DATE: September 4,2017 following the M-1 Garand Match (approximately 1pm).
LOCATION: Eau Claire, WI fromHWY “53” exit North Crossing follow HWY “Q” east 4 ½ miles to
HWY “L” South 1 mile to HWY” QQ” east 1 mile to range.
Address: 8768 North Shore DriveEau Claire, WI.54703
ELIGIBILITY: Must be 14 years of age or older and a citizen of the United States, The Eau Claire National Rifle Club reserves the right to accept or reject any entry.
RULES: CMP rules will govern throughout, Rifles allowed M1A, M-1, M1903 Springfield,
M1917 Enfield in 30.06 cal, a limited number of club M-1 rifles will be available.
AMMUNITION: 30.06 ball or 30.06 Match ammo will be available. Furnish their own ammo.
TARGETS: The 300yd SR3 target will be used. Competitors will be required to score & pull targets.
MATCH SCHEDULE: Following the M-1 Garand Match (approximately 1pm). CMP Course A at 300yds
Prone Slow Fire 5 sighters 10 shots for record time limit 15 minutes.
Prone Rapid Fire 1-10 shot string time limit 70 seconds
Standing Slow Fire 10 shots time limit 10 minutes.
AWARDS: Match Winner, 1st Trophies
ENTRY FEE: $25.00 for those shooting 30.06 ball ammo (furnished)
$40.00 for those shooting 30.06 L.C. match ammo (furnished).
$15.00 for those wishing to bring and shoot there own 308 ammo.
Range Capacity 3 relays 60 shooters.
MAIL ENTRIES TO: James Melville 4532 160th St. Chippewa Falls, WI. 54729
Phone: 715-450-6463 E-Mail ( Prefer E-Mail for info.)
ENTRY FORM M1A MATCH September 4, 2017
NEEDING TO USE A CLUB M1 RIFLE_____Amount Pd______
Refunds will be made if notified 24 hrs prior to match.
______$15.00 Your own ammo
______$25.00 shooting 30.06 ball ammo
______$40.00 shooting 30.06 L.C. Match ammo