Name of person, entity or company tendering: (USE BLOCK LETTERS)
Of (address):
Hereby tender(s) to perform the work described within RFTTourism Marketing Services.
The work is to be carried out for the lump sum of $...... including GST.
If the tenderer is an entity or company the full name and capacity of the authorised representative must be stated here (this representative must sign for the Tenderer where indicated):
Contact Details
The Tenderer acknowledge receipt of the following Addenda:
B.1. Lump Sum Price Breakdown
(To be submitted with tender)
The Tenderer shall complete the schedule by inserting in the right hand columns the tendered amounts for the items of work. The quantities in this schedule are estimated & indicative only and are not to be taken as exact, actual or contractual quantities of work to be carried out. Consultants should verify quantities from the drawings, specification and site measurement.Consultants are not to change the format or itemisation of the breakdown of lump sum schedule. The items, quantities, prices and amounts in this schedule may be used for Tender assessment and progress payments purposes at the sole discretion of the Principal. The prices shall include for all overhead, profit, supervision, administration, preliminaries, labour, materials, consumables, sub-contractors, suppliers and all and any other margins, allowances, costs and expenditures necessary to carry out and complete the Services. The sum of the priced items shall equal the total lump sum amount. If no rate or $ sum is allocated against any line item it shall be deemed allocated within other line items and included in the total lump sum amount unless specifically and explicitly indicated as not included in the lump sum. All amounts shall include GST.
Item / Breakdown of lump sum items / Lump sum price $1 / General administration, contract management, planning, reporting and wages
2 / Office expenses
3 / Marketing services, campaigns, digital activities
4 / Events and industry development
5 / Visitor Information Centres[1] (VICs) – administrative management
6 / Regional engagement, advocacy
7 / Visitor Information Centres – budget pass through / $99,000
TENDER TOTAL (including GST)
B.2. Rates for Variations
(To be submitted with tender)
The Tenderer shall complete the schedule by providing rates for the items listed. These rates are only to apply if additional Services to the lump sum scope of work are required under the Contract. No additions or variations shall be recognised or payment for variation to the scope of work made unless addition or variation is formally approved by the Principal and written instructions issued. The tendered rates shall include for all overhead, profit, supervision, administration, preliminaries, labour, materials, consumables, sub-contractors, suppliers and all and any other margins, allowances, costs and expenditures necessary to carry out and complete the work. All items shall include GST.
Item / Schedule of rates for variations / Unit / Rate1
B.3. Schedule of Key Contract Staff
(To be submitted with tender)
The tenderer shall provide the names of key staff to be assigned to the Contract (reproduce this schedule as required to detail all proposed key staff).
Key Contract Staff Member 1Name:
Est. time commitment: / ____ hours per week
Years of experience:
Role and responsibilities for this project:
Key Contract Staff Member 2
Est. time commitment: / ____ hours per week
Years of experience:
Role and responsibilities for this project:
Key Contract Staff Member 3
Est. time commitment: / ____ hours per week
Years of experience:
Role and responsibilities for this project:
The Tenderer confirms that the above staff shall be used for the Contract if this offer is accepted, unless approved otherwise in writing by Council.
B.4. Proposed Methodology
(To be submitted with tender)
The Tenderer shall provide herein an outline of the proposed methodology for the Services which delivers on the overall objective and key deliverables as defined in the attachment Tourism Marketing Services – Technical Services Brief. A detailed methodology shall be appended to / incorporated within the Tenderer’s submission.
Item / DescriptionFocus Area 1: / Focus Area 1: Update and delivery of a Sapphire Coast Destination Marketing Plan (SCDMP)
Focus Area 2: / Support for the Shire’s four Visitor Information Centres (VICs)
Focus Area 3: / Leveraged Funding Opportunities
Focus Area 4: / Transparent Management and Relationships
B.5. A. Schedule of Consultants, Subcontractors & Major Suppliers
(To be submitted with tender)
The Tenderer is instructed to detail below of all proposed consultants, subcontractors and major suppliers which the Tenderer proposes to use to execute the Services under the terms of this Contract.
Consultant, Subcontractors & Major SuppliersName / Company / Qualifications / Role / Years of experience / Local? (Y/N)
B.5.B. Recognition of local outcomes
(To be submitted with tender)
The Tenderer shall provide a statement with respect to how they shall, if successful, recognise local outcomes including demonstration of support for local business and community enterprise through delivery of the Services.
DescriptionB.6. Tender Program
(To be submitted with tender)
The Tenderer shall submit a program in Gantt chart format for the Services(preferably using MSProject) including start and finish dates for all tasks, major interdependencies, milestones, hold points and other activities which the Tenderer considers to be critical for the Services.
External dependencies such as provision of access, approvals, material supply by others, decision points by the Principal and other stakeholders must also be identified in the program. The program shall make due allowance for annual/ public holidays and necessary approvals and certification.
