Tantramar 2040 Steering Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
Memramcook Village Office
Guy Gautreau – Village of Memramcook
Grant MacDonald – Village of Dorchester
Val MacDermid – Village of Port Elgin
Adrice LeBlanc – Village of Memramcook
Sébastien Doiron – Beaubassin Planning Commission
Tracey Wade – Tantramar Planning District Commission
Roland Chiasson – Chair of EOS Eco-Energy
Katie Friars – EOS
Timothy Bancroft – EOS
Bob Berry – Town of Sackville
Amanda Feindel – Greater Sackville Chamber of Commerce
Patsy Chamberlain – Enterprise South East
Rebecca Knockwood – Fort Folly First Nation
19:09–Welcome and Introductions
19:10 –Brief Overview for New Steering Committee Members
Katie briefly reviewed background information about the Tantramar 2040 initiative, funding sources, the workplan and terms of reference for the steering committee (SC).
Since the first meeting, the SC decided to name the initiative: Tantramar 2040.
19:15–Defining Sustainability
Tracey reviewed the principles of sustainability (environment, economy, socio-culture), and Katie presented a series definitions that are being used for sustainability plans across the country. The SC agreed on the meaning of the word ‘sustainability’.
19:19 –Mission Statement
Katie presented the idea of using a mission statement rather than a vision statement to guide this process, since it would include the principles of sustainability, the participative nature of our approach, and it would be action-based. The steering committee agreed.
Tracey discussed three possible mission statements with the SC. Based on feedback from SC members, EOS and TPDC will wordsmith the mission statement and distribute it by email for approval/ further revisions from the SC.
19:34 –Budget
Katie reviewed the budget that was approved for funding.
19:39 – Communications Plan
Katie presented the communications plan. Guy asked about a francophone contact. Katie will be the primary media contact, and Guy will be a secondary contact for Francophone newspapers.
Youth component ideas: involve the EcoAction student group at Mount Allison, public service announcements, contest for the best workshop advertisement.
Include information on the Rogers and Eastlink community section.
19:57 –Website
Tantramar Interactive was contracted to design the website and logo for Tantramar 2040. Katie presented the design.
Revisions include adding: a map of the region, suggestion box, gallery for photos, and links to the Memramcook Green Plan and the Dorchester website.
20:08 –Press
So far, two papers have picked up stories about the launch of Tantramar 2040.
Guy suggested inviting television stations to the first workshop.
20:09 –Regional Profile
Tim presented some of the topics that will be included in the profile, using stats from various sources. Tim also made links between the issues and opportunities for the region.
20:15–Local Service District Representative
In the press release to launch the Tantramar 2040 initiative, there was a call for an LSD rep. Thus far, no one has expressed an interest in taking this position on the steering committee; however, Val knows someone who may be interested and will contact him before the next SC meeting.
20:16–Tantramar 2040: Issues and Opportunities workshop
Tracey presented the concept for the first workshop. SC members will distribute workshop information to their network and encourage participation.
20:27–Workshop 2
Tentative date: Tuesday, November 16th(evening)
20:31–Next Meeting
Next Steering Committee Meeting: September 21st at 7:00pm in Dorchester area. Katie will confirm the location.
20:34– Meeting Adjourned