Creative / Artistic Programme Awards

Call for Expressions of Interest

Closing Date: Monday 29th September at 12.00 noon


The Western Development Commission on behalf of the Steering Group for Yeats 2015 invites artist(s)/creativeindividuals/organisations to express their interest in applying for funding to develop creative, artistic, innovative and contemporaryprogramme elements which will form part of the national celebration of W.B. Yeats in 2015.

Yeats 2015

W.B. Yeats is a poet and writer of world renown. His Nobel Prize, won in 1923, was awarded for his “always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation.” Although he was born in the 19th century, Yeats’ works continue to speak to a modern audience and his influence on the literary world continues to be significant.

Yeats 2015 is intended to be a year-long national and international celebration of the life and works of the Nobel Prize winning poet William Butler Yeats, run in 2015. It will mark 150 years since his birth on June 13th 1865. Institutions and organisations from around Ireland and the world are intended to partner with Yeats 2015 to celebrate this important event. Initial discussions with key stakeholders have yielded a strong level of support. Yeats 2015 will offer a diverse and rewarding series of events to acknowledge and celebrate the range and depth of his work.

In November 2013 the Government under the auspices of the Department of Arts Heritage and the Gaeltacht set up a Yeats 2015 Steering Group chaired by Senator Susan O’Keeffe, in order to prepare a plan and implement the Yeats 2015 programme.

In May 2014 the Government formally announced that Yeats 2015 formed part of the national decade of commemoration initiative and as such would be the chosen emphasis for 2015 Subsequently on Yeats’ Day June 13th - Jimmy Deenihan TD, former Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, formally launched the Yeats 2015 initiative.

Yeats 2015 Vision

Yeats 2015 will celebrate and commemorate the life, work, influence and achievements of W.B. Yeats. Through an engaging, celebratory and cultural programme, it will showcase Ireland as a dynamic and creative place.

The aims of Yeats 2015 are to;

  • Honour W.B. Yeats as a literary great and celebrate his inspirational works;
  • Create a layered message of Yeats and Place, Yeats is Now, Yeats and Ireland
  • Provide a mechanism by which Yeats can be reignited in the minds of Irish citizens
  • Develop the potential of Yeats’ global reach through international partners
  • Engage in innovative ways through his works for new and existing audiences and especially through cross-disciplinary arts practice
  • Position Ireland as a cultural and creative location for contemporary artistic practice
  • Have the potential to create a tangible legacy of the poet beyond the year of celebration
  • Create a sense of place for Yeats in Sligo, Dublin, Galway and London

Programme Awards

The WDC acting on behalf of the Yeats 2015 Steering Group presents this call for expressions of interest from artist(s)/creative individuals/organisationsto express their interest in applying for funding to develop programme elements which will make up part of the national celebration of W.B. Yeats in 2015 on behalf of the State.

This call is a competitive process with a limited project fund. Project proposers should note the following:

  1. Projects should be match-funded[1] to a level of 25% of the total project cost (inclusive of vat).
  2. Projects should not exceed €25,000 inclusive of vat (to include the matched-funding element).
  3. Where possible, projects should reflect contemporary artistic practice, multiple arts forms, collaborative practice and/or innovative design and delivery.
  4. De Minimis State Aid – Yeats 2015 is funded via the Department of Arts and as such grants awarded are classed as de minimus state aid. Grantees under this programme must comply with all conditions in relation to de Minimis State aid.[2]
  5. Project proposers may only make one application for project funding under the Yeats 2015 Programme Awards.

Application Process

  1. Project proposers are requested to use this application form for their submission.
  2. Closing date for completed applications is: Monday 29th September 2014 at 12 noon
  3. Queries relating to this call should be emailed to:by 17:00 hours on Thursday 18thSeptember 2014. Queries will not be handled by telephone.
  4. Queries will be responded to by email by close of play on Friday 19thSeptember 2014.
  5. Applications should be presented in Word or PDF format using this application template and should be sent by email to
  6. Applicants may provide supporting documentation (where appropriate) to support their application. All additional supporting documentation should reach the WDC by the closing time and date.
  7. Successful projects/project proposers will be notified with a Letter of Offerby Friday 10th October 2014

