Dear Candidate
Triathlon UKCC Level 2 Coaching Course
Thank you for expressing an interest in our UKCC Level 2 ‘Lead Coach’ Coaching in Triathlon education course. The UKCC Level 2 is intended for coaches who are going to ‘lead’ the delivery of triathlon coaching within their coaching environment.
In order to attend the course, candidates must have the following
- Hold a level 1 coaching awards in triathlon (Please see APL details on our website if not)
- Have a current triathlonscotland race licence/membership
- Have experience of coaching delivery
- Be willing to lead coaching sessions within their club/coaching environment
Course Venue
For courses held at the University of Stirling you are eligible to book overnight stays at the Stirling Management Centre for reduced rates if you require. For further information please contact triathlonscotland
Course Content & Delivery
The UKCC Level 2 ‘Lead Coach’ award is aimed at giving coaches the ‘What to Coach’ skills and follows the learning outcomes as advised by Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The 2 units that the course aims to assess coaches on are
- Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions in Triathlon
- Coach Participants to Improve their Performance and Develop own Personal Practice in Triathlon
Candidates will be assessed by 3 methods
- Exam
- Portfolio Completion
- Practical Assessment
- PVG disclosure
Although the course is 6 days long, the programme requires candidates to do a degree of home study which will take approximately 50hrs.
A candidate must attend all of the course delivery days and complete the necessary tasks. If a candidate misses any of the course material they will be required to;
- Attend another course to cover the material missed. This will cost £50 for each half day they need to attend. Certification will only be sent following completion of this and will be subject to available courses, or
- Arrange to pay a tutor to cover the missing material with them at a cost of £125 per half day (3.5hrs). This will be based on tutor availability and candidates will need to source a facility and athletes where required.
- If a candidate fails any of their assessment they will have 2 years to re-sit this assessment and complete the qualification. This can be done at a future coach education course and candidates will be charged £50 per assessment. Alternatively, a candidate can arrange for a tutor to assess them individually at a cost of £125 per half day (3.5hrs), subject to tutor availability, and they will need to source a facility and athletes where required.
Course Registration
In order to register your interest in this course please complete and return the enclosed forms as well as payment. Once these forms are received, candidates will be selected based on their experience and their future participation in coaching activities. Please note, in order to attend a coach education course, you must have a current race licence/membership with triathlonscotland. This can be purchased by visiting Closing dates for applications are 3 weeks before the course commences. Candidates will be notified following this date if they have been given a place or not.
The course costs £600and payment can be made by BACS or cheque. Please note that if you apply for the sportscotland grant in advance then you are only required to pay £200 directly to triathlonscotland prior to the course.
Cheque:Please make payable to Scottish Triathlon Association Limited
(please write course details on reverse of cheque).
BACS:If you like to pay by BACS please contact the organisation 01786 466921
Enclosed within this letter are the following documents for completion
- Registration Form
- Equality and diversity data monitoring form
I look forward to receiving your application but if you require any further information please contact me 07718 404 968 or
Yours sincerely,
Doug MacDonald
Triathlonscotland CoachingDevelopment Officer
Candidate Registration Form
UKCC Course DetailCourse Date(s): / Course venue
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms etc)
Candidate Name(to appear on certificate)
Maiden Name(if applicable)
Date of birth
Sex (✓) / Male / Female
Candidate Home Address & Post Code
Email Address
Telephone Number(s) / Home:
Previous Address & Post Code if applicable
TS / BTF Race Licence No
Do you have a SQA Scottish Candidate Number – SCN? (✓) / Yes
(please fill out below if SCN is known) / No
Scottish Candidate Number (SCN = 9 digit)
In your coaching capacity are you (please tick) / Paid / Full Time / Part Time / Volunteer
Scottish Candidate Numbers (SCNs) are allocated to candidates by SQA. This number is a unique candidate identifier and is required for SQA registration and entry purposes. If you think that you have previously been allocated a SCN by the SQA, this 9 digit number will appear on any SQA Certificates you may hold. If you cannot find your certificates, your SCN can be checked for you (using your name, date of birth and address) by calling the SQA Customer Contact Centre on 0845 279 1000. Please inform the programme co-ordinator as soon as possible once your SCN becomes known to you.
Name of your most recent training provider of SQA qualifications (eg Secondary School, College, University, S/NGB, Employer, None)
About You – Please provide as much details as possible
Current Club
Please details the level of coaching you currently provide?
Do you have plans to use the qualification to lead coaching sessions within your club?
What other coaching qualifications do you have?
Is this application part of a club/organisation development plan? If so, please provide the name of who has endorsed your application?
Triathlonscotland is strongly committed to the promotion of equality and diversity in its employment practices, and to making its services as accessible as possible. As part of our work to achieve these goals, we need to collect data on the equality profile of coaches. This will help us to identify any areas of under-representation which might indicate barriers or inequalities. In turn, this will assist us to identify actions required to make our organisation and services more equitable.
The information you provide will be handled in strictest confidence and will only be used for statistical monitoring purposes.It will not be possible to identify you from any reports produced. You are not obliged to answer these questions. However, we hope that you will understand the reasons for collecting this data, and the benefits this will have for triathlon in Scotland. Thank you for your cooperation.
Director of Equity
Triathlon Scotland
GenderWhat is your gender identity? / Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were originally assigned at birth?
Female / / Yes /
Male / / No /
Other gender identity / / Prefer not to answer /
Prefer not to answer /
Disability-Do you consider yourself to be disabled? Yes No Prefer not to answer
If ‘yes’, please indicate what type of disability you have in the boxes below.
Blindness or partial sight loss / / Physical Disability /
Deafness or partial hearding loss / / Long Standing illness, disease or condition /
Learning Disability (e.g. Down’s Syndrome) / / Developmental Disorder (e.g. Asperger’s Syndrome) /
Learning Difficulty (e.g. dyslexia) / / Prefer not to disclose /
Mental Health Condition / / Other type of disability, please specify /
Ethnicity – What is your ethnic group?
White / Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
Scottish / / Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British /
Other British / / Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British /
Irish / / Banladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British /
Gypsy/traveller / / Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British /
Polish / / Other, please specify……………………… /
Other white ethnic group
Please specific…………… /
Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups / / Caribbean or Black
Please specify…………… / Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British /
Black, Black Scottish or Black British /
African / Other, please specify………………………
African, African Scottish or African British /
Other, please specify…………………….. / / Other Ethnic Group
Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British /
Other, please specify
Prefer not to answer /
Caring Responsibilities - Do you have caring responsibilities (i.e. are you the primary caregiver to a child or children, or other dependents including disabled, elderly or sick adults)?
Yes / / NO / / Prefer not to answer /
Sexual Orientation – What is your sexual orientation?
Bisexual / / Gay Man /
Gay Woman/Lesbian / / Heterosexual/Straight /
Other / / Prefer not to answer /
Religion or Belief – How would you define your religion or belief system?
None / / Jewish /
Church of Scotland / / Hindu /
Roman Catholic / / Another Religion, please specify /
Other Christian, please specify / / Another Belief System, please specify /
Muslim / / No religion or belief /
Buddhist / / Prefer not to answer /
Sikh /
20years or younger / / 51 – 60 /
21 – 30 / / 61 years or over /
31 – 40 / / Prefer not to answer /
41 – 50 /