4.4.4 Visual Arts (one of two art forms)
Each art form will carry a 50% weighting
Suggested programme of assessment: Grade 7 Visual Arts
TERM 1 / TERM 2 / TERM 3 / TERM 4 / TOTAL MARKSPractical:
Create in 3D earthenware figures (or any other medium – the focus is on a 3D experience)
10 marks / Practical:
Create in 2D: drawing.
10 marks
Written test:
Investigation of local crafter
10 marks / Practical:
Create in 2D: collage of building as heritage
10 marks / Practical Examination:
Create in 2D: life drawing and painting
40 marks
Written Examination:
Reflection , art elements and design principals
20 marks
10 marks / 20 marks / 10 marks / 60 marks / 100 marks
Suggested programme of assessment: Grade 8 Visual Arts
TERM 1 / TERM 2 / TERM 3 / TERM 4 / TOTAL MARKSPractical:
Create in 3D:
mythological container
10 marks / Practical:
Create in 2D: drawing: personal comment on societal issue
10 marks
Written test:
Visual Literacy: Careers in the arts
10 marks / Practical:
Create in 2D: a mandala
of mythological symbols- choose a culture or combinations
10 marks / Practical Examination:
Create in 2D: scraperboard
40 marks
Written Examination:
Give example(s) of scraperboard and askquestions to lead learners to reflect by using art elements and design principles
20 marks
10 marks / 20 marks / 10 marks / 60 marks / 100 marks
Suggested programme of assessment: Grade 9 Visual Arts
TERM 1 / TERM 2 / TERM 3 / TERM 4 / TOTAL MARKSPractical:
Create in 3D: Marquette for SA public space
10 marks / Practical:
Create in 2D: drawing:
10 marks
Written test:
The role of the artist in global society
10 marks / Practical:
Create in 2D: personal example of popular culture
10 marks / Practical Examination:
Life drawing
40 marks
Written Examination:
Give example(s) of drawings with different styles and compare them, using art elements and design principles- terminology
20 marks
10 marks / 20 marks / 10 marks / 60 marks / 100 marks
4.4.4 Visuele Kunste (een van twee kunsvorms)
Elke kunsvorm dra ‘n 50% gewigstoekenning
Voorgestelde assesseringsprogram: Graad 7 Visuele Kunste
Skep in 3D: erdeware figure (of enige ander medium – dit gaan oor die 3D ervaring)
10 punte / Prakties:
Skep in 2D: teken.
10 punte
Geskrewe toets:
Navorsing oor ‘n plaaslike handwerkkuns-tenaar
10 punte / Prakties:
Skep in 2D: collage van geboue as erfenis
10 punte / Praktiese Eksamen:
Skep in 2D: figuurtekening en skilder
40 punte
Geskrewe Eksamen:
Besinning, kunselemente en ontwerpbeginsels
20 punte
10 punte / 20 punte / 10 punte / 60 punte / 100 punte
Voorgestelde assesseringsprogram: Graad 8 Visuele Kunste
Skep 3D:
Mitologiese houer
10 punte / Prakties:
Skep in 2D: teken: persoonlike kommentaar oor ‘n sosiale kwessie
10 punte
Geskrewe toets:
Visuele geletterdheid: loopbane in die kunste
10 punte / Prakties:
Skep in 2D: ‘n mandala van mitologiese simbole –kies ‘n kultuur of kombinasies
10 punte / Praktiese Eksamen:
Skep in 2D: skraapbord
40 punte
Geskrewe Eksamen:
Gee voorbeeld(e) van skraapbord en vra vrae om die leerders te help om ‘n besinning te skryf deur kuns elemente en ontwerp beginsels te gebruik
20 punte
10 punte / 20 punte / 10 punte / 60 punte / 100 punte
Voorgestelde assesseringsprogram: Graad 9 Visuele Kunste
Skep in 3D: Markette vir die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek
10 punte / Prakties:
Skep in 2D: Teken:
10 punte
Geskrewe toets:
Die rol van die kunstenaar in globale samelewing
10 punte / Prakties:
Skep in 2D: persoonlike voorbeeld van populêre kultuur
10 punte / Praktiese Eksamen:
40 punte
Geskrewe Eksamen:
Gee voorbeelde van tekeninge met verskillende style en vergelyk hulle, gebruik kunselemente en ontwerp beginsels- terminologie
20 punte
10 punte / 20 punte / 10 punte / 60 punte / 100 punte