4Fen Liaison Meeting. The Chairman reported on the recent Liaison Meeting. The new bridge over Harrison’s Drove was now open together with a new hide, however it would not be available for animals to cross until the autumn. Work was starting on the Lode to Quay cycle path.

11.5Play Area Seat. The play area seat needs cleaning and painting.

11.6Fodder Fen Drove. Fodder Fen Drove was in a poor state and becoming impassable. Cle day said he would disc harrow it reduce the ruts.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 21.25hrs