Evaluation of proposals

Eligible applications will be competitively assessed by a panel of experts in the literary, artistic, cultural, financial and project management fields. All applications received within the timeframe of this call for Expression of Interest will be evaluated on the basis of their:

  1. Artistic and cultural merit
  2. Relevance to the aims of Yeats 2015
  3. Benefit to the overall Yeats 2015 programme
  4. Anticipated audiences (including volume and audience segments)
  5. Timing and location of proposed activity
  6. Potential for international reach
  7. Technical competence of the team / ability to deliver
  8. Potential for legacy impact beyond the year of celebration
  9. Overall value for money and evidence of matched-funding

Please ensure that you read this form fully and complete all sections, as incomplete applications will not be processed.

Remember to:

  • Label all supporting material submitted (where appropriate).
  • Include a stamped addressed envelope for safe return of submitted material if appropriate.
  • Allow sufficient time for delivery of any supporting material before the closing date and time.

Application Form: Yeats 2015 Creative / Artistic Award

Organisation Details

Organisation / Individual Name:
Contact name:
Mobile(Project Lead):

How would you describe your proposed artistic/creative project? (Tick all that apply)

Single performance event
Touring event
Multiple performance event
Collaborative Project
Other (e.g. sculpture, book)

Give details:

Which art form does your project primarily involve?

Literature / Poetry
Music / Opera
Visual Arts
Traditional Arts
Community Arts
Multidisciplinary Arts (list main art forms involved)

Project Overview

Project Name
Project Summary / Please provide a summary of your proposed project (max 200 words)

Please provide details of the proposed project team and their role in the development and delivery of your project

Project Lead
Project Team
Name / Role
Name / Role
Name / Role
Name / Role
Name / Role
Project Dates
Project Location

Please providea detailed description of your project(Max 1,000 words)

Ensure your project responds to the criteria for evaluation of project / programme proposals outlined on page two of this application.

Describe how your project will enhance the Yeats 2015 programmeand how it aligns with the aims of Yeats 2015

Budget Information

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of your proposal, itemising expenditure in detail and stating all income, including Arts Council or any other funding, which may contribute to your proposal.

Expenditure may include artist fees, costs of undertaking creative research, overheads and direct administration costs, travel and subsistence.

Expenditure should notinclude equipment costs or costs associated with auditing etc.

Note: Income should equal expenditure

INCOME / € / € Confirmed (please tick)
Private Income(e.g. own resources, donations etc.)
Earned Income(e.g. ticket sales etc.)
In-kind Income(e.g. value of services given to you free)
Other Income(give details, other funding awards, organisations, trusts, etc.)
Amount requested from Yeats 2015
EXPENDITURE/ Estimated Total Costs
(Please itemise in detail. Some headings may not apply to your proposed project activity, please mark ‘Not Applicable’ N/A) / Subtotals

Project Cost(please provide breakdown of costs)
Overheads /Administration Costs
Travel Expenses
Material Costs
Other Costs
Marketing / Publicity of Proposed Activity

Supporting Documentation

Label all material with: a Number, Year, Title, Medium, Dimensions, as appropriate to your discipline.

Clearly identify music or film tracks, or create a disc with a short selection of your / organisation’s work. Presentation in chronological order is advised with more recent work first.

Year / Title / medium / Dimension

Return of enclosed material

I wish to have material returned YesNo

I enclose a stamped addressed envelope YesNo

Declaration of Acceptance

I have read the conditions applying tothis Award programme. The information I have supplied is correct to the best to my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this programme.

Organisation Name:
Print name:
Completed application forms should be emailed to: on or before the closing date. Address line should read: Yeats 2015 Regional Programme Awards Application followed by the individual/organisation’s name.
Closing date for receipt of completed applications is:
Monday 29th September 2014 at 12 noon
Please note that faxed or late applications will not be accepted.

[1]Matched-funding in this instance may include funds from an organisation’s own resources

[2]There is a ceiling of €200,000 for all de Minimis aid, regardless of the source, given to any one enterprise (including groups) over a 3 year period, regardless of size or location. If you are unsure if you have received de Minimis funding in the last three years, you should check the letter you received from the relevant state body when the funding was awarded, e.g. Enterprise Ireland, Leader. All funding bodies are required to highlight whether the grant in question qualifies as de Minimis state aid.