Year 8 Physical Education
Independent Learning Challenge
The Year 8 Physical Education Independent Learning Challenge involves pupils taking part in a minimum of 5 hours of organised sport. This can be more if you want it to! There will be a reward for students who complete the most hours at sports clubs.
Here are some examples of what you could do:
· Train with a local sports team.
· Play competitive matches for a local sports team.
· Attend any of the extra curricular sports clubs which the school offer.
· It can also include, Dance, Swimming or any other sport clubs which are organised and don’t just involve yourself and your friends.
Things like going to the park with your friends and your normal PE lessons do not count towards your 5 hours.
What I need to do
Complete the table on page 5:
1. The name of the activity you have done (for example Tennis).
2. How long you spent doing it that day (for example 1 hour).
3. Mark on a scale of 1-10 how hard you worked (1 means you didn’t work very hard, 10 means you worked as hard as you could).
4. Ask the coach/teacher/organiser to sign the box to say you were there.
Turn to the next page to view a list of local clubs you may want to get involved with! – see the PE department for more details about any of the clubs
List of Local Clubs
Bromsgrove cricket club
01527 878252 /Bromsgrove tennis club
01527 547623 /Bromsgrove rugby club
01527 874690 /Woodrush rugby club
07751 128466 /Chaddesley Corbett Ladies RFC
07751 128466 /Redditch Youth Fencers
07507636685 /Bromsgrove Rovers Youth F.C
07900 165280 /Meadow Park girls F.C
O7883094913 /Callowbrook Swifts F.C
07890 693698 /Bromsgrove swimming club
01527 574339 /Bromsgrove Tae Kwon Do
07989980155 /Rubery Tae Kwon Do
07547 713221 /Rubery Karate club
07944 537515 /Bromsgrove Golf club
01527 575886 /Licky Hills Golf club
0121 453 3159 /Bromsgrove gymnastics club
07540 671196 /Ryland Centre Netball club
01527 832359 /Basketball- Bromsgrove Bears
0790 6402636 /Bromsgrove Blaze Basketball Club
01527 831942 /Rubery Badminton Club
01527 881356 /Diary Fill this in for the activities you have chosen
Name of activity / Time Spent on the activity / Description / Scale of how hard you worked 1-10 / Coaches/Organiser’s signatureE.G. Swimming Club / 1 hour / Bromsgrove Swimming Training / 8 / Mr Blount