During the Tender evaluation period Council may require the Tenderer to develop the program further to demonstrate the Tenderer's ability to comply with the program, meet the dates as indicated and/or deal with constraints imposed by others.
The Tenderer shall indicate on the tendered program the following key dates, milestones and constraints as a minimum:
- Start and completion dates;
- Overall sequence of activities and links between activities;
- Important milestones;
- Decision &/or hold points; and
The program shall also include items for submission of required project specific plans/documentation (within 14 days of the letter of acceptance) as key milestones in the preliminary program, including:
- Servicesprogram (the updated tendered program, approved & confirmed);
- Proof of insurances;
The Tenderer confirms that the program submitted with the Tender shall be used as the basis for a detailed Services Program which shall be presented in Gantt Chart form within 14 days of letter of acceptance. The logic, sequences, activities, tasks, events, dates and durationsin the tendered program shall be incorporated in the Services program unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Principal.
B.7. Schedule of Work Health and Safety
(To be submitted with tender)
Bega Valley Shire Council has engaged the services of BNG Contractor Service Pty Ltd to manage Councils Contractor compliance process, details are available at Note that all contractors carrying out work for Council must be registered and accredited within this BNG system prior to commencing work.
Item / Yes / NoIs the Tendering entity accredited with BNG?
Have there been any WH&S reportable and/or LTI incidents in the last 3 years?
If so, please provide details.
Is there a written company Work Health & Safety (WHS) policy? (If yes, provide a copy of policy).
Is there a company WHS Manual? (If yes, provide copy of contents page).
At an organisational level, are WHS responsibilities clearly identified for all levels of staff? (If yes, provide details).
Has the company prepared safe working procedures for all of its operational activities? (If yes, please provide a summary listing of procedures or instructions).
Has the company an incident investigation procedure? (If yes, provide a copy of a standard incident report form).
Are there procedures for maintaining, inspecting and assessing the hazards of plant operated/owned by the company? (If yes, provide details).
Has the Company ever been convicted of a WHS offence? (If yes, provide details).
Declaration of accuracy:
By signing this Tender schedule on behalf of the Tenderer I confirm that I am authorised to provide the required information and to my knowledge is an accurate description of the Tenderer’s work health and safety management system
B.8. Schedule of Similar Services and Tenderer’s References
(To be submitted with tender)
The Tenderer shall provide, as a minimum the following information for at least three (3)recentprojects / services withreferences to demonstrate their experience in the execution of work similar to that included in this RFT.The Tenderer mayalso provide additional information to demonstrate capabilities and experience specifically relevant to the Services under this Contract in schedule 20.
Example 1Project / service name or Reference:
Client contact:
Phone no.:
Contract value:
Duration & completion date:
Description of work:
Example 2
Project / service name or reference:
Client contact:
Phone no.:
Contract value:
Duration & completion date:
Description of work:
Example 3
Project / service name or reference:
Client contact:
Phone no.:
Contract value:
Duration & completion date:
Description of work:
B.9. Schedule of Tenderer’s Financial Position
(To be submitted with tender)
Provide current, up to date information. Thefollowing may be approached for information by the Principal when assessing the Tender, to confirm bona fides.
Name and address of Tenderer's bank:
Full nameStreet or PO
Town/Locality / State / Postcode
Phone / Fax no.
Mobile / Email
Name and address of Tenderer's accountant:
Full nameStreet or PO
Town/Locality / State / Postcode
Phone / Fax no.
Mobile / Email
Tenderer's statement:
The Tenderer confirms that if requested by the Principal they shall supply sufficient information to demonstrate financial capacity to undertake the Services.
B.10. Schedule of Tenderer’s Current Workload
(To be submitted with tender)
List the four largest current projects / services your company is engaged in or committed to.
Project 1Project / service name or reference:
Client contact:
Phone no.:
Contract value:
Duration & completion date:
Description of work:
Project 2
Project / service name or reference:
Client contact:
Phone no.:
Contract Value:
Duration & Completion Date:
Description of Work:
Project 3
Project / Service Name or Reference:
Client Contact:
Phone No.:
Contract Value:
Duration & Completion Date:
Description of Work:
Project 4
Project / Service Name or Reference:
Client Contact:
Phone No.:
Contract Value:
Duration & Completion Date:
Description of Work:
B.11. Schedule of Additional Information
The Tenderer mayprovide additional data, project / services descriptions, capability statements or other information to demonstrate capabilities and experience specifically relevant to the Services under this Contract.
[1]$90,000 plus GST is required to be passed through to the Visitor Information Centres (VICs). The role of the Tourism Marketing Services contractor is to support the role of the VICs through the administering of this funding and providing direction in terms of overall destination management.